
Path to be the strongest

Morganth was crippled in an accident. But after few months which he spent on bed on Earth mana awakend. See how he embarks on the path to become the strongest entity in the universe with the help of the system. _____________________________________________________ Since seventh chapter quality is increasing, as I've learned sth about writing. English isn't my native language so if you see any mistakes you can pinpoint them so i will improve them. Also Antihero tag doesn't mean that MC will be attacking if it doesn't give him benefits, which in volume 1 it will be pretty much all time. Names will be generated using ChatGPT.

Miechol · Fantasy
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24 Chs

This time it will take less time

After leaving the representatives of Earth I went back to my mansion for meditation over my protect spell. After I sensed the place where treasure will be born I just changed location. After one month has passed in what seemed like a blikn of an eye to me the treasure was born. After picking it I exclaimed in happy voice - "This time it will take less time to train"

[The Fruit of Training.]

{Upon absorbing its energy, your training speed will increase tenfold for a duration of ten years.}

With such treasure I won't even need ten years to finish my training for Rank 3. Well I was right... But not that much as I would like to as it took me nine years. I thought that I will managed to finish it in five years not nine. I can only again meditate on my protect spell until another treasure will be born.

Again this didn't feel as few months has passed. But this will be more noticible when I will lose myself for decades and only wake up when something important would happen. But it doesn't matter, as I don't mind it. Now I can Pick up my treasure. But seeing the crowd outside it looks like I would need to show them that I didn't joke last time. I will get rid of all of those that are trying to get it for themselves.

After doing a little carnage I picked a different kind of treasure than the last time. This time it was a Tier 0 metal that I could use to make my new swords. After all, the ones that I took from academy are in awful condition, so I'm satisfied by that. But until I start working on swords I need to finish my Rank 3 alchemy. After all, I need to be Rank 4 to venture into outer space without anything supporting. Since I had some experience inventing new recipes it didn't take me long. After consumingn 398 pills I could finally start cultivating. I knew that with each Rank up I would need much more time, but I didn't expect as much as fifty years just to get to Rank 4. Also when I advanced it make some commotion, as Earth representatives asked me if I could help them with something that made a commotion. I wish I could see their faces, when I told them that it was my advancement. Before going into space to hunt for Tier 1 treasure, which would appear in ten years I need to do two things before. One of them took me little time, since I just needed to upgrade my formations using this new mana pool. Second was to make my new swords. After practising for some time on sharpness and durability formations I finally made those masterpieces. Now I can go and grab my prize, which will be waiting for me in space. I hope that it won't be near a black hole.

[Blades of Chaos]

{Attack} -> 52000 + Strenght x20 {A/N Normally it would be two times less, but this is treasure material}

{Durability} -> 52000 {If the blade was hit by attack weaker than its durability it won't recive any damage.}



|Name| -> Morganth Darkshadow

|Health| -> 10000/10000

|Mana| -> 10000/10000

|Rank| -> Rank 4

|Level| -> 101 (0/100M)



|Strength| -> 202 (0/20) (0/20) 

|Agility| -> 200 (0/20) (0/20) 

|Constitution| -> 200 (0/20) (0/20) 

|Stamina| -> 200 (0/20) (0/20) 

|Perception| -> 200 (0/20) (0/20) 



{Chaos breathing method} -> 400%

{Hand-to-hand cobat skill} -> 10%

{Dual-swords mastery} -> 130%

{Spells} -> 120%

  |->  {Vitalyth} -> 40%(48%)

  |->  {Infernostrum} -> 50%(60%)

  |->  {Advanced version of Infernostrum} -> 300%(360%)

  |->  {Velorium} -> 60%(72%)

{Alchemy} -> 130%

  |->  {Rank 1 stat-improving pill} -> 70%(91%)

  |->  {Rank 2 stat-improving pill} -> 60%(78%)

  |->  {Rank 3 stat-improving pill} -> 80%(104%)

{Formation} -> 130%

  |-> {Defensive formation} -> 250%(325%)

  |-> {Gravity formation} -> 150%(195%)

  |-> {Sharpness formation} -> 200%(260%)

  |-> {Durability formation} -> 200%(260%)