
14. Eating the heart and first fight

Oh, wait.

No, my first meal in this life. would that be the "Equbrosia" that I ate for two days straight.

Well at least it'll be my first warm meal since regaining my consciousness in this life.

Bathsheba look at the still warm heart in their claws and their mind went blank then open their drooling maw and bit down on the heart at that moment Bathsheba jade eyes widen with shock by the flavor of the heart.

the heart did not Tast bad, raw or disgusting at all it was delicious. the heart did smell sweet but the tast was filled with a spicy and savory flavor.

Bathsheba mind was caught in an fog as they ate the heart as instinct took over their body and they finish consuming the heart and swallow the heart in their hands until nothing was left they even licking the blood juices off their claws.

as Bathsheba rationality return all they can do is look at their claws in confusion within their eyes and spoke with shame in their tone down of voice to themself.

"it seem my soul strength can only maintain control over myself when i am not eating it seem when i need to eat my meal in places where i am safe and protected for my control will lose as soon as i start to eat."

Our jade eye rat kin look away from their bloody claw and look upon the transparent screen from Ark flickering in front of them demanding their attention.

// Notice it is detected that the host has consume the heart of a Adult Rat kin creature +1000 essence. //

// The Blood Potential [Cannibal] has been stimulated by consume the heart of an adult rat kin +20 Stamina, +2.0 Physical Strength, +2 Strength, +1 Endurance, +1 Agility//

"mmh... this new in my last life, I only got strengthen in my attributes eating the heart of Silver and Gold life from not from Bronze level weakling like this!"

"Oh, right the Ark said that my blood potential [Cannibal] was stimulates by eaten the heart."

Bathsheba focus their mind switch their vison to the Status screen they look up their new Blood Potential in hope that for understand.

// New Blood Potential //

// Cannibal- It is believed that in rat kin culture to consumption of their race others will make the strong and stronger this believed is ingrained into the blood of the each and every one of the rat kin races and manifested the effects of [Accelerated growth] and [hunger] can become stronger by eating other. The amount of strengthening depends on the consume target. //

// Notice the strengthening will lose effect as the host grow stronger the host will need to eat the heart of more powerful races //

"So that what happen."


Bathsheba could not help but laugh when getting such an core ability to get stronger from eating as long as they're as strong as me or stronger enemy and defeat them they can grow endlessly.

in their laughter and glee, Bathsheba failed to notice the approach of three adolescent rat kin that follow the smell the blood of the heart and hearing the mad laughter of Bathsheba and continued to approach them.

as the three adolescent rat kin they saw a young rat kin with their head back laugh seeing this approach ready to attack and eat the young rat kin in front of them they felt something in this young rat kin telling them if they eaten them, they will become stronger.

this sense that these rat kin are feeling are not wrong Bathsheba may be weak and small right now but inside their body stores a large amount of essence that could make any of these creatures stronger and provide the foundation for them to become a future powerhouse of their race.

even though Bathsheba wasn't paying attention their years of combat and with great being give it a unique instinct to danger

with Bathsheba powerful Soul Strength they quickly looked in the direction of the new approaching enemies and they saw the adolescent rat kin and Bathsheba jade eyes turn cold.

"it seems I got to excited let my guard down. my new bodies is too young its physique is affecting my mind and soul i can't let this happen again or i will die young in this life Bathsheba jade eyes stare at the approaching three adolescent rat kin and their cold eye laced with hunger."

Any one of these adolescent rat kin where originally three times their size before reconnection to the Ark now through essence consumption they are only twice their size now increasing their chances to win this conflict significantly.

Bathsheba may be smaller than the others but their combat experience from a lifetime of fighting can make up for that channeling their Soul Strength throughout their body for maximum control over their body, activated their skill the [stealth] and swifty move toward the approaching adolescent rat kin.

Bathsheba move quickly with the effectiveness of [Stealth] the adolescent rat kin lost tracks them 

with their quick movements caught the approaching predators off guard before they could react to what happen and search for their prey one of them were hit and got a horrible gash across their neck.

blood gusted out from the would on the neck and blood spilled all over and across the creature Bathsheba was covered in the blood of its enemy and so was there on their [Claw] skill did great damage claw died in blood of the adolescent rat kin with my agility this high these creatures can't trace my movement as long as [stealth] is activated

Bathsheba jade eyes where as cold and calm as a northern lake Bathsheba in their past life has been bathed in the blood of their enemies so many times, they can't remember the number.

but could not help but click their tongue in frustration with their claw did get some damage in but it was inefficient at killing the target in one hit.

Bathsheba regain their focus and hop up in the air stepping on the face of the first adolescent rat kin that they cut the throat of their strike out with their tail at the one in the center bursting their eyes and bit at the throat at the one at the end of the group as Bathsheba fang bit into the neck of the target at the end they use the skill [Maw] to bite through the hide and tear to the jugular vein bit off a piece of their neck and swallow it before falling to the ground

with the use of Bathsheba high soul strength, the control over their body was at the supernatural level within a second they pull off a maneuver that quicky and injure their other enemies at the same time

the rat kin at center has been blind in their eyes was dashing around in pain and furiously crashing into the other two knocking them off their feet on the ground

Bathsheba nose begin to twitch from the smell of blood that feel the air in the cavern causing their mouth to sailvate with drool to hunger to stir

this is bad i need to finish this befor the other smell the fresh blood of these fool and leve this place befor I've to fight the other four

bathshea mobilize their powerful Soul Strength of 160 to take full control of their body and suppress their hunger

with all of their strength kicked off the ground with their hind legs and used the skill claw with both hands are strike at the spine of the raging adolescent rat kin who back was open to a while raging in pain from there recently blinded eyes

the wretched creature let out an soul shattering screen as it how of pain echo throughout the cold tunnel walls as Bathsheba cut through half of the spine of their blind target fell to the ground unable to move their lower body at all they can do is whimpering in pain.

Bathsheba look at their claws with disappointment and sigh.

"My claws are damaged by the hard bone of the spine of the adolescent rat kin it seems by agility and endurance are not high enough to kill one of them in one shot."

Bathsheba look at the three bleeding and down adolescent rat kin thinking to finish them off but then they realize that they do not need to two. they are injured and one is cripple. the three of them lost a lot of blood and cannot follow them now.

they are pray for the others eating the corpse soon the rest that would be coming here because the smell of fresh blood in the air and Bathsheba have use half of their stamina. With this in mind ignoring the hunger of their body Bathsheba jade eyes flickered and retreated immediately as they move, they are pressing their body against the loose soil of the cave tunnel to suppress the smell of blood to lower the chances of being followed by the others rat kin.