
Chapter 9

Mr. Blue poured himself into the back seat of the limo across from us, dressed in a baggy blue sweatshirt, brown leather jacket, and jeans, and pulled the door closed behind him. The limo driver continued on.

"He finally arrives," Kendra said.

"Hey, I'm here, aren't I?" He slid his fingers underneath the skin at his neck and pulled. Yep, Ryan, his blue eyes bright, a grin plastered to his face.

It faded dramatically when he met my seething glare. His gaze skimmed the length of my body, then widened, red blossoms on each cheek.

"Jasmine," he started, "you look..."

"Incredible," Kendra said, reaching out her arms as if to present me. "I'm only willing to take a small portion of acknowledgment for this creation. The rest is all her."

"Nice to finally meet my stalker," I spat.

His blue eyes flashed to me. "Stalker?"

"Ah." Kendra smiled tightly. "He was supposed to just ask you if you would pretend to be Vivian." She frowned at Ryan. "Not turn into a weirdo."