
Paw Patrol

The Adventures of a boy and a pups.

TengenUzui369 · TV
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1 Chs

The start

In a warehouse district alarm started blaring as guards were shouting into the air.

"Alpha 1, here Experimental subject mouse and dogs are escaping. We need every guard on duty, over."

"Beta 1 here subjects are escaping through the sewer …...

"We have got new instructions,

Kill target on sight do not let them escape, I repeat do not let them escape.

Somewhere in a sewer

"Come on guys we got to escape."

"RUN" yelled a boy to a white mouse and 9 dogs as they ran while alarms were blaring around them.

"Come on guys we must run we can't let them catch us" said the boy as they run across the disgusting sewer.

White blinding flashlights hit their backs as they heard heavy breathing coming down the tunnel with army of shadows running towards them in the darkness.

"Let's get out through here" the boy said as sweat ran down his face

He struggled to take of the sever lid with all his might.

His heart was beating faster and faster as he thought of the possibility that the guards would get them.

Finally, it came off as the boy hoisted the animals on the sewer. Once all the animals were up, he hurriedly climbed up the ladder as gunshots started to rain past his foot.

A lucky bullet grazed his ankle, and it started bleeding.

"Hsssh" the boy hissed as the pain hit him like a tsunami, it hurt a lot but he knew he had to keep on going

As his eyes adjusted to the light, he found cars in front of him.

"Put your hand and paws in the air." yelled a guard sternly

"And wave them like you just don't care" said the boy cheekily

Hahaha try that and we will shoot you on the spot. The guard said while he chuckled.

You're lucky your friends behind you are subject of the organization because if they weren't you would be in a coffin the guard said as he reloaded his gun to state his point

As the boy's hands slowly raised to the air, he was wondering how he and his friends could get out of this sticky situation

"Never Fear I am here."

A blonde screamed as He superhero landed right in front of the boy.

"O snap it all might everyone shoot we cannot let almight rescue subject mouse and dogs!" the guard said as terror ran down his face.

Its okay little boy and dogs and mouse?

"They will never hurt with me here".Almight said as he leapt in the fray of bullets and magically, they all bounced of him as he one tapped every one of the guards.

In a minute all the guards were on the ground with broken bones.

"Well that was easy" said the boy to the blonde hero.

"Thanks, for saving me and my friends." the boys said with thanks in his eyes

Out of curiosity what the frittata were you doing here

Welllllllllllll it all started..........


A matron opened the door and on the floor, a little bundle of joy was put on the floor and a note was attached, it said

This boy was an accident, we do not have the time and effort to take care of him so we hope you can raise our child to be a lovely boy.

From that day on I was in the care of the matron she looked after me. I discovered that a lot of people were awakening what people called quirks at four years old

When I reached 4 unfortunately I did not awaken my quirk but I was highly intelligent, so I did not mourn over it for long

I discovered that my intelligence far outranked anyone I had ever met, but people never gave me respect because I was quirkless

So life went on

I decided to make an ai robot dog because I was bored

So, I sneaked out in the night, and I came across this test facility, but I brushed it off as government property. So, when I finally made my Ai, I programmed it to sense any life objects nearby.

It gave me information that the building I ran past while searching for parts was actually a test animal centre and 9 dogs and a mouse were locked up in there while terrible tests were being ran upon them.

So being the normal kid I was Like "There's no way I can let these animals go on suffering.

So then I decide to make spy drone cameras to mark every entry way into the building.

So once I got a layout of the building I set out with some tools, I was able to disable all their camaras

and find a clear path in, were I busted all their cell and that was when the alarms started ringing as

the guards figured out that the organizations greatest test subjects had escaped.

So we sprinted to the escape exit which was the sewer, but I think they guess our plan and sent guards down the sewer to chase us.

As I busted the sewer top all the guards surrounded us and we wouldn't be living flesh if it wasn't for you All Might.

Wow that is a lot to take in. In this situation I think is best if I take you to the police station and let them handle this. All might said as he took out his Might Phone

(yeah yeah yeah I know people are going to say what all might as mighty phone that's so cringey)

"Can you tell them not to hurt my friends." Said the boy as he held on to all Mights suit

I assure you boy your friends are in save hands.

Police sirens were heard coming the scene

The boy and his friend were taken to the police station and were questioned by a policeman with a dog head. He looked very happy to find that a boy snuck into a facility to rescue dogs and a mouse, he was extremely happy about the dogs.

"Mr dog" asked the boy in a questioning tone

"Yes Boy" the dog man answered instantly.

Boy:Is possible for me to adopt the dogs and the mouse.

Dog man: Sure that can be possible if they agree to it.

There boy was led in the room and the dogs were in there with the mouse.

He kneeled and asked the dogs,

"Would you like to come with me and possibly have the greatest adventure of you lives"

9 Yeses were heard

Wait you guys can talk, well you guys were tested in a lab so what did I expect."

I will name you now

Marshall was the name of Dalmatian,

Rubble was the name that was given the English Bulldog,

Chase was the name chosen for the German Sheperd,

Rocky was the name that fitted the Mongrel,

Zuma was chosen Chocolate Labrador Retriever Puppy

Sky was chosen for the cockapoo

Tracker was chosen for the chihuahua

Everest was chosen for the little Husky pup and finally Rex was the name that described the Bernese Mountain dogs

After all the dogs were named, the boy decided to choose a name for the little white mouse that stood in front of him

Boy:How about Nezu.

Nezu:Thank you for the name I will cherish it.Thank you for rescuing me for from that dreadful place

Boy:No need to thank me Nezu a sane person would do the same as me.

Boy:Sooooo Nezu would you like to come on my adventures and change the world with me.

Nezu:Thank you for the offer but I would like to explore what out there in the world and see if I can make a great difference by my myself.

Boy:Sure I wish you great luck on your jouney

Nezu:Thank you so much …...


The names Rider

Nezu: Thank you Rider

Rider:No problem

The boy turned away and walked out of the station

It seemed that great adventures were waiting for him and his dogs on the horizon.

Thank you for reading my story if you have any critism or ideas please write them in the comments