
Chapter 8: USJ (part-2)(Upgraded)

U.S.J :

'Where is the Nomu? are they keeping it hidden in anime as far as I remember he came with Tomura at the start. ' Kazuya thought as he tries to see bird brains.

'Well, it doesn't matter,' Kazuya thought as he put his hands in his pockets as he was being sucked in the purple fog.

'It seems that I was correct that I am replacing Mineta from canon. Damn, that sucks' Kazuya thought as he saw both Midoriya and Tsuyu beside him.

"Kazuya-san you are here as well," Midoriya said a little relieved seeing the top student with him.

"Yes, we should get out of here as soon as we can to support sensei he is alone there fighting the other villains," Kazuya said while looking towards the ship where multiple villains were standing in sailor outfits.

"Tsuyu grab me and Midoriya and jump as high as you can" Kazuya commanded in a serious tone

"All right kero~" Tsuyu extends her tongue and grabs Midoriya while her hands hold on to Sukoichi as she leaps from the water surface.

After Kazuya felt that they were high enough he raises his right hand and makes a fist out of it which lights up.

"Fire Fist" Kazuya slightly muttered. As a stream of flames came from his right hand and hit the water head-on evaporating a large chunk of it which the surrounding water tried to fill creating a whirlpool.

"Amazing" Midoriya could only awe at his classmate's power.

"Let's split up I will try to rush towards Aizawa sensei while you two find others and bring them there as well," Kazuya said and then rushed towards the middle.

"Wait Kazuya-san" Midoriya tried to warn him.

"Well he has already gone but we should follow his advice and find others it's better to be in numbers kero~," Tsuyu said

"All right then" Midoriya reluctantly left with her.

Kazuya reached the clearing as he saw Aizawa getting pummeled but a giant purple Nomu but what surprised him, even more, was that there were two other Nomus who was in stand by near Tomura.

Kazuya didn't have much time to think as he saw Aizawa's head about to be crushed.

He rushed towards the Nomu who was about to punch Aizawa's head again and raised his leg as purple flickers started to appear on it.

"Oi eat this Birdman" Kazuya said as his feet connected to the Nomu, purple flames appeared from the sole of his shoes and consumed the Nomu.


A huge blast was heard all over U.S.J.

'What the hell was that' Bakugo thought as he looked towards the entrance of U.S.J.

'Those were brother's flames I should go see the situation there quickly' Shizuka thought as she looked at the purple flames which lingered near the U.S.J. entrance

"You all underestimate me!" Kurogiri said as he wrapped both of them.

'Crap I was too careless' Shizuka thought as she was sucked into the fog.

'Damn it was all that flint face's fault I will blow him up next time we meet' Bakugo thought as he too was sucked in the fog.

Aizawa opened his eyes to see Kazuya standing in front of him with his leg which was stretched slowly relaxed.

"Well well well what do have here another hero wanna be I will give you credit boy but you facing the final boss without even facing the goons you know' " A man with silver-blue hair, a hunched back, and dressed in hands said out loud.

Kazuya didn't respond to him but kept eyeing the Nomus.

"Oh, it seems that you have already seen the Nomus as a threat well since you like them so much then take them. Nomu, kill him maybe that will bring All Might out," Tomura said with his loud raspy voice.

The purple Nomu rushed towards him. Kazuya instead of charging in took a deep breath...and then blew out a majestic wall of flames which crashed in all three of the Nomus.

"HO? it seems that you are quite a strong one but it doesn't matter Nomus crush him," The man yelled out orders to the beasts.

"Humph! try your best" Kazuya mocked and got in a martial arts stance.

"HAAAH" Kazuya yelled as flames propelled him towards the Nomu.

"KEAAAAKAAAAKKKK" The Nomus also yelled and rushed towards him.

Kazuya flipped his body mid-air and release snow-white flames which engulfed the Nomus. The three Nomus were stuck.

"Here let me help you out" Kazuya yelled and shot a blast of blue flames which turned into the dragon's head.


The flames settled as the Nomus damaged parts started regenerating.

Kazuya narrowed his eyes as he saw them heal. 'Their healing factor also seems to be buffed' Kazuya thought.

"Oh? you damaged the Nomu? no, you managed to melt it, an impressive feat we will improve it the next time we will try to kill your classmates." The Handy-man said and scratched his neck.

"Oh? you don't wanna fight me next time?" Kazuya mocked the man.

"No, it's just that you will be dying here. Nomu full force" The hunched man yelled again.

