

Meet Billy Bubba Bill, a heavyweight champion in our world, but he died while stealing a banana. See how Billy gets reincarnated, see how he learns to adapt to the shinobi world, and who knows, you might like it. I posted this story on other sites NO HAREM Alternative universe! 104 K words as of chapter 17

Highlord1337 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Walking The Side Road

Hello, Author-Sama here! I hope you are enjoying your read so far, So waweee we ain't in normal naruto any more lads ain't we?

We got magic shit and weird shit, but hey, it is refreshing, so Imma shut it now and enjoy the true life of a shinobi geezer.

"" Tolkin

'' Big Thinkin


A young boy walks on a dirt path that leads to the village hidden in the leaves; with a smile on his heart and song at each step, Billy's excitement grows.

Billy raised both of his hands towards the back of his neck, and he walked in a leisurely manner. 'Man, today was fun. I met I'ro, Lulu, and their sister Nina'.

He inhaled some fresh forest air 'I uncovered a whole shit storm of a plot… Well, I didn't do shit, to be honest, I mean, I stumbled into an apocalypse-sized monster, got saved by I'ro, and he spilled the beans about the whole thing'. Billy stretched his body.

Billy noticed the gates of Konoha appearing in the distance, and he grew excited. He readied himself, 'Alright, let's do this in ten seconds' Billy pumped some chakra into his legs; he could feel the chakra feeding into his muscle fibers, the bones strengthening themselves, and finally, his core balanced itself in preparation for what is about to happen.

Billy grinned, and like a sprinter, he bent forward and unleashed all his power in one go. He could feel the tunnel vision forming, he could feel the pressure starting to amass on his forehead, and he could feel speed itself.

His target, the gates of Konoha getting closer by the second, and when he could feel his strength leaving him, Billy leaped to his goal.

Billy quickly tucked in his legs to increase the momentum. In a display of incredible acrobatics, he did one flip and landed perfectly.

His arms are heavy, knees weak, mom spaghetti, and he was beaming all ready. Billy looked at the gate guard leaning on his chair, with a newspaper covering his face. "What is the score this week, Hajime-san?!"

Hajime, who did not see anything, simply replayed with a thumbs up.

Billy smiled. "See ya next week Hajime-san."

Then he started to walk towards the merchant district; while he walked, Billy began to remember, 'Man, a year ago I would have been totally lost, now Konoha feels like my second home, but nothing could beat great o'l Montana, big sky country.'

Billy started to feel this sad yearning for a home. He began unconsciously humming Montana Lullaby.

While he hummed, he closed his eyes and imagined a big sky with large fluffy white clouds and open fields that had roaming cattle with their bells singing the songs of the winds.

He inhaled the chilled afternoon air and listened to the silence, slowly breaking to people hawking their wares.

Then he opened his eyes slowly. 'I miss home, but I guess I should be thankful; I am alive again.'

Billy yawned and stretched his arms; while stretching, he saw Ayumi advertising her giant lollipops. Billy always buys from her, she makes her candy by hand, and they are always delicious.

He sighed, 'I really want to get one of those, but…" he closed his eyes. 'No, I deserve a treat; I almost died, and I did some great exercise… and one small lollipop won't hurt!'

Billy started to skip towards the seller. "Ayumi-san, how are you this fine day!" he flashed her a smile.

Ayumi sighed. "Hello Billy, you are going to ask me how much calo something in these again?"

Billy gave her a hearty laugh. "No, I would not dare try…" then he whispered, "ever since you beat me with your sandals last time."

She looked at him and clicked her tongue. "Fine, pick one, they all cost the same"

Billy smiled, and stars started to dance in his eyes. "Hmm, should I pick this one… or this one… I can't decide… I like red more," he started muttering, but what he failed to realize was that there was a sandal fated to meet his face today.

Ayumi inhaled a large breath, "Billy, please pick one already."

The boy with the black mask could not hear her, for he was lost in la-la land.

