
Peerless Dragon

Qi Dantian, a man of leisure, ruled a prison, imprisoning thousands of powerful figures. Until his fiancée, already a two-star general, casually tore up their marriage contract, he realized... that the world would dance to his tune when he stepped out of this corner.

jodex · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 16 How Great is the Disaster

"Miss, how's the situation? Did you see the King of Eternal Night?!"

Long Yanan was very excited when Yu Xiaolong returned to the villa, she asked excitedly.

A figure like "King of Eternal Night" was simply her idol.

After all, his life was too legendary, full of ups and downs, making people fantasize endlessly.

Yu Xiaolong shook his head in disappointment and said: "He should be in the villa, but he doesn't want to see me."

Long Yanan sighed and said: "I guess it's because of what happened back then, he feels too guilty, so he doesn't want to come out and meet people!"

Yu Xiaolong said: "I hope he can get out of the shadows soon, the country needs people like him."

Long Yanan agreed, and she was also very regretful that Yu Xiaolong had not been able to see Chu Wu Dao in person.

One night passed.

Early the next morning, Qi Denglxian received a call from Li Yunwan, and he heard Li Yunwan say: "Qi sir, Mengmeng went to the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce to find Yu Kaihe to solve the problem. Do you want to keep an eye on it?"

Qi Denglxian immediately hung up the phone and rushed to the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce.

Li Yunwan was stunned, holding her phone and cursing: "What the hell, he hung up so fast!"

At this time, Qiao Qiumei had already arrived at the headquarters building of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce, and met Yu Kaihe who had already made an appointment over the phone.

"General Manager Qiao, you're really on time!" Yu Kaihe saw Qiao Qiumei, a playful smile appeared on his face.

He had some scars on his face, all left by Qi Denglxian, he only saw Qiao Qiumei come alone, and there was some disappointment in his heart.

He had already prepared a backup plan, if Qi Denglxian dared to appear, he would give a command, and this guy would be hacked to death.

Qiao Qiumei said apologetically: "General Manager Yu, I'm so sorry for what happened the other day. Nobody wants to see things develop to that point. Please don't mind it."

Yu Kaihe reached into his pocket and took out a room card, saying: "Let's go, let's talk at the hotel next door."

Qiao Qiumei changed color after seeing this room card, she said in a deep voice: "General Manager Yu, what do you mean?"

"What do I mean? You said you wanted me to give you a chance to solve this matter, I'm giving you a chance now!" Yu Kaihe sneered.

"Go to the hotel next door with me, take good care of me, serve me well, and I will give you a chance to sit down and talk properly."

"Otherwise, your Qiao Group can wait to be squeezed out of bankruptcy."

"Hmm...your mouth is pretty, I like it. Remember to use it to serve me carefully later."

Qiao Qiumei's pretty face turned pale, she trembled and said: "General Manager Yu...this...this isn't appropriate, I'm a married woman..."

Yu Kaihe said: "I like mature women, they are good at it and they are sensible."

"And, I can put a green hat on her husband, just thinking about it makes me feel good!"

Qiao Qiumei shook her head repeatedly in fear, saying: "General Manager Yu, we can discuss other things, but this is not okay..."

Yu Kaihe shrugged and said: "Then there's no room for discussion? You don't want this chance to sit down and negotiate with me on an equal footing, to solve this matter properly?"

Qiao Qiumei thought of her uncle Qiao Guodong and her cousin Qiao Qingyu's aggressive attitude yesterday, she couldn't help but lower her head, and said aggrievedly: "Of course I want to, but your conditions are too demanding."

"Demanding? I'm willing to give you a chance because I think highly of you, if you don't take off your clothes and come to me, you want to negotiate conditions with me?" Yu Kaihe sneered, reaching out to lift Qiao Qiumei's chin.

His finger just touched Qiao Qiumei's delicate and pointed chin, before he could feel the delicate touch, Qiao Qiumei subconsciously raised her hand and slapped Yu Kaihe in the face.


