

I am beginning to have that kind of feeling that I am not really here. My body may be here, but my mind feels like it is elsewhere. Though, I do not know how much sense that makes given that I am still aware that I am here in the first place. It is probably more along the lines that I wish I was not here right now.

Danilo still looks like he has seen a ghost. I can’t blame him. He has no idea what to do with me. Given all of the new information that he now has, he has to be wondering if I am actually his enemy. I hope that he doesn’t see me that way. But I doubt that I have a say in the manner.

How could my mother do that? Why did she do that? What did Danilo’s parents ever do to her? There is so much that I don’t understand right now. It is criminal that I am finding all this out right here, right now. As if this Cristiano nut is not hard enough to deal with already.

“Your path to liberation starts right here Danilo.” Cristiano said, further egging him on.