Ayumi bent down and picked up her sandal, then she smiled and counted to ten. "Ooh Billy, I have one of those low calo candies you want," she sang to him.

Billy's back quickly stood straight, meeting Ayumi, and what he saw was a sandal to the face. He stood there, hearing the clapping sound of the sandal. "I took too long again, didn't I?"

Ayumi simply harrumphed, then she picked a lollipop and handed it to Billy. "Here you go, come again!" she sang to him.

Billy, stunned, reached into his pocket and brought a coin. "Thank you very much for your patience… again."

He handed the sandal back to her; then he started walking toward Orichi's kiddy masks.

For the rest of the walk, Billy started greeting his neighbors and store owners. While he was walking, he saw that old bat. Billy and her never really got along; whenever Billy makes any noise, she starts throwing stuff at his home. Whenever he is about to read or study, she starts blasting music. To say that they do not like each other would be an understatement.

The old bat saw him, and her face turned from a happy smile to a frown that could crack iron; she spat in his general direction, "Well, well, well, look at what the ugly fucking cat dragged in."

He sighed. "What do you want, you neighbored hood crackhead?"

She smirked, "Oh, look who's talking, you out of season scarecrow."

Billy shrugged, "where did you get this insult? 'insults for dummies?"

She faked a sneering laugh. "At least I can read, you donkey brained."

Billy grew angry. "Hey, I have a certificate that says I am free of donkey brain disease!"

She laughed and started shouting, "Hey, everyone, this kid just admitted that he used to have a donkey brain!"

People started noticing them; Billy sighed. 'I really didn't want to use this, but I am going to channel the Churchill. He took a deep breath. "I may admit that I used to have a donkey brain, people! But at least when I wake up the next morning, I will live my life normally" then he turned and channeled some Jojo and did a pointing pose towards the old lady, "But when you wake up, you will still be an ugly ass bitch"

Silence all around them; for the full year that Billy lived in the merchant district, he had never heard it so Silent. Then one guy started to crack "Pffft!" then another person started openly laughing, and another, until the whole area started laughing.

The old lady started swearing at anyone who was laughing.

'Ok, I think I may have done some damage here, but I know no one can keep that bitch down' Slowly, Billy started walking away. 'Holy shit, this is so cool! Alright, Billy, you can do this; just walk away slowly, put your hands in your pocket, and let the shadows cover half of your mask.'

While he was walking away, he saw a black-haired kid looking at him with awe. 'Fuck, yes! This is a one-in-a-million chance. I can recreate the Coca-cola commercial' Billy reached into his bag without looking. "Hey, kid!"

The kid looked at him in shock, "wah… me?" he pointed at himself.

Billy threw something at the kid, "Catch."

The kid stumbled a little, but he caught it, then his face changed. "Is this your sock… 'sniff' eeew!"

Billy paled a little 'Fuck; I meant to get my other jacket! It's ok; we can fix this. Fix the cool Billy!' Billy smiled and gave him a thumbs-up. "Don't mention it, kid!" He kept walking, leaving everyone behind.


After walking for a while and stopping at several stores to talk and buy small items, Billy finally reached his home and his place of work. While he was heading towards the store, he noticed an old Shinto priest shaking his head and bending down to pick up his bags.

Billy walked towards him. "Let me help you out, Ji-chan" Billy walked towards the old priest. He bent down and picked up the staff. "Take care"

The old man smiled. "Thank you, boy," Happy with himself, Billy continued towards his path.

And finally, he saw the store in the distance, excited; he picked up the pace, but then an overweight woman stopped him. "Hey, there, boy."

Billy smiled, "Hello."

Her face changed to a smug look. "Don't you know who you are talking to?"

Billy scratched his chin. "Well, no, I don't. Should I know?"

She smiled and looked at her fingernails. "Oh, nothing much, it's just" then her eyes looked at something behind him.

Billy noticing this tried to turn around, but then he heard her, "NOW!"

