
Chapter 4 Escape

Its been 2 years and I’ve only been in the ID a couple of times but in those times, I learned that time moves slower in there, so I would usually spend days in the ID and com back an hour later in my world. I have finally made it to level 60 which allows me to go into the third floor of the dungeon without any issues which is where I’ll hide out and get stronger. Now to figure out how to fake my death it would be much easier if I had the skill Dungeon manipulation then I could move walls to cover a blood trail into a wall it wouldn’t be the first time its happened to someone who’s died there. I started to think of ways to fake my death tomorrow.

‘Maybe I can kill one of the monsters… No, that wont work they dissolve to quickly. What about making us both disappear… could work but it would be hard I would need to lure monsters to us then escape them after wounding Joe. I’ll save that for a plan B.’

‘I can make you monster bate!’ I heard in my head.

I went in to see who said that. “Who said that and is it possible?”

“Its was me and yes, it is possible I was a master chemist after all. It even said so in one of your books you stole from the chief’s collection.” Rasputin replied.

“How did you read on of the books if I haven’t read it yet?” I asked him.

“Well your inventory is linked to us and since you have the ingredients I can make you the bate and put it in your inventory all you have to do is ask and it will be done.” He said with a hint of mischievousness witch I picked up on.

“What’s the catch?” I asked him.

“Why I never-” he started.

But I cut him off. “Save it I have no time for your excuses.”

He looked flabbergasted but decided he wasn’t going to win. “Well I just need another room in here it’s getting annoying listening to them squabble.” He mumbled pointing behind him at the ones that are constantly fighting.

“I didn’t know that was possible but fine ill do it.” I said and imagined an alchemists house with sound proof walls and created and watched as it appeared. “There you now have an alchemist lab with sound proof walls for your enjoyment. Have fun and get that done by tomorrow.”

“Wait!” I turned around and found miss Nightingale rolling to me. “Do you mind making me a medicine hut, so I can make you some medicine and learn other forms of health potions in peace?” She pleaded.

“If I’m getting something out of it then of course you can I’ll even restore your legs if it’s possible.” I replied then thought of a medical clinic with sound proof walls and created it. “Their you go it even has all of most advance the equipment for you. Now for your legs.” I imagined her able to stand and maybe a few years younger in body but not mind. I opened my eyes to see a younger Florence standing in front of me looking at her body. “There you go! Now enjoy your new building.”

“Thank you!” She said happily then ran to the clinic.

“Anyone else need anything before I leave?” I shouted at them.

“Not right now.” They all said at the same time.

“Ok I’m going” I replied chuckling then left them to their own devices.

‘Maybe I can make another run through the chief’s collection before I go and finally seal those skill books I saw scattered thought the room.’ Thought to my self then snuck out of my room using my lockpicking skill. I made it out of the house while Joe was still fucking his whore.

I snuck across the town hiding from the patrols that they really need to stager so says my master strategist skill. But ignoring my instincts I continued onto the chiefs building. I made it to the chief’s house I sneak around back to where his library is and open the window. I slipped in and turned on my Observation and looked around the room. I saw several titles and some more medical and alchemic books, but I ignored them because they were simple alchemic books. But I finally saw the skill books off to the side. I creeped over to them and quickly snatched the 20 or so books off the table and placed them into my inventory. I turned to leave but saw something out of the corner of my eye. I looked above the door and used Observe on the dragon bone Japanese like bow over the doorway.

The Bow of the Ancients: A bow with powers beyond our understanding containing several different enchantments.

Explosive arrow: Every arrow you fire will explode.

Void: Offer up your enemy to the demons of the void.

Volcano: Hell, fire has nothing on the fire that comes from deep within the earth.

Storm: Release the fury of the storm upon your enemies.

The Hunt: Release the hounds! And let them tare your enemy to pieces.

I gave a mischievous smile and swiped the bow off the wall and escaped with it sitting nicely in my inventory.

“He’s so going to be pissed.” I snickered as I quickly escaped the house.

I made it home and Joe was still doing his thing with his whore I closed my door and used the lockpick to lock the door again. As soon as the door was locked I heard her scream meaning they were done. I quickly slipped into bed and closed my eyes. I heard him say goodbye to his whore and go back to his room to sleep. I slipped out of bed and went to the blank wall and whispered Void Shop.

