
Patient Love

Alexis Mayers life going well for her until the tragedy hit her family. Jayden Martin a psychologist born into the Martin Generation. Martin met Alexis when he almost ran over her with his car. Alexis Mayers also who was supposed to be the reigning queen of the underworld, but her mom had to flee with her, to protect her from her adopted uncle, who wants to be king of the underworld. watch as the love story of Jayden and Alexis hit rocky roads, triads, and trials. 1-2 Chapters everyday -------------------- The book cover is not mine. all rights belong to the owner.. please contact me, if you want me to take it down

alitaIshnu · Urban
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20 Chs

chapter7. Looked pale

In-country V

Jayden was driving his car to the Martin ancestral mansion, he decided to go in his car since he didn't want to go by plane.

Jayden was about to call Lucas when he heard a loud bang, that was when he realized he had hit someone.

Alexis was running when she felt her body hit a car, and felt her body go numb, then suddenly everything started to blur, the only thing she saw, was Paige running towards her.

Jayden immediately stopped the car and got down, only to find a frail-looking girl, lying on the ground, she looked pale and there was blood on her forehead. Paige ran to Alexis and held her head as she started weeping. Jayden ran to Alexis and carried her in his arms into his car, and Paige also got into the car, and Jayden drove off, in the direction to the closest Hospital.


It was finally morning when Alexis woke up and noticed there were doctors in the room. she had a drip on her hand, she couldn't hear what they were saying, all she remembered was running in the night and then she almost got hit by a car but nothing else.

Suddenly all the doctors left, when someone entered the room. Her eyes were still blurred since she had just woken up, but she could clearly see a man, staring at her.

she couldn't help but stare at him as well, he had such fine features that, Lexi couldn't believe such a man exist, and this didn't go unnoticed by Jayden.

He knew he had an effect on girls, but he had never seen anyone in her condition, actually thinking about this at such a time. she kept staring at him until he finally spoke.

Jayden cleared his throat and finally spoke, You are awake, hi I'm Jayden, he noticed she was trying to sit up, so he decided to help her.

He gently held her shoulders, and pulled her forward, almost as if they were hugging, and placed a pillow on her back, the two who were obviously unaware there was company in the room, just kept staring at each other.

Paige had gone out to get some food, the doctor suggested for Alexis, but when she got back the sight she witnessed was definitely unexpected. Paige saw Jayden and Alexis so close, just staring at each other. They were so lost in their own world they didn't realize when Paige entered the room.

After standing at the door for a few seconds, Paige finally cleared her throat, and that was when Jayden got back to the real world and noticed how close he was to Alexis, that was when he moved back, And Alexis finally realized what was going on.

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