Suddenly he felt cold, then wet. He looked down at himself, and every part of his body was covered in white. Then he heard that demonic screeching of that cursed woman, "HEUHEUHEU! That's what you get, cum shot, boy! NOW AYAME!" The overweight woman ran behind the cart and with an incredible feat of acrobatics landed on the cart while the group of old hags laughed at him and flipped him off.

He heard a cart speeding away with giggling hags laughing at him. "Did I just get a drive-by paint job?" … "BY THAT FUCKING HAG!"

Billy groaned. "Fuck I am too young for this shit," the cum shot boy slowly shuffled towards the store. Just as he was about to go to the backyard to clean off the paint, he heard a sobbing sound, the sound of Yamazaki-Oyabun Sobbing.

Billy looked up at the sky. "Will this day ever end?" he slowly walked towards the store's entrance. He slowly opened the door; there he saw Yamazaki-Oyabun kneeling in front of a makeshift shrine, large sake bottles empty scattered around him. On the shrine, a couple of candles and a rice bowl with chopsticks sticking out of the rice. 'Fuck did someone die? Is it Izein?" Billy swallowed and with shaky steps, walked in; then he heard.

"Why did you leave us so soon!" Billy takes another step. "I did not even have a proper photo of you."

Finally, Billy was close enough, and he saw the photo, or what counts as one. One piece of paper with a stick figure that had a mask; next to the stick figure was an arrow pointing at it with the word 'Gone, but not forgotten.'

Billy deadpanned at this and said instinctually, "Really."


(Yamazaki Oyabun POV )

When his apprentice asked him for a second day off work, he accepted, but when he did not show up on the third day, he complained that the kid was slacking off work. On the fourth day, he started getting worried; maybe Aiko-Sama found out who he was and killed him. On the fifth day, he spent the entire day looking at the red district body dumping sites. And finally, on the sixth day.

Orichi finally accepted the fact that his apprentice was dead; he knew that he should have forbidden him from going outside of the village; who knows what lurks there? The village was at war, for Kami-Sama's sake.

In the morning, he drank two sake bottles for breakfast, then he prepared a list, he would call a Shinto priest to bless the funeral, then he would get a small shrine in the store, next to the bull's masks; Billy always loved creating those, and finally he would call the Hokage and inform him of what transpired.

Orichi went to the workshop half-drunk and sad; he worked for hours making a wooden shrine, then he called the Shinto priest, an old friend of his, to bless the funeral.

While he waited, he drank six bottles of sake, and in his drunken stupor, he realized that he had no photo of Billy. This made Orichi depressed, so he did the best thing an artist of his caliber could; he drew a picture of Billy; the picture did not turn out so great, and thankfully the priest was half-blind; therefore, it became easier to hide his drunken shame.

When his friend came, they started the funeral, and when it was done, his old friend provided his condolences and left Orichi to his grieving.

For a while, Orichi did nothing but drink, and gaze upon the picture, then suddenly, like a dam, his emotions broke, and he wept. "Why did you leave us so soon!" snot started coming out, then he heard a step, but he no longer cared. 'Even men can cry, can't they!' he breathed. "I did not even have a proper photo of you" 'Yes, see the greatest artist in the hidden leaf, see him wallow in his shame when he cannot even draw a simple picture of a beloved one!'

He heard another step. "Really."

Orichi's eyes widened, he quickly turned his entire body and he stood still. The light from the door cast a shadow on his apprentice's body, but he knew it was him; he was alive!

Then slowly, his eyes adjusted to the shadows, and he leaned in. His hopes have been crushed '; no, it is, not Billy, it's a genjutsu of Billy's ghost!' He felt faint, but he had to ask, "Billy, is that you?" He could feel his heart beating faster, and his body turned numb.

Orichi's vision began to be covered by shadows, then darkness.


(Billy Pov!)

Billy looked at Yamazaki's body. 'Please tell me I didn't kill him!' He quickly shuffled around the store, panicking, then he stopped.

