
Pathway To Peace

In the year 3062, magic exist. And a 16 year old boy named Akihito is determined to conquer this magical world and face off against his father to uncover the truth about his mother and past. Though in that journey he soon realizes that there was more to this magical world than he once thought.

Tokyooo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Bad News

"Hey what's your name? you're a kid just like me"

Young Akihito said as he looked at the young boy with the cloak.

"Hm? My name is ————" the boy with the cloak looked back at him and smiled slightly.

"Cool name" Akihito said.

Akihito quickly woke up from the dream, breathing a bit heavy and wondering why he's been having these dreams. Or if they're something from his past he forgotten.

He looked down at his chest and saw Aimi laying her head down on his chest with a smile. He blushed a bit then slowly got up, laying her head down softly.

Akihito walked out of the cave "if I want to get better I need to train and do a lot more.." he looked straight ahead at the zombies who were walking around.

He reached his hand out "book" his book appeared then he ran towards the zombies.

"Hellfire!" Akihito yelled then a sword with fire at the tip appeared and he began cutting through the zombies. He was surprised he had such a spell.

Aimi popped up out of her sleep from the loud noise and the loud screaming from Akihito.

"W-what is that?" She got up and ran out of the cave to see Akihito standing with a sword, his armor off and his shirt ripped and burnt.

There was a small pit that he was standing in and some trees that were on fire.

"Wow.." she walked towards him and looked at him "was that you? I didn't know you had it in you" she laughed.

Akihito looked over at her, looking surprised "yeah me neither"

"Well what was it? Was it a spell? What spell was it?" She asked  "not a spell I've seen before" she looked around at the ground and trees.

"It's called hellfire..it's the only spell that I have in my book so I thought I'd see what it is"

"H-hellfire?" She immediately looked at him "how do you have that spell? That's a very rare spell only a few people have"

Akihito looked down "I don't know..I do know that it uses quite a bit of magic to use though."

"Yeah well with the magic you have that probably won't be a problem. You have a bunch of magic after all" Aimi  started to walk off.

"Where are you going?" He followed after her.

"Well we're going to the next level aren't we? Plus you need some new armor since the one we got you was completely destroyed" she responded.

"So how many levels are there to beat anyways?" Akihito asked.

"Book" her book appeared and she looked at it "Don't know really but..hey look, if you look at your book, the top right corner shows the people playing these levels..at the moment it is 2,567"

Akihito looked at her "and? Whats important with that?"

"The rate of people leaving are astonishing..it's one after the other and it's either there leaving or.."

Akihito looked at her for a few seconds then straight ahead "they're dying..so you can leave? How do you leave exactly?"

"Well that's easy you just tap the center of your book and.." she tapped the center of her book but nothing happened.

Akihito looked at her a bit confused "is something supposed to happen"

Shock and fear spread across her face as she continued to tap "n-no no this isn't right we're supposed to be able to leave" she started to panic a bit.

"Aimi relax" He walked directly in front of her and she looked up at him, her eyes watery.

She continued looking at him "You're right..sorry for freaking out" she put her book away then they continued walking.

"Wait..so if you can't leave the world and there's a bunch of people leaving at a rapid rate that means-" Akihito began to say

Then out of nowhere a deep and fearful voice could be heard from the Kings castle over a loud microphone. The castle could be seen and heard all the way from even level one.

"I'm sure by now everyone has realized that you can not leave this time. Thats how it is and I'm also sure you've realize a bunch of participants have been leaving from the levels. And I want you to know..they're dying at my hands."

"W-what..there's no way" Aimi said to herself.

I also want you to know that I have the power of sending monsters wherever I please..even the outside world. I'm sure you all know what that means!"

Akihito and Aimi looked up at the castle, frozen from what he said and wondering if they heard that right.

"I've been doing that, and I'm gonna continue doing that! If you wanna stop it go ahead! and Akihito...your grandmother is a lovely woman" the king said in a sadistic tone and then began laughing.

Akihito clenched his teeth and began to get angry, the Kings words were piercing into Akihitos ears and made him think everything bad the king, his father could do "I wont..I won't let him hurt anyone else!"

Akihito began running to where the castle is, passing over to the next level which was a sandy area. He used his 'hellfire' to kill any monster that got in his way.

Aimi was still behind, stuck.

'Not again..not again not again!'He screamed fiercely in his head, and it was if he could still hear the Kings laughter even though it stopped.

It drove him mad as he was slashing monster after monster angrily before another guy stood directly in front of him with his book out.

"Hey crazy asshole relax, I'm killing monsters here. This is my area and I'm gaining coins so back off" the guy said.

Akihito looked at him for a few seconds, ready to stop anything that got in his way.

"So be it.." the guy looked at him, a cocky grin on his face "serpent bow!"