
Peerless Dragon

Qi Dantian, a man of leisure, ruled a prison, imprisoning thousands of powerful figures. Until his fiancée, already a two-star general, casually tore up their marriage contract, he realized... that the world would dance to his tune when he stepped out of this corner.

jodex · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 15: Picking Up a Bargain

"How did you know that Zhang's Group is internally bankrupt, and that this time they are preparing to run away with the money by increasing their shares?"

Li Yunwan stood in front of Qi Denglxian, blocking his path, and asked.

Qi Denglxian said expressionlessly, "I've explained it once before, and I don't want to say it again. I think you're not deaf!"

These words angered Li Yunwan, making her roll her eyes. This guy's words were really infuriating.

Usually, when men saw her, they would be polite and gentlemanly.

"I believe your words. So, I've decided to take back the ten million I used to buy Zhang's Group's shares!" Li Yunwan suddenly smiled and said.

Her words directly stunned Qi Denglxian. He thought this woman would say something to mock him, but she unexpectedly said she believed him?

He frowned and said, "Suit yourself."

Li Yunwan said, "Would you bear to see the Qiao family lose such a huge sum of money because of Zhang's Group?"

Qi Denglxian said, "They don't believe me, no matter what I say is useless. I'm curious, why do you believe me?"

"I've been observing you all along, including today, when you lied to take credit for Zhang Shaojie, I actually wanted to see your performance, to see if you are a man with a big heart."

"After careful observation, I think you're not a man who is particularly ambitious, and you wouldn't deliberately brag to get attention."

"So, they don't believe you, but I do!"

Li Yunwan walked beside Qi Denglxian, smiling sweetly. Her pair of beautiful black silk legs moved rhythmically, and the sound of her high heels clicking on the ground was crisp and pleasant.

Qi Denglxian was surprised and frowned slightly.

Li Yunwan took the opportunity to get closer to him, and said with a smile, "Qi sir, what I said is true, absolutely true, not a single lie! I believe you, why don't you believe me?"

Qi Denglxian's expression was cold, and he said, "They don't believe my words, you go back and persuade them, let them withdraw their investment. Otherwise, if Zhang's Real Estate really runs away with the money, I can't do anything about it!"

Li Yunwan nodded: "I'll find an opportunity to talk to Mengmeng about this, don't worry."

"Are you free tomorrow? I want to invite you for tea." Li Yunwan changed the subject and said with a smile.

"Hmm?" Qi Denglxian didn't know what this woman had in mind.

She probably wanted to set another trap for him, then make him look bad, so that he would divorce Qiao Qiumei, right?

"Just tell me yes or no!" Li Yunwan leaned closer, and put her arm around Qi Denglxian's.

Qi Denglxian, who had never been so intimate with a woman, felt his arm sink into a sea of mud, soft and comfortable.

However, he wasn't the kind of man who was blinded by lust. He immediately pulled his arm back and said coldly, "Thanks, I'm not interested!"

Li Yunwan's face immediately fell. This was the first time in her life that she had actively invited a man on a date, but she was rejected so decisively?!

"Hmph, you really don't know a good thing when you see it!" Li Yunwan couldn't help but grumble, feeling a little suffocated.

"..." Qi Denglxian silently raised his hand to hail a taxi.

Li Yunwan said, "Hey, I'm Mengmeng's best friend, you want to get along well with her, you have to get past me first! With this attitude, do you think I'll help you speak?"

Qi Denglxian calmly said, "She doesn't like me, I know that very well. A forced melon is not sweet. I married her because of our parents' request! I don't have any ulterior motives towards her. I'll just silently protect her, and wait until this destined relationship ends."

After saying this, Qi Denglxian stopped a taxi and said to the driver, "Master, Yun Ding Mountain Villa, please."

Li Yunwan was about to chase after him to ask about his situation at the Heaven and Earth Grand Hotel today, but after hearing these words, she was stunned.

"Yun Ding Mountain Villa?!" Li Yunwan was shocked.

Yun Ding Mountain Villa is the most luxurious residential area in the entire Haizhong area. The people who live there are either tycoons or powerful figures, and many villas are even vacant. Only during holidays do those big shots occasionally stay there for a while.

This guy, Qi Denglxian, actually lives in a place like Yun Ding Mountain Villa?


He's just a prison guard, how could he afford to live in a villa in Yun Ding Mountain Villa?

Before she could come to her senses, the taxi Qi Denglxian was riding had already disappeared.

Li Yunwan stood there in a daze for a long time before she came back to her senses. Then she smiled slightly and said, "Well, Mengmeng, you heard that, this guy isn't interested in you!"

"And, you don't like him either."

After muttering these words to herself, a sly smile appeared on Li Yunwan's face.

"No wonder even the richest tycoons like to go to antique markets to pick up bargains, it turns out that picking up bargains is such a fun thing!" Li Yunwan thought to herself, and got into her own car with a cheerful step.

Qi Denglxian returned to Yun Ding Tian Gong Villa and lay down directly in the bedroom.

Not long after, he heard the doorbell ring.

Through the electronic eye monitor, he saw that the person standing outside was Yu Xiaolong.

Yu Xiaolong was in military uniform, his face serious, and he kept pressing the doorbell.

"This woman is crazy! She's come all the way here to harass me?!" Qi Denglxian was annoyed. This was the first time he had the thought of hanging a woman on a clothesline and letting her bake in the sun for three days.

Seeing that there was no response for a long time, Yu Xiaolong said in a deep voice: "Eternal Night King, Mr. Chu Wu Dao! I know you live here, and I also know that you are inside right now."

After hearing this, Qi Denglxian breathed a sigh of relief. This crazy woman wasn't looking for him, she was looking for that little guy, Chu Wu Dao.

"I am Yu Xiaolong, a lieutenant general of China's Black Dragon Army. I have admired you for a long time! And, I also know that the four great kings under the Terror King were dealt with by you. So, I would like to meet with you personally and thank you!" Yu Xiaolong said solemnly.

Qi Denglxian didn't bother to pay attention, he directly blocked the electronic eye and doorbell, and went back to bed to continue sleeping.

Yu Xiaolong continued: "I know your previous experiences were very painful, but it's all over now. China needs people like you. I hope you can consider it carefully!"

Qi Denglxian had already fallen asleep peacefully, breathing evenly.

Yu Xiaolong stood outside for another five minutes, but still received no response. She sighed and put down her business card.

"Mr. Chu, this is my business card. I hope you can contact me!" Yu Xiaolong said.

After saying this, she turned and left, but there was still an undisguised excitement on her face.

She had just found out who the owner of this villa was, and the result surprised her.

No wonder the other party could easily take down the Terror King's four top subordinates!

"I didn't expect that the person living here is actually the king of China's underground world, the Eternal Night King, Chu Wu Dao!"

"If I can persuade him to come out of hiding, then I will definitely be able to accomplish more great things!"

She didn't know that the villa had changed hands. The person living inside was just a small prison guard whom she looked down upon.