He started to snap his fingers. "Fuck, what did they do on that show" Billy kept on snapping, trying to remember 'I know we should do mouth to mouth, but fuck let me find another option' then it clicked in his mind, and he slapped his hands together "Right! Check the pulse!"

Billy moved toward his Boss's body; then he reached his neck. "Oh, thank God! He is not dead!" He exhaled a deep breath he was holding and stood up.

Billy looked around the room and found a blanket; he tucked in Orichi, then he went outside. 'Alright, please, God let me end this day' He turned around and locked the door. 'I hope he won't panic when he wakes up.'

He moved towards the backyard and cleaned himself with water; then, he walked upstairs. When he reached his destination, his very being just gave up 'Yamazaki-Oyabun broke the door again… I will fix it tomorrow' Billy moved inside of the house, then he brought his door's quick-fix tools. Billy returned with a huge brick; then, he laid it against the door. 'This will do nicely.

He stretched his body. 'All right, now that I am done with all this bullshit, I need to eat something and maybe watch TV."

Billy took another shower; then he changed into his pajama, which consisted of a silk bathrobe and pink bunny slippers. Modeled after Hugh Hefner's style.

He started making a healthy lunch consisting of two ten-ounce steaks with white rice and grilled vegetables.

When the cooking was done, Billy transferred everything to the small table next to the TV; then he started switching channels randomly.

Billy stopped at a channel, "Today, the Hokage gave a speech condemning the actions of several potato merchants, who were found out to be hoarding potatoes so they may sell them at a markup. More on this story live with our reporter Sano-san."

Billy took a bite of the steak and nodded along, he really wanted to eat potatoes today, but he could not find any.

The camera changed to the reporter, "Good afternoon, everyone; I will be asking the general public about their thoughts" The reporter started walking while talking about the ramification of the potato shortage, then he stopped a passerby who was holding his sleeping child on his shoulders while smoking a cigarette, and carrying groceries.

The reporter jammed his mic into the passerby. "Sir, what do you think about the potato shortage?"

The guy grew furious, and he started screaming, "Do I look like a guy who got time for this bullshit? I have to get back home; then I have to clean the house; then I have to feed my five kids, and finally, when my BITCH of a wife returns from her ever so important shinobi job!"

The reporter started inching away, leaving the mad guy alone. "HEY, WHERE ARE YOU GOING!? I AM NOT DONE VENTING!"

The reporter started sweating a bit, then he screamed to the camera guy, "Run, Mita-san!" The camera began to shake, and the voice of Mita-san's heavy breathing commenced, but the voices of the mad passerby started getting closer, then it got cut off with a scream from Mita-san."

Billy's eyebrow raised a bit. 'Well, at least I know someone out there is having a bad day like mine.'

The camera changed to the news reporter. "The channel would like to apologize to any viewers who were offended by this shocking live report, but this just came in; a report of feral citizens has been confirmed by our channel; more on that at ten."

Suddenly the feed changed to an infomercial "Did you know that every shinobi out there really appreciates a clean kunai" The ad started showing a ripped shinobi holding a kunai in a sensual manner "whether you are in a mission" It showed a sexy kunoichi traveling on a sunny Island "inside the village" it changed again to a replica of the mission office, with a naked shinobi opening a letter with a kunai "Or meeting the Hokage" They showed a clearly fake Hokage admiring a clean Kunai… The Hokage was half-naked, also.

Then the ad showed 'Kunai cleaning kit 5000' for five hundred ryō with lifetime insurance. After presenting the kit, they showed the picture of the Hokage and played a voice note. The sound of the note clearly indicates that it was recorded in a public space "This ramen tastes good, Homura" then they presented a short message 'The Hokage approves of good kunai on the battlefield."

Billy raised his eyebrow, then he exploded, "Are you fucking kidding me! Who are you trying to trick here!" then he banged his head against the table. "At least try to make it believable! … I hate doing this, but…."