"Tch" Kazuya sneered and got ready to fave the three beasts again. The purple one got more swell and muscles, The green one grew multiple blades all over it and the pink one has a blueish-silver aura around its hands.

'They are going to start using their attack quirks now I will have to end this quick' Kazuya thought as his right hand was engulfed in white flames and the other in blue.

"HAAH" Kazuya yelled again and released blue flames which increased even the surrounding temperature.

"KEAAAAHH" The pink Nomu yelled and released Bluish-Silver shockwaves.

'Wait isn't this Akaza's blood demon art was the BNHA not copyright struck?' Kazuya thought as he saw his flames get nullified.

'No need to delve into it' Kazuya said to his heart and white flames on his right hands started to turn crimson.

"Well then take this" Kazuya yelled as he brought his hands together, the red and blue flames started to mix and turn into a ball of intense heat.

"What the hell is that brat doing now? Nomu stop him right this second" The Man yelled as he got a bad feeling from this.

The flames started to take shape as the flares of the flames turned into 4 sided pinwheel-like shape.

"Take this self improved: Rasenshuriken" Kazuya yelled and threw the ball of fire towards the oncoming Nomus.

"KEEEEEEAAAHHHHHH" The Nomus screeched as they melted into a puddle of liquids.


"Looks like I am the one winning this" Kazuya said as he panted and got onto one knee. Kazuya said he turned his back to the puddle and faced the scratch man.

"You made a mistake" The man simply said.

"What do you mean..." Kazuya was in the middle of the sentence when he was suddenly hit with a monstrous force on his back.

"AAAAHHHHH" Kazuya's yell echoed in the whole U.S.J.

"Kazuya..." Shizuka muttered in a worried look as she heard the yell.

"Flint-face!" Bakugo yelled as recognized the voice.

"Kazuya-san" Midoriya who along with other students yelled.

"KAZUYA-SAN" res of the class yelled in worry as they say Kazuya get hit by the purple creature with its brains out.

'I was too cocky and left my guard down...I failed to become what you wanted me to be' Kazuya thought as he started to bleed on the cracked ground.

'Huh,' Kazuya thought with blurry eyes as he heard his classmates shout.

'Huh? Midoriya? and the rest? what are they doing here? damn it, I must save them, move...move MOVE' Kazuya yelled to himself as his body finally moved from the ground.


"But Kazuya-san" MIdoriya tried to interject.


"But Kazuya-Kun.." Tsuyu now said with her concerning voice.

"I said to leave you all are a burden to me right now .. don't worry about me I already told you I am the strongest," Kazuya said his eyes never leaving the Nomus and his body now in a stance.

"Oh sacrificing yourself to buy your classmates time how very admirable of you," Tomura said in his raspy voice.


The green Nomu produced swords from its body, jumped high, and pinned towards him and the other Nomus were rushing towards the class.

'Crap they will get the others' Kazuya thought.

The purple Nomu was approaching Tsuyu first as she was in the front with Midoriya.

Just as the Nomu was about to hit her all of a sudden ice began forming near it and then completely froze him while the pink one was about to attack thirteen and Kirishima was hit with a blast.

"You are not going to take my spotlight Flint-Face" Bakugo yelled as he saw the Nomu which was knocked back.

"Brother...are you all right?" Shizuka said worried as she saw her brother's condition.

'I will have to help them they won't be able to hold them for long' Kazuya thought as he saw the purple one already breaking Shizuka's ice while the pink one stood up as if nothing happened.

A dragon head made from Kazuya's SUN FIRE formed around him as he quickly melted the green Nomu's swords and sliced through him and then with a formation of footwork and hand movements he commanded the dragon to strike the pink and purple Nomu which blasted them both in the other end of U.S.J.

"HUUF HUUF HUUF" Kazuya panted heavily and loudly. Using SUN FLAME was always draining of him.

The rest of class 1-A saw this shocking, performance and then proceeded with thirteen towards the door.

"Bakugo and Shizuka both of you clean the nearby area with any strangling villains I will take care of the Nomus alone," Kazuya said as his eyes got shaped and he took a stance. His coat was long destroyed and his shirt was barely holding on.

"Don't worry I will not let anyone here die!" Kazuya yelled as the temperature of the surround grew terrifyingly hot.



It was told to us that mother did not have much time to live. They said that her body functions are closing down rapidly in the layman's language she is aging way quicker than normal.

