
15. Soul Condition

Cover in dirt and moving while in [Stealth] and following sense back to the nest they where they were born in halfway there, they received a notification.


//host has earned 25 essences for the assistant kill of adolescence rat kin//

//host has earned 35 essences for the assistant kill of adolescence rat kin//

//host has earned 20 essences for the assistant kill of adolescence rat kin//

its seem those there have die and like in my last life gain some essences form assistant kill. in my past i gran a lot of essences by poison many of my opponents from a distance and indirect methods they be doing from a poison while all of the miles away

"Good time, Good time"

[your actions have stimulated the core essence of the unknown deity relinquishing one free-stat point]

what is this? no, I can't focus on this right now i have to come back into this and studying this later day.

refocus on the present and no longer on the past

Bathsheba continue to make their way down the dark tunnel path following the sense in their subconscious mind that lend themselves back to the nest.

it took some time and maneuvering but they made it back to the nesting grounds. within the nest a big pile of mangled meat around it where Bathsheba their much bigger brother and sisters were enjoying their meal it

Bathsheba has finally made their way back to the nest they even saw their red eye little brother biting at one of their siblings

"it's seem my little brother is still in high spirit as i last saw them."

Bathsheba jade eyes flicker for a moment before making their way back to the crevice tat led to the stone room barrels filled with the pink mushroom the crevice was smaller now that they got bigger than they were before they re-established connection to their patrons.

only in mere moment of darkness and then a second discomfort as it passes and then Bathsheba finally returned to the stone room.

Bathsheba look at the stone that was lelf the same as he lelf its and said

"home sweet home sweet"

looking around the stone room taking inventory of the barrels of mushrooms and crates full of potions

"mhh.... this stone room seem to me to be an storage room come in an the range of sizes 60 ft and 120 ft contained full of the pink mushroom and crates full of potions to strengthen the soul."

Bathsheba jade eyes look to the barrels and crates in the room and notice a symbol placed on a brand or logo of some kind maybe from the faction that once ruled this region

the logo depicts a upside down cross with a golden feather serpent circling around it and biting it tail

at this moment the tutor decide to speak

[the crest is a symbol of the grace of Medancare. a god of healing and medication their followers focused on strengthening their soul by attending to the bodies of others]

"Medancare neve harde of them are they a god of this world? and how do know This?"

[that is correct this information and other information of gods seem to be stored in your Ark that the star maker gave within you, but it seems some the information is damaged we can repair with essence for key information for gods we come across]

oh right i remember this did happen sometime when i faced many of my enemies in my last life

bathsheba jade eyes scan the room taking inventory of the surroundings then they begin to make the way to one of the many cratees that i filled with potions and take one in their claws and took in its appearance.

the potions bottles in a shape of upside-down teardrop with the image of the churches symbol the fluid color seems to be like a mist trapped in a bottle a its seem to be in an good condition most likely has an preservation enchantment on it

Bathsheba bite at the top of the bottles and pull it's off and lick their maw tilt the bottle back and drink all of mist like potion down their throat. as they drunk the potion and felt an cool sensation could be feel filled down the reaching the core of the there body and entering their soul. stimulating the healing process upon their damage soul and allowing them to get a good view of their spiritual body

as Bathsheba jade eyes look at their spiritual body with shock at the damage that is riddled throughout the soul

their soul was damage all over it the cracks all over it showing the damage of it they even have a hole through their soul and the only thing keeping it in a human shape was the Arks that rotating around its.

as bathsheba saw their soul all could is say to themself was

well added that to the list of things to worry about i need to find some treasures to nurture the soul. Tutor can you explain how my soul can still function?

[ within your first Ark there is an core source named the fallen sorcerer the essence is from your soul at your death your soul essence was colllected and store it make core source of fallen sorcerer and remotely supporting your soul ]

that is something i did not know about the Ark could do.

bathsheba look at the hole in there soul they knew this was not stable they will have to do something to triggger an metamorphosis on their as soon as they can but for now they'll have to deal with their current situation.

metamorphosis is an powerful method of strengthening oneself utilizing many times in my world to strengthen the weakness of my human body and mortal soul, granting me the power of a sorcerer.

tutor please utilize your administrative authority to establish a new status recognizing the condition of my soul.

reason for purpose of the new status to maintain observation of current condition and the progress of my soul metamorphosis. Administration privilege with something i learned and during my journey and my first life. i need to propose the reason and it need to be approved my pation

[you really have done this before? all right all right let's get to start it]

[initiating the modification of the Ark applying changes toward the status application has been sent towards the administrative patrons and has been approved.]

[status update]


//Name: Bathsheba//

//Race: Rat kin//

//Sex Female//

//Mortal level Bronze: 14.2//

//level 10. level limit Evolution available//

//Primary Ark; Mistress of Mirror level 10/10 Secondary Ark; the Star Maker level 10/10//

//Core Source, Mistress of Mirror, the star Maker, Plague Baron, Fallen Sorcerer, Unknown Deity. //

//Position Level None

//Blood Potential Spread like the plague, Cannibal//

//Endowment Accelerated growth, Carrier, Strengthen Mana Pool//


//Experience 00/00//


//Basic Attributes//





//Physical strength:14.4//

//Physical defense:54//






//Special Attributes://

//Soul condition:63//

//Soul Strength:160//



//Unused stat points:13//

it seems the administrative action is completed Now i can see the condition of my soul at all time. and be alerted if something goes wrong were to happen.