Billy walked towards the phone and picked it up; then, he dialed up. "Hello, is this the Kunai place?... Yeah, I need about four of those, please," click.

Billy returned to his lunch; he looked at his steaks in disappointment "Fuck! I really didn't want to do it, BUT for five hundred ryō I could get three rags, two Kunai oil, five sharpening stones, and STICKERS!" Then he hesitated for a moment, "I am not fucking stupid, all right!" … "Ok fuck you, reasonable voice in my head; I bought them because the academy will start in two months! I am simply preparing."

He looked at his steaks. "Who the fuck am I kidding… Clearly, I made a great choice in buying these kits!"

On this day, Billy discovered that he was weak to infomercials.

For the rest of the day, Billy relaxed and caught up with his TV programs; he watched his favorite soap opera 'Black Turtle moan," while doing some pushups. Then he watched a bad propaganda movie about the war. And finally, he made dinner and watched a horror movie.


The next day Billy woke up with a groan; he laid in bed too lazy to move, but after five minutes of waking up, the sun won, and he had to wake up.

He did his morning exercise, then he took a shower, then went outside, and got breakfast for himself and Yamazaki-Oyabun.

Billy unlocked the store and entered; there, he found Yamazaki, still sleeping, "Yamazaki-Oyabun wake up," then he started shaking him.

Yamazaki's eyes began to open. "Wha… did I sleep in the store again?"

Billy started to feel nervous. "Y., Yeah, you did," Billy started to look around 'Please don't remember.'

Yamazaki stood up and stretched. "Been a long time since I slept in the store," he yawned. "Is that breakfast I smell?"

Billy smiled. "Yeah, boss, your favorite Pickled eggs, miso soup, and smoked eel with white rice" He moved towards the table in the back. "Boss, do you want me to brew you some coffee or tea?"

Orichi started grumbling while heading towards the bathroom, "Drink good… later… 'Yawn' bathroom first."

Billy smiled. 'Coffee it is then,' Billy began with the coffee dripper which he made himself, and while it was doing its job, he started placing the breakfast around; then Yamazaki came covered in water, still struggling to get up. "Here you go, boss, eat something while I pour the coffee."

Yamazaki yawned. "Damn, Gaki, I feel this bump on the back of my neck… it is killing me."

Billy started to sweat. "Oh, maybe you slept wrong; I had to cover you since I could not wake you up."

Yamazaki started to grumble, "Damn floor, I am too old… wait a minute, I feel like I am forgetting something here."

Billy's eyes started darting around. "Your coffee, Oyabun!" Billy quickly dashed towards Yamazaki. "Come on, Oyabun! Drink up… and don't think about anything."

Orichi eyed Billy wearily. "Fine… you are a good kid Billy, don't let anyone tell you different" He reached for the coffee and took a small sniff "Damn kid, who would have thought that you could make a drink from coffee? Usually, they only use it for bittersweet cakes and shit."

The boy exhaled in relief and sat down; he started eating some of the pickled eggs, then he noticed Yamazaki staying rigid while looking at his coffee strangely. "Is there something wrong, Oyabun?" Billy asked while he noticed the air was starting to get a little bit chilly.

The demon with the thousand faces looked sharply at Billy; his right eye was glowing red, and the sun cast a dark shadow while the steam from the coffee covered half of his face in fog. "OI gaki!"

Billy quickly stood up straight and looked in front of him. "SIR, YES, SIR!"

Yamazaki slowly stood up while holding his coffee; then, he walked towards the shrine. "Tell me, Gaki, why is there a God damn shrine with your shitty mask on it, in my fucking store!?" he shouted across the room.

"I DON'T KNOW, SIR; YES, SIR!" He shook a little.

Yamazaki exhaled in defeat. "That was a test, you stupid mother fucking moron!" he turned his body towards Billy, then looked at the coffee. "It is amazing how one simple sip of coffee can jog someone's memories… so fast" then he looked at Billy's eye, promising pain.

