
Path to be the strongest

Morganth was crippled in an accident. But after few months which he spent on bed on Earth mana awakend. See how he embarks on the path to become the strongest entity in the universe with the help of the system. _____________________________________________________ Since seventh chapter quality is increasing, as I've learned sth about writing. English isn't my native language so if you see any mistakes you can pinpoint them so i will improve them. Also Antihero tag doesn't mean that MC will be attacking if it doesn't give him benefits, which in volume 1 it will be pretty much all time. Names will be generated using ChatGPT.

Miechol · Fantasy
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24 Chs


When I went outside to see who had dared to assail my property, I witnessed an astonishing sight. Namely, I noticed that it was not only our government that was planning to colonise space, as the people who were standing outside were definitely not human. If this is the case, the whole Earth is in for a war, however, as long as I am left alone I don't really care. In this case, however, they had crossed a line with me. Anyway, I could use a bit of a real fight to the death.

The aliens that were standing outside bore the characteristics of lizardmen. They got green scales, reptilian eyes and long tail. Also everyone here was at least halfway through Rank 3, which indicates that their race is more hardworking than humans. The second option is that they were attacking my formation for some time and since they couldn't break it they called for stronger troops to handle this matter.

It didn't matter to me as they shouldn't have anyone at Rank 4, since between Rank 3 and 4 is the first bottleneck. People who are able to advance to rank 4 appear once every 10 billion or so, so it's impossible for someone with that kind of power to appear here in such a short span.

The fact that this is impossible is due to that I finally understood, based on the System's hints, that spiritual energy appeared throughout the universe at the same time. Of course it doesn't mean there aren't just other universes parallel to our own. After all the System once mentioned multiverses and it doesn't sound good that there are only tier 0 and 1 treasures. So to find the tier 2 I would need to exit my birth universe.

[You guessed practically correctly. It is true that there are other universes, but it works on a different principle. Nine universes of the same size as yours are merged into one larger one and so on. Also noone can go the the lower universe if he wasn't born in it, so you don't need to worry about some Rank 5 existance or higher for now.]

Uh... Interesting. Now I can focus on those aliens. After some thoughts I also plan to get rid of all of them, since it would be horrendous if they snatch the treasure from me.

With that being said I dashed towards them. After taking out my swords, I immediately attacked two at a time. My left blade blocked the attack of one of them and my right blade decapitated the other. Even though their strength was slightly weaker, I still defeated their entire group, which numbered as many as ten individuals, even though the entire fight lasted five minutes. It would probably have been even longer if it had not been for the fact that they began to lose strength in such a fierce fight. This once again confirmed that I had chosen the right development level by improving all my stats equally. After this matter was done I burned the corpses and went to improve the barrier with my new mana pool. After combining with the formation for a month, I added the option that if someone attacks it, it will respond with its own attack. With these changes, I don't have to fear anyone who doesn't have an attack higher than 3000 mana units.

After finishing my other activities, I went out to hunt aliens. After all, I'm not going to wait a whole year for a new treasure to idly appear. Although I don't care about other people somehow much I will have an easier time with them than with some lizards this, and so since I am free I can help them somehow.

With this being said I spent about three months helping other humans get rid of them. During those fight their presence helped me to advance my swordmaship to 130% proficiency. Also, my second hypothesis was correct when I said that those around my house were their elite troops, as if one takes all of their troops in one picture their strenght is equal to humans, but they got superior technology, which is becoming more and more irrelevant. When the remnants of their army began to flee I was summoned by the united governments of Earth. Deciding to answer their call I appeared at their headquarters shortly.

"We would like to thank you for your help during the war. However, we would like to ask who you are and why you are not registered as a cultivator. You just appeared out of nowhere during second week of war. Also how were you able to so much damage to them with your cultivation of early Rank ?"

"I see no problem in telling you. My name is Morganth Darkshadow and I am simply a person who prefers solitude. If it wasn't for the fact that they sent their elite soldiers to destroy the protective formation around my property I wouldn't have done anything to help you get rid of them. But I'm glad I did, because all those battles helped me develop my sword-fighting skills to a better extent. As for my strength? That's my strength and I'm not going to spread that knowledge."

"We understand and we won't seek trouble with you, since you helped us even if you hadn't plan it. However, can you explain about this defensive formation?"

"If only a little, I think yes. I guess you know about a place in the middle of former Polish territory, where noone can enter? This is the formation, which doesn't allow anyone to enter inside. Although they managed to break it, this was because at that moment it was a formation set up, when I was still at Rank 2."

"We understand, you enlightened us. Do you want some rerward?"

"Yes, you can tell everyone that they will die if I see them near a treasure that will be born in about half a year. That's it. Farewell."

'That's definitely a moster in disguise. How can he just kill people for just being close to the location of treasure. Good we didn't disrespect him now' - was in the thoughts of the representatives of a united Earth.