
Peaceful Life

In the alternate universe where the alternate earth has two sides, the mortal side (Gaia) and the supernatural side (Alaya), countless creatures exist in this world that hasn't been known to the natives yet the peace still exists for some reason... A creature takes interest in this peaceful world so it decides to plunge into the stratosphere while turning into a speck of dust. This is a Hololive Fanfic - they are a group of vtubers on youtube I don't own the characters I didn't think I'm addicted to Fanfics and Touhou too I don't own that Don't expect too much!!! this is the first fanfic that I write

ILikeYuri · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Chapter 14

▪︎his is sponsored by the amount if B.S I said

-Hakurei Shrine-

[Reimu: I've successfully bought the things I need to build the computer]

[Reimu: 27-inch monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, CPU, Motherboard, Graphics card, Memory, Primary Storage, Power supply, Case, and a CPU cooler ]

[Reimu: And it totals to ¥342,100 (current money ¥2,965,320) *sigh* I lost the 3M mark, I will choose a quest sooner than I expected]

[Reimu: I should eat first]

[Reimu: Haaaa~ that hits the spot]]

[Reimu: Yooossshh~ I will start now]

[Reimu: (First, I double-check the motherboard's instructions and make sure I've unlocked the processor socket. It has a big square with a bunch of little holes or contacts, with a lever or button beside it. the motherboard's instructions said how to unlock the socket)]

[Reimu: *sigh* I should've let someone else do this]

[Reimu: (I just find the corner of the processor has a little golden triangle and I line it up with the same symbol on the motherboard's processor socket. I Gently lower the processor into the socket, then gently flip the locking mechanism. I have to press hard to lock it)]

[Reimu: (I create the little amount of thermal paste and put it on the centre of the silicon square of the processor)]

[Reimu: (Now lined up the heat sink with the screws surrounding the processor, and gently lower it into place. I create a thermal paste, and create a thin layer covering the back of the processor)]

[Reimu: (I create tools and other necessary things to build this pc with metallurgy, Screwing the heat sink into place. I read the motherboard instruction book and found the right place near the processor socket to plug in the heat sink's cooling fan. and I plug it in)]

[Reimu: Now that's finished onto the storage and memory]

[Reimu: (I See the vertical little sockets beside the CPU, I Line up the sticks of RAM and slot them in, starting from the left-hand slot I skipped a slot and put the other one they have locked into place)]

[Reimu: (For the hard drive or I find an empty bay in the front-facing part of the case and I screw it into place)]

[Reimu: (I Start by putting the motherboard into the case. I look at the motherboard's instructions if I messed something up, I lined up the screw holes in the case with the ones on the motherboard)]

[Reimu: (Next, I install the power supply. There is a spot for it near the bottom of the case, a big square spot that will fit the cable perfectly. I slot it in and screw it into place)]

[Reimu: (I make sure all of the cables coming out of the power supply will reach the motherboard with room to spare)]

[Reimu: Now the GPU]

[Reimu: (I Flip open the motherboard's instruction book again and look for the PCIe slot. All I need to do is identify the back of the GPU (the side with the HDMI and Display Ports), line it up with the back of the case, and push the GPU into the horizontal slot. It locked into place easily enough)]

[Reimu: (I fasten the GPU to the case. into the little spot on the same piece of metal with the HDMI ports)]

[Reimu: To be honest seeing a girl like Reimu installing a PC must have been a sight to behold, but I am Reimu and I can't laugh at myself]

[Reimu: (I take a look at the cables coming out of the power supply. There have a few that look like they could fit into the square socket on the side of your GPU. It looks like eight little holes in a rectangle shape)]

[Reimu: Cables, my worst enemy]

[Reimu: (I hook the motherboard into the devices I select the cables I only use, and connect the PSU to the SSD and motherboard)]

[Reimu: (I plugged the motherboard into the case, I put the power buttons, audio plugs, and USB ports in the front of the case, I put the tiny pics into their respective place and hook the fan, and the SATA cable I plug it on the motherboard)]

[Reimu: (I connect the monitor, the keyboard, and the mouse)]

[Reimu: I don't have electricity here]

[Reimu: *deep sigh* I will use the mana powered generator in my inventory and some extentions]

[Reimu: I put the electric cable into the socket and connect it to the generator]

[Reimu: I lay my hand to the generator and since it stores mana I made it full using my mana (though I can automatically absorb mana inside the barrier It will technically run forever)]

[Reimu: I turn the generator on (it emits green light) I like the technology of which planet this came from, it doesn't make any sounds]

[Reimu: I turn the pc on and all I see is Blue]

[Reimu: Did I forget to buy an operating system?, *sigh* I should go again and buy it and buy a mouse pad at the same time]


[Reimu: ¥61,000 for a mouse pad and an operating system]

[Reimu: I hope it will be worth it]

[Reimu: (I stick the USB into the tower and turn it on)]

[Reimu: I have no speakers...]

[Reimu: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....]

[Reimu: I'll take a dip on the hotspring for a long time because the installation process isn't fast]

[Reimu: Oh right, I should claim the money from the guild, I suppose they should be finished now, it's the afternoon after all]


▪︎Shadow Profile▪︎

Name: Kage/ no name

Age: ???????

Race: Living Fog

Lvl: ??????

Rank: ?????

Sex: Can be anything

Affinity: Neutral

Affiliation: Protector Of Dimensions

Title: The Great Pretender, The Perfect Mimic, Devourer of the Black Sun, Merciless, The Fog that swallows universes

Skills: Can't be counted

Specialisations: Yes

Preferred magic: Single target spells