In the merchant district, shop owners were opening their stores. Then they heard a primal scream; most just shook their heads and went about their business, while others looked on in worry.


In the basement of Orichi's kiddy masks, there is a forge that needs hard black coal to work; in this dark dungeon of despair, there is a child who is working next to the forge; this child passed his time working in this hellish environment with soulful blues songs "When I am a young boy… Dananana, of seven! …. Dananana working in dark dungeons!... Dananana makin kiddy masks... Dananana Inhaling glitter all day long!... Dananana and my fingers are all kinda stickyyy!... Dananana ta please the Boss, man!" suddenly, he heard the locks to his cell opening up, several chains clacked and clattered, and from the door, his Boss entered.

Billy sweating from all the coal shuffling, leaned on his shovel. "Hey there Boss; fancy seeing you here. I would just like to say that I work in fair conditions, and no accidents on our end."

Yamazaki inhaled, "I leave you for one hour in here, and you started acting like I am some slave owner? Doesn't matter, don't answer that" He moved towards the forge and picked up a metal mask skeleton. "Hmm, these look great," then he turned it around. "You need to check this spot and flatten this one better."

He moved towards a table and sat down; then he put on magnifying glasses. "Billy, I Know your excuses, but you have to grow up and stop throwing your responsibilities away; we are at war, and thousands of shinobi die every day."

Billy started drying the sweat that was gathering on his body. "I know that Yamazaki-Oyabun, I just lost my way in the forest" Billy truly did want to talk about what he saw in that cave, but if what I'ro talked about was true, could he risk it?

Yamazaki sighed. "Then stop acting so careless; you are still a child, untrained and unseasoned!" he took a deep breath to calm himself down. "I already lost a son to this damn never-ending war. Did you know that my sons came here with me before this war started, and just when my first-born son graduated from the academy, this hell broke loose"?

He placed the skeleton mask gently on the table and stood up. "He grew up never knowing what true piece was! He grew up fighting for his life! And do you know what the funny thing Billy?" He turned around and looked at Billy. "He was ingenious, Billy; at your age, he already surpassed me in our mask fighting style; when he grew older, I saw creations that I have never seen in my life, Billy! I was in awe of his talents, his strength, and his will to survive!"

Then he moved quickly towards Billy, looking him in the eye, daring him to blink. "And that boy is dead, Billy! My son! The invincible died in some God-forsaken lands! Sleeping with the fish and the cold dark waters."

He sighed in defeat and closed his eyes. "And now we have you, Billy," he looked at him again, but this time with pity in his eyes, "what have you to offer, Billy?"

Billy looked at the ground, ashamed, and tears began building up in his eyes. 'Is this what he honestly thinks of me?'… Billy took a deep breath, and with conviction in his heart, he spoke, "I may not be the brightest… I may not be brilliant… and I may not be mighty… But I can offer you this" Then he looked Yamazaki in the eyes, poured all his determination and hope into his next words, "I will survive this! Just like how I Survived Kumo's attack, just like how I survived all these torture and abuse, and I will survive this war and any war to come."

Billy took a deep breath. "My name is Billy Tsuyoi Ushi! And this I promise you" Billy waited with anticipation, waited for Yamazaki to accept anything, to acknowledge him, and to accept that he would survive.

Yamazaki took a deep breath and turned around; he slowly sat next to the table. "I hope you are right, Gaki, I hope you are right," Yamazaki began tweaking the mask. "For the next two months, you will not be working here; I advise you to prepare for the academy, you will need it, and when you return to your apartment, I left you some instructions and tips on how to prepare," He inhaled a slow breath "Go, Billy, leave this old man with his ghosts."

Billy's tears started flowing, and he will not stop them. He bowed his head. "Thank you for everything, Oyabun!" the scarred boy slowly walked away, leaving the old man alone.

Billy returned to his apartment and found a box with a notebook on top of it; he opened the notebook and started reading.

