
Peek Evolution

In a world where the destruction of everything seems imminent, a savior was born. Literally Eostion was created specifically for this purpose. He has only one mission, to save the universe. That's why he was born and that's what he lives for. Everything else doesn't matter. But is that all to him? Is his life only for his mission? Or is there something more, only time will tell. --------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone Before you start reading I have to say a few things. This is my first work, so I'm not experienced at this. Like at all. The story is basically about the mc getting stronger so the main thing is that there is a lot of repetition in the words, the novel, and the fights themselves. After all, repetition is the mother of learning. I will try to make the story interesting but always keep in mind that am no professional. I promise to do my best but I don't think there will be no plot holes. I will make sure there will be no harem so for harem seekers, this is not for you. Although many girls may be interested only one will win. Or none who knows. The art cover is not mine so if the owner wants it taken down please notify me. That is all, thanks, and have a pleasurable reading.

Kes36 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

The fight

The black dots were standing still, and Eostion took this opportunity to inspect them.

<Adult Slow Chameleon>

<Name: None>

<Spicies: Slow Chameleon >

<Level: 5>

<Rank: 1>

<Power: 112>

<Abilities: Water mana manipulation Lv 1, Water bullet , Precise pigment manipulation >

<Note: The name of the beast doesn't relate to its actual speed>

"Doesn't relate to its speed, then why even name it that way" questioned Eostion, annoyed.

"So the black dots must be the eyes of the chameleon."

"Right now, they are directed at the corpse, so maybe I can sneak behind it." thought Eostion

He made up his mind and started to move, but just as he made the first step, the eyes were immediately directed toward him. They were not even looking in his general direction but directly in his eyes. This made Eostion directly stop on his track.

"Finding where I am, this quickly means that it either knew where I was from the beginning, or it has great vision abilities. I will try again to see which one it is."

Eostion activated his "Speed enchantment" skill and moved to the tree behind the chameleon, then to the one to the left, then forward, and a couple more, but it was of no use. The eyes of the chameleon never left those of Eostion

"The bastard has really good vision. So sneaking behind it is just a pipe dream."

"The only way is a forefront attack, which will inevitably turn into a battle of attributes. It's powerful water skill versus my large mana pool."

"Well, I also have speed on my side, so I think I have a good chance of coming on top if we fight."

"Haaa, this is going to be a close one."

As he was done with his thinking, Eostion dropped down. He didn't stack immediately, and neither did the chameleon.

Right now, they were both in a staring showdown. The first to blink loses. It's life, that is.

"I'm already using speed enchantment and harden, although with little mana if he launches an attack, I can dodge it and attack him back. If he runs, that's even better, as it stands no chance against a fully charged 'Wind claw.' I can charge it while I'm chasing it. But the probability of it running is close to zero."

It had been close to 15 minutes since the showdown had started, and Eostions's eyes, moisture, and patience were running low.

"Daamn, how long can this guy go without blinking." just at that moment, a thought came to Eostion

"Hold up, do chameleons blink?" and just as he thought that, he saw on the chameleon's eyes a thin transparent membrane pas by.

In fact, he had seen it a couple of times by now, but because he was concentrating on the eyelids, he didn't think much of it.

"Hahahahaha, f**k.

I have been playing a losing game all along."

"Now what? Do I just attack it? Well, it's not like I have much choice on the matter. If I run away, with its superb concealing ability, I'm not sure I will ever find it again. And I reeeallyyyy want that concealing ability."

"Ahh. Attack it is." thought Eostion, tired.

Well, even though he thought that, he didn't immediately start attacking mindlessly. He first started to gather mana for a strong first attack. That alone wouldn't be enough, as the distance between them was even more than three meters. He could shoot it, but the chances that it would hit were almost none. So first, he gathered enough mana for a short boost of speed.

"With this much, I can run two meters at 70km/h

while also shooting a quite powerful 'Wind claw.'

In his mind, this combination was definitely a sure kill combination, but what he didn't know was that the overgrown lizard had also gathered mana. He had done so even earlier than Eostion, which means that his attack was currently stronger than Eostions. But since Eostion knew nothing of this, he just continued with his plan.

When he felt ready, he charged at the chameleon and then shot at him, unfortunately for Eostion the chameleon did the same. In a second, the two skills met 'Wind claw' vs 'Water bullet'. In this encounter, Eostion thought that he would come in top however his thoughts were quickly proven false as after a brief touching the 'water bullet' broke through the pressurized air and hit Eostion with the force of at least 5 'Wind claws.

"Shit, too fast"

Yep, the attack was too fast so the only thing that Eostion could do was take the hit head-on.

As the 'Water bullet' hit Eostion he was flung back with enough force to shatter a tree. After the dust and debris settled down the chameleon saw a figure standing up.

"F**k, that hurt so much. My skin is all cut and bruised and I'm bleeding all over.

If that thing won't kill me the f*****g blood loss will. Well, it could have been much worst, if I hadn't activated "Body Hardening' I would have received much more deeper and serious wounds.

It's good that I didn't get hurt seriously but I spent almost two-fifths of my mana on the ability "

While Eostion was thinking, the chameleon had already launched another 'Water bullet'.

"Hooo, the bastard is attacking again. Does he think that I'm on my last leg and can't even move anymore? You are underestimating me too much you little s**t."

By activating 'Wind enchantment' Eostion got out of the way of the 'Wind bullet' and quickly approached the chameleon.

While he was running toward the chameleon, it tried to shoot him down, but Eostion evaded all of the attacks, and when he got close enough he launched an attack that he had been charging since he got up. The attack hit the chameleon and just like he had done to Eostion the chameleon had been flung back and hit the earth launching debris and dust into the air.

"How you like that you bastard" Even though Eostion knew this hadn't hurt the chameleon much he still felt a little happy inside for hitting it.

While he was waiting for the dust to settle down he charged up another 'Wind claw'. Eostion planned to bombard the chameleon with attacks, but when the dust finally sat down the chameleon was nowhere to be seen. When Eostion saw that the chameleon wasn't there he started to move erratically. From the ground to a tree, from the tree to another tree, and from there to another place.

"F**k, how could I have not seen this coming creating a smoke screen for that bastard is basically begging him to run and hide. And now I have to run and waste my mana while he changes up his next attack. If a stand still even for a moment I'll get hit."

"Damn it I need to think how to resolve this"

"Hmm, what if a lure him to attack and try to figure out where he is hiding from that? He couldn't have run far from the area where the dust rose. And since I attacked him his skin must have a few cuts. That means that his camouflage isn't perfect. So, it turns out I just need to find spots where there is blood, huhh." and so Eostion started to search for the chameleon with his eyes.

But even though he was searching for the chameleon, he never stopped running, because if he did the only thing that would await him was death.

"Damn, this is hard. He could be anywhere and I can't even focus well because I'm moving. Wait what is that"

What eostion found out was a cut on the bark of a tree, it looked like the tree itself was bleeding.

"Gotcha b**ch" It seem that Eostion had found out where the chameleon was hiding

"Well, I did find it but now what? If I make a mess again he will escape and hide. I don't have infinite mana to play hide and seek with that bastard so what should I do?"

While he was running he thought of a plan. A plan that if it worked it would guarantee him victory and if it didn't , it would guarantee him death.