The door appeared in front of me and opened I walked through and came out to the smiling face of the shop keeper.

“Welcome back is bean a while how did you enjoy your purchase’s?” She asked me.

“Well I haven’t used the books yet and haven’t used the BL virous yet and I already traded the sword for one I can use but other than that it was great!” I replied. “Any changes in the last two years I should know about?”

“Why yes there is. We have added a new expansion to the store and we now allow people to travel to other worlds as long as some one from that world agrees to let you tag along.” She replied with a smile.

“Thank you I will keep that in mind but right now I want to go to the roulette weal I’m hoping for some high-class arrows.” I said walking past her.

“Ok enjoy and good luck.” She cheered me on.

I simply rolled my eyes and went in front of the aria for the roulette. The screen popped up and I pressed the free spin button. When it stopped it stopped on exactly what I wanted.


You have received the bottomless roulette quiver. Reach in what do you get no one knows.

Note: works with enchanted bows and takes on its property as well as their own.

I didn’t know whether to smile or frown. On one hand the effect of the arrow can enhance the shot but on the other hand it can negate a shot or just layer on the enhancement. I decided to see if I could get a different one. But just as I was about to press the button again the roulette shutdown for maintenance.

“Dam guess I’m done for today.” I mumbled. I walked past the sails lady. “Have a good day.” I replied begrudgingly.

“Sorry about the maintenance they fix it when ever they feel like it.” She apologized.

“I understand but they got to warn people before they do it because it is really irritating when it just shuts down like that.” I said and walked though my door.

“I’ll be sure to let them know that.” She called out just as the door closed then disappeared.

I flopped down on my bed because I knew Joe was sleeping and wouldn’t wake up even if I burned the house down. I had had the idea once to do it so to make sure I moved my bed and pried up some wood but found a metal insulator that would keep the blaze in my room making that plan a bust. So, I put the wood back as best as I could then move the bed back.

I decided to sleep to pass the time until tomorrow when I escape this hell hole forever.

I woke up to my door slamming open and Joe yelling at me to get up. I gave a grunt like a normal child would and slowly got out of bed even though I was fully awake. Pretending to be half asleep I watched him look for cloths in my room then toss them to me.

“Get dressed the chief wants everyone in the town square.” I cocked my head in false confusion with my eyes asking the question of why. “I don’t know why you stupid girl. I want to know why you never talk though.” He mumbled the last part to himself.

‘Maybe because I have nothing nice to say to you hmm.’ I thought to myself as I got my new cloths on then fallowed him out the door. When he opened the door, I blinked a few times until I could see the rest of the village standing outside their door. A few of the older kids looked at the rest of us with pity because at least they have some memory of their parents where we supposedly had none.

“Now I want to know witch of you stole my stuff?” Yelled the chief. “So, we are going to search your houses until we find it then when we find it that person will be punished.” He continued.

‘Never going to find it moron.’ I mumbled in my head.

They started off with the person closest to the chief’s house. I watched as furniture came flying through the windows while curses were sent echoing through the street. They finally exited the house and continued onto the next.

“Now if you don’t want a harsh punishment I suggest you come forward now and give me my stuff back.” He called out and everyone looked round at each other but of course no one came forward.

We stood like this for an hour, but they never found anything of course so we all got punished and were sent to the dungeon to hunt the monsters and anything we find will go directly to him. Of course, were not coming back. We walked past the guards to the crypt like dungeon entrance and headed down a flight of slab stairs into the first floor. I looked around at the one to level 20 skeletons around Joe told me to sand back, so he could slaughter them. I watched as he started hacking and slashing with is great sword with no skill at all. As he passed skeleton corpses I would pick up what they dropped but it was always simple stuff like bones or arrows and maybe a broken sword or two. but unlike him I get some extra stuff like coins mostly coper but there will sometimes be a silver there too. I checked in on Rasputin to see how the bait was coming.

“Nearly done Eclipse just a few more drops and there its done.” He said as a small puff of smoke blew in his face. He then took something and dipped it into the cauldron then pulled it out. “There we go now its ready for use.” He replied as it disappeared and went right to my inventory. “Now be waned the moment that leaves your inventory you’ll be surrounded by monsters.” He warned.

‘Got it thanks Rasputin you’re a life saver.’ I mentally said back.

