
Patient Love

Alexis Mayers life going well for her until the tragedy hit her family. Jayden Martin a psychologist born into the Martin Generation. Martin met Alexis when he almost ran over her with his car. Alexis Mayers also who was supposed to be the reigning queen of the underworld, but her mom had to flee with her, to protect her from her adopted uncle, who wants to be king of the underworld. watch as the love story of Jayden and Alexis hit rocky roads, triads, and trials. 1-2 Chapters everyday -------------------- The book cover is not mine. all rights belong to the owner.. please contact me, if you want me to take it down

alitaIshnu · Urban
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20 Chs

chapter.6. Lorde

As the cleaner left the hospital, he got into a car while he spoke, sir I have really big information to tell you.

What is it, a man in his fifties, wearing a black suit asked?

I heard Alexis Mayers will be leaving the hospital today, the cleaner said

That's good then I can finally kill her. keep checking on her and tell me when you find any new information, he said

yes sir, the cleaner said as he got down from the car.

Finally, after so many years I will finally get rid of you for good, he said and let out an evil laugh like a mad man, his driver who got a little scared after hearing what he said, just kept quiet and decided to ask, where to sir.

Just drive back to the house, Lorde said, mostly referred to as King, in the underworld.


In-country V,

Are you ready to go, Paige said, as she helped her friend with her luggage.

yeah, Alexis said hoping things would get better from now on.

Paige packed all her luggage in her car and held her hand trying to comfort her, as she noticed she was feeling nervous.

Paige and Alexis hit the road. It was a really long drive from the hospital to Paige's apartment, so Paige suggested. Lexi, why don't you take a nap, I'll let you know when we get there. And Alexis agreed since she was feeling a little tired after packing.

It had been about an hour since they left the hospital when Paige's car broke down in the middle of nowhere, Alexis who had woken up when she realized they weren't moving, got out of the car, to find out what was wrong with Paige, who had already gotten down from the car.

what happened Paige, is something wrong, Alexis said

I don't know, I mean I just had the car checked before I came to the hospital, I don't get, I have to call a mechanic, looks likes we are going to have to stay here for_, who didn't finish her sentence suddenly screamed Lexi lookout when she noticed her friend was about to be attacked by a man with a mask on, but was saved when a woman pushed Alexis out of the way and started a one-on-one fight with the man.

As Paige helped her friend up, she was shocked when she looked at the woman's face who almost looked like Alexis but a little different from her, she was definitely the look-alike of Alexis, who was also shocked. Alexis and Paige both looked at this woman, who had good fighting skills as she fought the guy, and beat him so badly that he fell unconscious. Alexis was about to speak when the woman cut her off saying, you have to go, there are probably more of them on their way here, she barely finished her sentence when they saw more men in black with their face covered running towards them.

They are here, run I'll them off, she noticed they were still rooted at their spot and she yelled this time RUN. At this time Paige and Alexis got a grasp of the situation and started running towards the main road which was about a mile away.

after she noticed they were out of sight, she let out a sly smile and started fighting the men, with her extremely good fighting skill.

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