
Peerless Dragon

Qi Dantian, a man of leisure, ruled a prison, imprisoning thousands of powerful figures. Until his fiancée, already a two-star general, casually tore up their marriage contract, he realized... that the world would dance to his tune when he stepped out of this corner.

jodex · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 14: Don't Believe

Zhang Shaojie's words shocked everyone.

Zhang Shi Real Estate Group was a top-tier company in Zhonghai City, a leader among many enterprises.

Before this, their shares were in high demand, but now, they were seeking external investment and expanding their capital?!

"Shaojie, you're not joking, right? You're expanding capital, did your company run out of funds?" Li Yunwan completely forgot about Qi Dengxian, immediately asking.

Zhang Shaojie smiled faintly and said, "Of course not. Our company is preparing for an IPO!"

"Everyone knows that our Zhang Shi Group is a very competitive company, and we're also an old brand. Many residential buildings in Zhonghai City were built by us."

"This capital expansion is very subtle, it's a benefit for internal employees, allowing them to purchase shares early, and then we'll have a good dividend after going public!"

"If it weren't for our good relationship, and Mengmeng is here, I wouldn't tell you about this."

The Qiao family members and Li Yunwan were all surprised, then excited.

If they could buy some shares of Zhang Shi Group, they would inevitably gain considerable profits after the company goes public! After all, this was a benefit Zhang Shi Group was preparing for its internal employees, but Zhang Shaojie told them the news, which meant he considered them as his people!

"Shaojie, count me in, I'll invest ten million yuan to buy some shares. But, given our relationship, can you give me more?" Li Yunwan laughed.

"No problem, you're Mengmeng's best friend, I'll give you this face! I'll give you an extra 10% according to the proportion, fair enough?" Zhang Shaojie said generously and confidently.

Qiao Qiumei pondered for a moment and also said, "Shaojie, I'm willing to invest twenty million yuan to buy shares!"

Zhang Shaojie laughed loudly: "Good, Mengmeng, I'll give you an extra 15% on the shares you buy."

Pang Xiuyun said happily, "Shaojie is so generous!"

Qiao Guotao, an old hand at this, didn't suspect anything either. After all, he also knew that Zhang Shaojie was after Qiao Qiumei.

It was impossible for a pie to fall from the sky, but Zhang Shaojie wanted to pursue Qiao Qiumei, so using these benefits seemed reasonable.

Qiao Qiumei didn't have much money left, twenty million was the limit, and she had to get Pang Xiuyun and Qiao Guotao to help her gather some. However, this was also an opportunity. After getting the shares of Zhang Shi Group, they would receive considerable dividends every year after the company went public.

"Shaojie, you're so generous, I'll drink to you!" Qiao Qiumei raised her glass and said to Zhang Shaojie.

"You're too polite, Mengmeng, you can directly call me Shaojie or A Jie!" Zhang Shaojie said with a smile.

Pang Xiuyun immediately pinched Qiao Qiumei and said, "That's right, Shaojie is so good to you, don't be so distant!"

Qiao Qiumei immediately said modestly: "Then I'll call you Brother Zhang from now on."

Zhang Shaojie nodded happily. This was a significant step, with this step, how could there be no following steps?

After dinner, Zhang Shaojie sent Qiao Qiumei and the others back.

Qiao Guotao shook hands with Zhang Shaojie and said, "Shaojie, Qiumei has been through a lot recently, thank you for helping her like this."

"Uncle Qiao, you're too polite, it's what I should do!" Zhang Shaojie said generously.

Qiao Guotao called Qi Dengxian from the car and asked him to come to the Qiao family, saying that there was something important to discuss.

Qi Dengxian respected Qiao Guotao very much and arrived at the Qiao family early to wait.

"Dengxian, I have some good news here, it should make you some money." Qiao Guotao smiled.

"Thank you, Uncle Qiao." Qi Dengxian smiled. He wasn't interested in money, those oligarchs in prison often bribed him with hundreds of millions of yuan.

Qiao Guotao said, "Prepare as much money as you have, if it's not enough, I'll help you."

Qi Dengxian laughed, "Uncle Qiao, what kind of business is it that gives you such confidence?"

"Well, Zhang Shaojie's Zhang Shi Real Estate is going public, but the news hasn't been released yet, it's only for internal employees, to give them benefits, they're willing to expand capital. Today, Zhang Shaojie told us about this news. Zhang Shi Real Estate Group is a high-quality company, holding their shares is a surefire investment!" Qiao Guotao told Qi Dengxian.

Qi Dengxian couldn't help but twitch his lips. He had just heard Huang Wenlang say that Zhang Shi Group was deeply in debt in their real estate business, and Sun Xingzhang, the president of Zhonghai Bank, was unwilling to lend them money.

Now, out of nowhere, they're going public?

"Zhang Shi Real Estate Group...is the chairman's name Zhang Hao?" Qi Dengxian asked.

"I didn't expect you to be aware of this, you know Mr. Zhang Hao, the father of Shaojie!" Li Yunwan, who came back with Qiao Qiumei, spoke this time, sarcastically.

Qi Dengxian calmly said, "If that's the case, then it's best not to buy their shares. Zhang Shi Group, there's already a serious internal deficit, they're about to go bankrupt at any moment. This round of internal and external capital expansion, I estimate they're mostly trying to raise money and run away!"


Everyone's eyes widened upon hearing this.

Qiao Qiumei said in a deep voice, "Qi Dengxian, don't be jealous just because you're not capable, Shaojie is kindly helping us!"

Pang Xiuyun also said, "That's right, Shaojie said it himself, it's a benefit for internal employees, he told us in advance because of his relationship with Qiumei! You bastard, don't be ungrateful!"

Li Yunwan, however, fell silent at the first moment, uncharacteristically not saying anything against Qi Dengxian.

"Dengxian, jealousy is not good. Since you're unwilling to contribute, then I'll put in three million for you, consider it a dowry for Qiumei marrying you." Qiao Guotao shook his head and said helplessly.

Qi Dengxian laughed bitterly, "No, Uncle Qiao, you have to believe me! I had dinner with Huang Wenlang and the others today, and they told me this personally."

Pang Xiuyun immediately snorted and said, "Bullshit!"

"Today, Mayor Huang personally greeted the distinguished guests at the door of Tiandi Grand Hotel, it must be a big leader from the province."

"You should also take a look at yourself, a small level two prison guard, and an unknown prison guard from some rural area, do you have the qualifications to have Mayor Huang greet you at the door?"

"Next time you want to brag, pay attention to details, so you don't get your tongue twisted!"

Qiao Qiumei was also very unhappy, she said in a deep voice, "Qi Dengxian, it's fine that you don't appreciate kindness, please don't say such ridiculous things, and don't curse Shaojie anymore!"

Qi Dengxian helplessly spread his hands, he couldn't explain any further.