
path of destiny

It is an story about boy who is basketball player he is teams captain perfectionist and man of principles while girl is lazy confused and whole mess she likes to play basketball game online alot she was 2nd in top 5 there she suddenly request an unknown account to play with her it's the captain he accept and both of them started playing one day girl was hanging around and rescued a dog which was captains he saw his phone accidentally and recognized that she is the one with whom he plays daily and he decided to meet her in person he likes her and helps her to realise her dream at that time both of them gets crashed in a car accident and she leaves him because she was having an incurable deaseas which is a secret between girl and captain best friend when she is cured she contacts bestie and he helps her to persue his friend

_xiorou_ · Sports
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54 Chs

42. dinner

(at Kartik's cabin Manas on call)

Manas :- where are you...... Okay I'll come pick you up ..... Kartik you .....

Kartik :- I'll join soon after finishing this I'll be there before you

Manas :- I was saying that you don't have to push yourself If you don't wanna come

Kartik :- don't you want me to join ?

Manas :- this the first time you're joining us for dinner in five years ..... Isn't it because of aarvi

Kartik :- no I am joining because team is this much happy after 5 years I just wanna treat them

Manas :- whatever you can answer yourself I am leaving

(At restaurant everyone was present team's manager approached aarvi)

Manager :- oh ! You're back coach

Manas :- why you don't wanna her to come back

Aarvi :- Manas , manager ignore him ..... Thanks

(It was rounds table aarvi sat between Manas and manager )

Manager :- you're more beautiful than before coach

( while everyone else was busy in their talks manager said keeping his hand on her thighs aarvi became uncomfortable Kartik saw he got so angry but controled and said)

Aarvi :- ...Manas..... 😖

Kartik :- manager why don't you go and place the order first 🤨

Manager :- okay captain

(Kartik takes managers place and sits besides aarvi)

Kartik :- you comfortable ?

Aarvi :- yes thanks

Manas :- what just happened over here

Kartik :- nothing

(Everyone was enjoying their food suddenly an hand came and cupped Kartik's eyes )

Stranger :- guess who I am ?

Kartik :- stop messing darling

Stranger :- how can you recognise me everytime

Kartik :- isn't that obvious

Stranger :- who is this girl sitting beside you ?

Kartik :- stop being jaleous she is just our mery new coach

(Everyone was shocked by Kartik's statement)

Stranger :- o ...... I am Amy

Aarvi :- I am aarvi nice to meet you ...... Actually I am full I'll go back and pack my bags I've rented an house I'll move out tomorrow Manas ... Ummmm keys ?

Manas :- you're going alone ?

Manager :- I am also done I'll take her 😃

Aarvi :- 😥

Kartik :- manager if you're full just go and verify shoes order right now

Manager :- okay captain

Varun :- I am also full

Sahil :- we both will take her home

Aarvi :- ok .... Bye everyone ...

Amy :- bye aarvi

Aarvi :- bye mam

Everyone :- we're also full we'll go back to club

(After everyone left Manas furiously banged table)

Manas :- what the hell is going on ...... Kartik what are you up to ?

Kartik :- I think you know what I am trying to do

Amy :- what's wrong with you guys it's the first time I saw you both fighting

Manas :- Amy you're his sister how can you ?

Amy :- he asked me to come

Manas :- do you seriously hate her this much now that you can't even think about her felling

Amy :- what's going on

(Manas tells her full story)

Amy :- is she the one you was talking about....... Are. You idiot Kartik I can clearly see love for you in her eyes

Manas :- he can't even recognise his own feelings he's just Denning the whole thing because of his ego

Kartik :- (shouts) yes ego. I am an egoistic person

But you don't Know how much pain she gave me, she left me when I needed her the most

Manas :- got damn she left because ....

Kartik :- because ?

Manas :- whatever ..... I am leaving

Kartik :- don't let her know that Amy is my sister ... Promise

Manas :- promise 🙄

(By saying this he left)