
Pathway To Peace

In the year 3062, magic exist. And a 16 year old boy named Akihito is determined to conquer this magical world and face off against his father to uncover the truth about his mother and past. Though in that journey he soon realizes that there was more to this magical world than he once thought.

Tokyooo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Pent Up Emotions

The guy looked at Akihito "serpent bow!" The spell brought out a bow with poison on each arrow.

Akihito looked at the boy in front of him with a angry and aggressive look "just move out of the way so I don't have to hurt you!"

"You think you're gonna hurt me? And the names Tukomi don't forget it!" Tukomi jumped back and shot one of his arrows at Akihito.

Akihito easily dodged the arrow then began running towards him.

"Y-you think you're nice don't you?!" Tukomi used three arrows and shot them all towards him.

Akihito jumped over the arrows, moving in front of him and kneeing him directly in the stomach, then punching him in the chin.

Tukomi fell down to his knees, holding his stomach and gasping for air "s-shit you really got me there.."

Akihito looked at him for a few seconds before pulling his book away. Then in one swift movement Tukomi got one of his arrows and stabbed Akihito in his side, poisoning him.

Akihito jumped back and pulled the arrow out 'shit that stung..what was in that arrow!" He thought to himself as Tukomi began to laugh.

"It was poison in the arrow..if you don't get help you'll die!" Tukomi ran to Akihito and sliced his leg then arm with another arrow.

Tukomi then did a front kick right to akihitos chin and knocked him against a tree.

'I'm feeling so weak. My vision is getting blurry and it feels like my whole body is electrocuting' Akihito was thinking while against the tree.

"This is it" Tukomi smiled and moved the arrow against his neck.

"Hel-" as soon as Akihito was about to bring out hellfire again, Aimi ran to Tukomi and stabbed his leg. Tukomi fell down to the ground and yelled in pain.

Akihito looked at her surprised, Aimi stood in front of him "who are you and what the hell are you doing?!" As soon as Tukomi looked up at her, they both stared at eachother.

"T-Tukomi?" She lowered her sword and continued to look at him "I thought you died"

About thirty minutes later it began to get dark outside so the three of them set up a fire "you need to be more careful Aki" as they sat at the fire she was using a spell to heal him.

"Aki..? Is there a reason you call me that?" Akihito asked, looking at the ground.

"What? No it's just..well I though it was a nice nickname that's all."

"My mother used to call me that. That's why I froze the other time you said it..it brought back memories that I forgot I even had, it's crazy because you wouldn't expect to forget something like that"

Aimi looked at him, continuing to heal his wounds  "I'm sorry. I know I don't know the whole story of your mother but it seems like she was an amazing person and a mother"

"I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for..but Aki you shouldn't be so set on revenge. That'll only get you and more people hurt" Aimi began to look sad as she said that.

Akihito looked at her "I have to avenge my mother..but that's not the only reason I'm doing this remember what he said about being able to send monsters to the outside world? I think he did something to my grandmother and planning on doing things to a bunch of other people and I won't let him do that"

Tukomi was sitting up against the tree listening to what they were talking about.

"I-if.." she stopped healing him and looked at the ground as tears began to fall "if you become king before I can be the queen please..please help my village. Help the people suffering there..My village was destroyed years ago by something I don't know..at that time I thought it was the Kings doing and now I realize it could've been. I was so angry and wanted revenge on whoever did that. That was the only thing on my mind. But In the process things happened and I was powerless!" She began crying harder "i-if only I was strong enough. If only I had enough magic..I was born without a lot of magic so I guess I should've listened when everyone said I couldn't be the queen. But that doesn't matter, I just want my home to be back the way that it was!" She kept crying.

Akihito began to feel really sympathetic as he looked at her, all he wanted to do was comfort her and tell her everything was gonna be okay. He slowly moved closer towards her and gently hugged her "I promise when I become the king I'll help your home..you have my word"

Aimi cried for another minute before rubbing her tears away "thank you" she said and moved off of him. She had a blush on her face and stared at the fire.

"You all are a bunch of wusses. Until you realize the world doesn't give a shit about your desires you're still gonna be a pathetic, sad case" Tukomi said, looking at them.

Aimi looked at Tukomi "why..why are you like this. You weren't like this when we were kids were you? When Chinatsu was here? You know I thought you were dead.."

Tukomi clenched his teeth and stood up "that was in the past. Don't mention her name!" Tukomi walked off and Aimi watched him.

Akihito still had hatred in his heart and he still did seek revenge on his father. But he also had another goal which became very clear to him in this moment.