
Chapter 10

"Don't think about it too much," Ryan said.

His voice inside my earpiece made him sound like he spoke right into it, like he was close enough for me to feel his breath against my cheek. I shivered again.

"I'll need my jacket back," he said, and I could hear the note of apology in his words.

As soon as I took his jacket off, a cold wind needled my skin. I tossed it to him, and he caught it and my gaze. The gold in his eyes sliced through the blue like spokes on a wheel.

"You'll do fine," he said.

"Yep. Sure I will." A deep breath later, I edged around the barrier of cones and security. This was just a race. Only not really.

"Excuse me. Sorry," I said, but no one seemed to hear as I stepped around everyone.

It didn't take long for my polite apologies to morph into shoving. Some people turned, but the rude words seemed to jam inside their mouths when they saw me. A blush ran the length of my body and probably matched the color of my dress.