After slapping him, Qiao Qiumei was stunned, and Yu Kaihe was also stunned.

Yu Kaihe touched his burning cheek, a fierce look flashed in his eyes, he raised his hand and slapped her back hard!

"Damn it, you won't take the easy way out, so you have to take the hard way!" Qiao Qiumei was directly knocked to the ground by Yu Kaihe's slap, her whole head was buzzing, she was dizzy and blurry.

Qiao Qiumei was dizzy after being slapped by Yu Kaihe, tears immediately streamed down her face.

Yu Kaihe grabbed her shoulder, dragged her up from the ground, and walked towards the hotel, sneering: "You must serve me well today, this is my opportunity for you, you can't refuse!"

"I...I'll definitely call the police to arrest you!" Qiao Qiumei exclaimed.

"Hmph? Arrest me? Who dares to arrest me!" Yu Kaihe sneered.

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure appeared and slapped away the hand he was grabbing Qiao Qiumei's shoulder with, and with a powerful kick, he sent him flying.

Yu Kaihe's entire body folded in mid-air, after flying more than two meters, with a bang, he knelt on his knees, and then slid along the ground on his knees.

"You don't like big bowl wide noodles, so you have to eat big bowl of prison food?" The person who kicked Yu Kaihe away was Qi Denglxian.

He had his hands in his pockets, still maintaining the posture of kicking with his right foot, with disdain in his voice, he asked this question.

Yu Kaihe was kicked to the point of a broken heart by Qi Denglxian, he knelt on the ground and convulsed, vomiting continuously, spitting out an unknown amount of gastric juice and bile.

"Damn it, what's going on? That's Yu Kaihe from the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce, he was actually kicked away?"

"This is a hallucination, right? It's always General Manager Yu who deals with others, but today he was beaten up?"

"This kid is dead, he dared to kick General Manager Yu, even Jesus can't save him!"

Qiao Qiumei was supported by Qi Denglxian, the redness and swelling on her face made Qi Denglxian's face look a little gloomy.

Qiao Qiumei was sarcastic and cold to him, but he didn't complain.

The girl he couldn't even speak harshly to, this Yu Kaihe actually dared to hit her?!

"You...you're dead, you dared to hit me at the entrance of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce! This time, even God can't save you." Yu Kaihe said in a panting voice, his intestines were almost twisted into a ball.

Qiao Qiumei's face turned completely pale, she said to Qi Denglxian in a terrified voice: "Run, run now, run as far as you can! I'm not kidding, you've really gotten into trouble!"

Qi Denglxian, however, didn't care. The person who really got into trouble is now locked up in his Underworld Prison, what kind of trouble is this?

"Who is this kid, he dared to hit a manager of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce at the entrance of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce? Doesn't he want to live?"

"The Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce was founded by Mr. Zhao Heilong, this Chairman Zhao, is as his name suggests, very ruthless..."

"It's a big deal, this kid is going to be chopped into pieces if he doesn't run away immediately!"

Qiao Qiumei was still urging Qi Denglxian to run away, which made Qi Denglxian's heart feel a little warm.

Although Qiao Qiumei was cold and indifferent to him, but at this critical moment, she was still concerned about him.

Of course, Qi Denglxian also hoped that this wasn't his own "licking dog" mentality.

Across the street in a coffee shop, Li Yunwan was wearing sunglasses, holding a cup of Blue Mountain coffee worth more than 300 yuan, silently watching everything.

When she saw Qi Denglxian kick Yu Kaihe away, she couldn't help but pick up her cup and take a hard gulp to suppress her inner shock.

"She's right, you're in big trouble!" Yu Kaihe stood up with a sneer, he had already taken out his phone.

Qi Denglxian, however, walked forward without changing his expression, and slapped Yu Kaihe in the face.

"Then you have to tell me, how big is this trouble?"

This scene startled Li Yunwan, she almost dropped her coffee cup.