She was also one of the victims of the green-ray which was shot from an unknown person's quirk which made some of the people who were hit age quickly.

Since he was born Kazuya was very close to his mother who was always by her side hearing the news he cried he tried to deny it but the doctors told him it was the truth.

While he managed to help his mother from not going mad she in turn was going to die ... He wondered that if it was a butterfly effect due to his existence.

A young Kazuya approached his mother.

"Ka-san... I...I" Before he could say anything his mother hugged him.

"I know Kazuya," Rei told her son. While one would not admit but every parent has a favorite child and Sukoichi was Rei's favorite one.

"Calm down Zu-chan and sit beside me," Rei told her son in a soft voice.

Kazuya followed his mother's words and sat on the bed beside her.

"What kind of hero do you want to become Zu-chan?" Rei asked her son.

"The who never backs down from threats!" Kazuya answered with a straight face.

"That is correct Zu-chan an ideal hero never backs down even when defeated but do you know what a real hero is?" Rei asked.

"A real hero is the one who protects others that is the main job of a hero- no of the strong to protect the ones weaker than them that is their responsibility as the strong. As with great power comes great responsibility" Rei answered her own question while looking gently towards her son.

"Do you understand Kazuya? It will be your responsibility as someone strong to protect someone weak" Rei stated as she brought forwards her hands towards Kazuya for a hug

"I understand!" Kazuya also accepted the hug as he held his mother tightly as if he was afraid to let go.

"I am proud to have a son like you Kazuya and I know you will make me proud too" Rei stated.

Tears dripped slowly from Kazuya's eyes as he reluctantly released her from the hug.


'You were the one who was the wrong mother. I am the one who is proud to have you as my mother!' Kazuya stated in his heart as he prepared his next and final move for the battle.

Kazuya's started to heat his own blood inside his body, his whole skin gained a pinkish hue and some stream came from it. Golden flames surrounded his fists

'I will never back down in a fight and will never let anyone get harmed if I can stop that!' Kazuya yelled in his heart.

"I KAZUYA TODOROKI WILL NEVER LET YOU HARM ANYONE HERE!" Kazuya yelled as the temperature of the surroundings increased.

"TAKE THIS MY FULL POWER! SHONETSU JIGOKU! (burning hell)" Kazuya yelled as the golden flames extended to his body and he then rushed a the Nomus as the flames burned brightly in the surroundings.

"HAAAAAAH!!!" Kazuya yelled as he charged towards the Nomus.


The three Nomus didn't back down either and rushed towards him.

His blazing golden fist collided with the green ones and created a fire tornado for the spectators that included Shizuka, Bakugo, and a few other villains who were either knocked out or were fighting the kids.


"HAAAH" Kazuya yelled as his fist covered in flames punched and melted through the green Nomu. He then backflipped to avoid the purple one and breathed out golden flames on the pink Nomu's face and then kicked the purple one.

"KEAAAHHH" The Nomu's yelled as their generation slowly weakened.

'The regeneration has a limit!' Kazuya thought as he observed them healing slower than before.

"HAAAAAAAH" Kazuya yelled and then concentrated his newfound golden flames in the shape of a blade.

"ENTEN" Kazuya yelled as the blade slashed through the Nomus as if a hot knife through butter.

Kazuya used strikes after another to defend, evade and attack the abominations.

The Nomu's were getting pushed but their injuries kept on healing and they kept on fighting without any regard.

Due to Kazuya's regular use of quirk, the firestorm around them kept on raging and kept increasing the heat.

With his blade, Kazuya unleashed another flaming strike which sliced the Purple Nomu.

'Crap I am unable to stay straight any longer the smell of blood is too much and my body is at its limits' Kazuya thought even though he had spilled blood in the past that doesn't make him immune to its pungent smell especially when he can't tell if it's his blood or the Nomu's he was smelling.

"AAAKH" The pink Nomu regenerated its shoulder and half of its face and then punched him on his ribs again.

The green one attempted to shred Kazuya with his swords.

Kazuya jumped back to avoid it but the purple one rushed straight at him Kazuya's eyes widened seeing the purple one rushing with his claws attempting to slash his face off. Kazuya ducked under the claws but,

"AAAAAHHHH" Kazuya yelled out in immense pain.

To be continued...

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey there fellow reads this chapter is almost the length of two so that's why it took a long time to make Tobi hoes that you all enjoy it. Tobi also hers that today is an Indian festival so HAPPY DEEPAWALI to all the Indian readers.

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