I came back to reality as he finished off the last of the skeletons. “Ok let’s head down one more floor and we’ll be done.” Joe said then continued walking without looking back to see if I was still there. I grumbled as I followed him, but something caught my eye. I moved over to it and picked it up. I used to observe on the pitch-black cloak and got this.

Cloak of Shadows: Hide in the shadows and walk in them instantly travel to any shadow in sight. Shadow creatures can’t see you even when not walking in shadows.

Reaper Set peace 1/10

I smiled and placed the cloak on my shoulders but left the hood down. I followed him down another floor where I planned to kill him. I slowly crept up on him then pulled out the bait and slipped it into his bag. I watched as skeletons started coming slowly but then they started to pick up in number. I took this time to strike. Taking out my katana in a lignin fast slash I hit his achilleas tendon causing him to fall to one knee.

“What the hell!” He cried.

“Aw did that hurt?” I mocked.

“You attacked me?” He asked shocked.

“Duh that’s what you do to an enemy.” I replied wiping the blood off of my blade.

“But I’m your father.” He pleaded.

“Oh, please you killed my father on the night after I was born. I was plotting this ever since I saw your face.” I hissed.

“Who told you was it one of the older children?” He asked while trying to sneak a health potion with I ignored.

“No, they didn’t need to because I remember everything about that night you see I was reborn into this body with all my memories and skills. One such skill is photographic memory, and another is memory retention.” I crouched down with my now clean blade resting across my back.

“I-I provided for you for your whole life.” He replied.

“That you did and now your going to do one more thing for me.” I said with a sinister smile.

“T-that is?” He said trying to hide the pain of the potion being poured on his wound.

I got right next to his ear. “Make your death a bloody one.”

He jumped up and ran strait into the middle of the skeletons cutting left and right as he defended himself from the skeletons as he tried to get to the door way of the second floor. I pulled out the bow of the ancients and my quiver and placed the quiver on my back over my cloak taking an arrow out of the quiver I read its description.

Repeating enchantment. Whatever overlapping enchantment is placed on the arrow will continuously repeat until the user orders it to stop.

I tuned the bow into its volcano enchantment and launched the arrow to just over the door way. Lava suddenly flowed from the arrow and covered the door way preventing him from getting out ant anyone else from getting out then there was a ding.

Devine Japanese archery: Developed by the Japanese only useful with a Japanese type bow.

1000000% to hit what you are aiming at.

Range of effective ness. 300 yards

Choose damage between 2 to 2,000,000 base damage.

Critical strike is an instant kill.

Joe stopped just before he hit the lava. He had cuts all over his body most were thin and didn’t bleed much but others were deeper and bleeding a lot, but none were considered mortal. When he saw the wall of lava he turned to me and looked at the bow with shock. I gave him a smile and then used the cloak to melt into the shadows. I watched as he continued fighting skeletons as he tried to escape through another door. I quickly shadowed traveled into the shadow of the door way and followed him as he ran through the dark hall way.

I wanted to mess with him, so I started speaking from the shadows. “Oli, oli oxen freeeee.” I whispered. Allowing it to echo through the hallway.

It seemed to spur him on that and the skeletons seemed to speed up trying to catch him. In continued watching him run as several arrows whizzed past him. I smiled as one clipped his ear and another clipped his side.

“Run, run as fast as you can. Ahahhahhahahaha” I laughed evilly. He took several random turns but ended up in a dead end. “Looks like the end of the line for you Joe.”

“Why are you doing this?” He cried.

“I was planning this for years you just made me speed up my time table.” I hissed behind his ear.

“What why?” He panicked.

“Oh, you know you and the chief talked about it right outside my room then you continued it right in my room right next to my head.” I growled.

“You were awake!?” He said surprised.

“Yup” I said popping the p. “Now make your last stand a bloody one.” I then stabbed him though his knee cap causing him to collapse. “And I know you don’t have another health potion.” I was just about to leave when an idea came to mind. “Oh, and enjoy my gift to its fullest.” Then I watched him dig through his bag then stop as he found the monster bait. Then he pulled it out and screamed as several skeletons impaled him with their swords. “Good by you filthy animal.” I said distastefully and left.

Quest Complete


Escape from the clutches of your village before you reach 12 years old.

