
Pay 2 Play System

In a world filled with magic, Mason lives in a village on the border of the continent. In this particular village, there isn't a single mage. *Ding* [Pay 2 Play Sytem initiated] Mason gets a system that will make him rich, and give him the power to curse anyone he wants! One day, a kid walked up to Mason. "Do you want to eat together?" To that, Mason only had 1 answer. "Nah, I don't need to eat food. I'm already on my path to become the God of Magic." ================================================ I don't own the cover image, feel free to ask me to take it down if needed. Try to read the first couple of chapters i guarantee you it becomes better haha.

McStank · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Boss Fight

Mason stared at the Hell Hound with a smile on his face, he had long wanted to fight a level 25 beast but it seemed he would finally get the chance.

Remi was slightly scared, she knew she couldn't kill the beast alone. She also doubted whether Mason could do it.

Mason assured her once again and told her he was confident.

'She hasn't even seen my strongest skill yet, what's there to be nervous about?'

The Hell Hound stared at them with an angry look on its face.

They had killed its entire nest, of course it would be mad. Due to the rules of a Beast Nest, the leader couldn't fight until they were the only ones left.

It was a natural border blocking them from fighting, nobody in this world knew how it worked. There were myths about there being a dungeon where if you cleared it, you would get access to the secrets of the world.

This was only a myth however, nobody took it too seriously.

"So? How are we going to fight this beast?" Remi asked him.

"Just do what we have been doing up until now, I'll try to get behind it while you distract it. When I'm there, I'll show you something cool!" Mason answered.

When Mason stopped talking they noticed that the Hell Hound was running towards it with what looked to be the speed of sound.

"Dodge!" Mason yelled as he dashed sideways.

Remi sidestepped as well and they both dodged.

"It's faster than I thought! Screw the plan, just let loose on your spells!" Mason shouted toward Remi.

Remi started unleashing her powerful lightning while trying to create some distance between her and the Hell Hound.

She was having trouble because of it's insane speed, Mason threw an Ice Lance and hit the Hell Hound.

Remi took this moment of rest to run towards his side. Mason used Ice Domain and Freeze, Freeze didn't do much however and it only stayed in place for less than a second.

Mason threw another Ice Lance but the Hell Hound wouldn't be fooled twice, it dodged easily.

'Looks like that won't work again, it's too fast unless I catch it by surprise.' Mason thought.

He was pressuring the Hell Hound by throwing Ice Bullets, even though he knew that wouldn't do a lot.

Remi was supporting from the side, she was using all different kinds of spells. Mason assumed she got to learn as much spells as she wanted in the royal palace.

'Should I do it now? Hopefully Remi doesn't go out telling everybody after this.'

"Remi! Get away from the Hell Hound, I'm going to show you something exciting!" Mason yelled out.

Remi stared at him with a confused look that seemed to ask what he was up to again.

"Distortion of Space!"

The space around the Hell Hound started bending in all ways as it swallowed parts of it. That wasn't all though, it kept going and going for a good 5 seconds until there was nothing of the Hell Hound left to see.

The Hell Hound couldn't even make a noise since the sound was swallowed by space. It died a silent death, with no one around it to help.

Mason was happy with his achievement as he felt an icy stare in his back, he already knew the cause.

"Why didn't you tell me you had Space Affinity! You know how much that would've helped us in the dungeons!" Remi yelled at him.

Mason had a wry smile on his face. 'If I had the Space Affinity earlier I would've told you, things just aren't that easy.'

"I'm sorry Remi, I just didn't want to stand out too much in the academy and get everybody's attention, it sounds like too much of a hassle." Mason lied.

"Also, please don't tell anybody else. I still don't like attention too much since it hinders what I can do."

Remi looked at him with slight anger, if he told her earlier she wouldn't have had to worry about him at all!



[First time killing a Beast Nest Boss, 5 Normal Spins rewarded]

[Congratulations on your achievement, Host!]

'Another level, huh. Since it keeps getting harder to level up it seems hunting Bosses is a quick way to level-up.'

"Mason? Mason!" Remi yelled.

"Huh? Oh, yes?" Mason asked, it seems he ignored her on accident."

"Since we now know we can take level 25's, which is the highest in this dungeon. We should go to the deepest parts of the dungeon, you can find some neat treasures if you're lucky!" She said.

'Treasure? Well I suppose there's still a bit of time left before the end of the expedition, a couple more level-ups won't hurt.' Mason knew he didn't have anything better to do.

While walking towards the deeper parts of the dungeon Mason started speaking to the System since it was quiet.

'System, please use 5 Normal Spins.'

[Using 5 Normal Spins]

[Reward received: Common, Shoe sole]

[Reward received: Common, Candy cane]

[Reward received: Common, TV remote]

[Reward received: Common Magic Scroll, Meteor]

[Reward received: Common, Flyswatter]

He didn't expect anything good, he knew he had been lucky so far in his spins. He still got something he hadn't gotten before.

'System, show me more info on the magic scroll.'

[Common Magic Scroll, Meteor: One-time use scroll. Summon a massive flaming meteor from the sky to obliterate your enemies, does 15000 damage to anything it hits.]

'Hmmm, one-time use. It does 15000 damage though, that's even more than Distortion of Space. I'm sure it'll come in handy one day.'

Remi and he kept walking as Mason started chewing on his candy cane, Mason didn't know where the System stored these items but he could ask for them and they would appear where he wanted them to.

"Did you improve some more on your swordsmanship?" Remi asked him.

"Nah, I didn't really practice inside of the dungeon. Once we're out again I'll surpass you in no time!" Mason said with determination.

Remi just smiled and kept walking, they had almost arrived and they could hear the strongest beasts in the dungeon already.

I made a discord server! I don't know if I'll actually do much with it but feel free to join! Check the comments!

Thank you for reading!

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