After spending half a day reading the notes Yamazaki left for him, Billy changed his clothes and went training.


For the next two months, Billy trained like never before; he lifted weights, ran around Konoha, and practiced chakra exercises from John's memories.

And finally, the fated day of the academy began; he gathered his bags and changed his clothes, then he looked into the mirror 'I changed a lot since I first entered this apartment' Billy's height increased from 3.5 ft to 5 ft, which is an impressive height for a seven-year-old, his body increased in mass before he was skinny as a twig, but now he had some muscles, his scars are all healed now, and they left his skin splattered with spotted slashing dark marks. His face is as disgusting as ever, but his dark gray eyes still shine, and finally, his pale snow-white hair has grown, reaching his back.

Billy reached for his black matt mask and attached it to his head, then he clicked the fuin and applied some chakra to it, the mask hissed and resized itself, and he breathed in, testing the mask's airflow.

Billy changed his clothes to his active-duty uniform; he wore a mesh shirt and a black turtleneck on top, then he got his black trench coat, which he found to be an excellent choice for hiding weapons, supplies, and everything a shinobi needs in hidden pockets.

He reached for his dark gray cargo pants, then he put on his bright yellow socks, and to tie his lower side together, he wore his black TI boots.

He looked at his finished work, then he looked down at his hands, still covered with scars. Billy turned his head towards the bed, and he saw his leathered gloves. He looked at his hands again and equipped them.

And finally, to finish everything, he reached for his black shinobi satchel that had his kunai, shuriken, wires, fuinjutsu scrolls, blank scrolls, fuinjutsu supplies, emergency rations, blood clotting pills, and finally, some smoke bombs.

He looked at the mirror and lowered his head. "I look like an edgy cunt" then he raised his head again and looked at the mirror 'Well, I can't help it… I mean, I still remember when a kid saw my scars; what a fucking scene it was'

Billy heard a knock; he moved toward the door and opened it. Yamazaki-Oyabun was there; he looked at him and took another glance at him. "Gaki, are you really going like this?"

Billy shrugged. "Can't help it; last time a civilian saw my skin, they started asking if they needed to call the Uchiha Police force."

Yamazaki nodded. "All right, everything is in order, Gaki? Did you send your clothes and reading materials to the academy yet?"

Billy gave him a thumbs up. "Did that yesterday; now I just need to attend the whole welcome event and get to my test."

Yamazaki smiled. "Don't worry, Gaki; they will put you in a mock test with the clan kids since you know… you unlocked your chakra and all, and please don't brag about how you unlocked it alone; stay hidden, Gaki."

Billy gave him another thumbs up. "Aight."

Yamazaki gave him a puzzled look, "why are you doing stuff with your hands?" Billy shrugged. "There you go again."

Billy shrugged again. "Well, I can't express emotions with my face, so I need to do it with my voice and body language."

His boss gave him a defeated look. "Oh God, it's one of those phases again; I had to deal with my sons; now you?"

Billy shrugged, which resulted in his boss merely raising his fist and smashing it on Billy's head. "Cut that shit out; the event will start in one hour; go already" Yamazaki went downstairs and entered the store.

Billy started muttering, "Crazy, damned old man," Billy moved downstairs, and when he was about to go towards the main road, Yamazaki shouted at him.

"Gaki Catch!" Billy caught a duffle bag; he looked at it strangely, then he heard his boss again, "Go get em Gaki" Billy smiled and gave him a Rocky Balboa pose.

Billy turned and continued his way, but he grew curious and opened the bag. Ten Kunai cleaning kits 5000 stared at him. 'Really, you dirty old man!' Billy smiled 'you got duped, too, huh? I guess I will see you in a year.'

Hello Author here! I hope you enjoyed this lil bit of slice-n-dice life!

Now, how about you get one of these? {Opens up trench coat filled with kunai cleaning 5k attached to the trench coat}

Highlord1337creators' thoughts