
path of destiny

It is an story about boy who is basketball player he is teams captain perfectionist and man of principles while girl is lazy confused and whole mess she likes to play basketball game online alot she was 2nd in top 5 there she suddenly request an unknown account to play with her it's the captain he accept and both of them started playing one day girl was hanging around and rescued a dog which was captains he saw his phone accidentally and recognized that she is the one with whom he plays daily and he decided to meet her in person he likes her and helps her to realise her dream at that time both of them gets crashed in a car accident and she leaves him because she was having an incurable deaseas which is a secret between girl and captain best friend when she is cured she contacts bestie and he helps her to persue his friend

_xiorou_ · Sports
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54 Chs

43. I am ok.......

(at Manas house)

Aarvi :- Varun Sahil sit I'll get some water for you

(Manas come back home)

Sahil :- oh Manas is back

Varun :- we will leave then

(After some time Manas came in the balcony with one can of coke and one can of Budweiser )

Manas :- which one ?

Aarvi :- Budweiser

Manas :- 😲

Aarvi :- what ?

Manas :- this is beer

Aarvi :- I know

Manas :- when did you started drinking ?

Aarvi :- when I was having my treatment of head sometimes it used to pain as hell so I used to drink beer to endure the pain

Manas :- so are you in pain now ?

Aarvi :- I am ok

Manas :- actually Amy ....

Aarvi :- stop I don't wanna know about her......

Manas :- do you know aarvi it's the first time in this five years that Kartik came out for dinner with us ........ It is the first time I've seen him jocking with me

Aarvi :- is it ?

Manas :- in this 5 years he just drove himself in work work and work do you why he came today ?

Aarvi :- because everyone was happy in the team

Manas :- idiot

Aarvi :- then ?

Manas :- Because you're back

Aarvi :- as if my presence influence him

Manas :- yes your presence is the most important thing we all need specialy for Kartik give him some time he can't recognise his own feelings his ego is coming in between

Aarvi :- Amy ..... She is very good , cute , considerate , beautiful etc.....

Manas :- don't tell you're gonna give up on my buddy ?

Aarvi :- let me complete ... Even though she is all perfect in every aspect but I am not gonna leave your buddy I'll keep on hitting upon him nothing is impossible for me

Manas :- correct .... Do you need another can ?

Aarvi :- no thanks I have to train you'll at 5 in morning I'll go sleep...... Just an reminder for you . I'll punish if if you're late tomorrow

Manas :- it's not fair

Aarvi :- good night 💤

(In aarvi's room sleep on bed and kept thinking)

Aarvi :- # k is she really the one whom you love . Do you really not have any feeling for me now . Am I really just an mere coach for you . There are many questions in my mind I wanna ask you but I can't cause I know it was my decision to leave team and you back then you can hold grudge against just don't hate me ... Don't hate me.....don't hate me #