Time left 27 earth years. 1year = 3 earth years

Bonus: Fake your death. (Complete)


10,000 Xp

20,000 gold= $200

2 random skill books

1 random equipment

1 random weapon

Dungeon manipulation skill

10 bonus points.

I smiled at my rewards then the next messages came up totally upsetting me.

Level up you are now level 61 Due to your lineage you will no longer grow.

I scowled at the wall in front of me I really wanted to throw something but there was nothing around at the time. A skeleton came wandering into my line of sight I immediately stepped out of the shadows and punched the skeleton in my fit of rage I continued punching it even after it died. I punched it so many times it turned into dust and I was now punching the ground. Tears were streaming down my face as I cried and screamed at the dead skeleton. After a little bit of this I finally calmed down but not before my knuckles were bloody. I quickly pulled out a Hp potion and drank it in one gulp I watched as my skin stitched back together and then I felt refreshed.

“Void shop.” I mumbled begrudgingly.

The door appeared in front of me and I immediately walked through it.

2 months later

I was walking around the third floor of the dung killing any skeletons that crossed my path. There were more skeletons on this floor than other floors and some of them have tattered armor and or better weapons. Supposedly by floor five they will have good armor and weapons. I made it to a giant open room with no skeletons in it. I looked around the room but there were no more entrances or exits in the room. I turned to leave but was stopped when and alert sound went off.

Alert! New event has started for Halloween find the Skeletal dragon and beat it to get a special reward.

I scoffed at the message then mentally dismissed it just in time to see the exit seal itself.

“Dam it. Open!” I called but the door didn’t open for me. Only a message popped up.

You are in an event aria you cannot leave the aria until the boss is defeated.

I gulped and slowly turned around. Their standing in the center of the room was a skeletal dragon.

‘I suggest you run little lady because this is not looking good.’

I quickly dodged a swipe of its tail. “Who the hell are you?’ I asked the voice.

‘Names Doc Holiday I decided to hide in another aria of your mind until you were ready, but it looks like now is the time.’ He said.

“Well I’m open to suggestions because I’m kind of trapped and there is no way a level 66 can beat a level 200.”

‘What about that slyer magic you got from that book?’ He asked.

“It’s not even close to strong enough yet besides this is a magic free zone so I have to use magic sparingly.” I said while dodging one of its claws.

‘Good point… Sorry got nothing.’ I could almost feel his shrug.

“Than what is the poi-aahh.” I screamed as one of its claws clipped me and sent me crashing into the wall. I groaned as I pealed myself out of the wall. “Dam their goes my right shoulder and leg.” I groaned while looking for any health potions. But I came up empty. “Shit no Hp potions left.”

‘Well that’s not entirely true.’ Doc said.

“Yah then where?” The vial suddenly launched out of my inventory into my hand. “Doc this is a virus not a Hp potion.”

‘Well there is nothing else and you going to die anyway so might as well try it if you die you die but at least you know that you tried everything you could to survive.’ He said mater of factly.

“Fine” I groaned.

I quickly downed the vial and felt my inside shift or melt my arm and leg instantly fixed its self I also felt a major increase in power speed dexterity and agility. My smile turned waked as the dragon swung at me. I razed one hand and stopped its claw it looked at me with fear.

I looked up at it with my new crazed smile. “My turn.” I said then ripped its arm clear out of its socket and was delightfully surprised when the arm seamed to be consumed by me. Then my arms changed. The inside of my fingers became as sharp and hard as razorblades bones started protruding from my arms and my arm density increased slightly. “Neat!” I said excitedly.

I ponded my two fist together and got a resounding clang like I was waring metal gauntlets. The dragon finally stopped looking at it wound and gave me a death glair I glanced over its health only to see 1/7th of its health gone. I also caught a glimpse of its mana bar depleting rapidly.

“Shit!” I said then I quickly slid under the dragon as a torrent of black flame sailed over my head I could feel the heat of the flame even from under its belly.

The dragon finished breathing out its flame it looked at the spot to see nothing there it screeched in triumph while I was running up its back with my arms hanging out directly to my sides I made it to the wings and sliced them off spraying me with blood the wings then were absorbed by me. A screech of pain came from the dragon as it buked to get me off. I some how made it to its head with out falling off then I plunged my hands directly into its skull getting the instar kill notification and watched as the dragon disappeared into me. Then several notifications lit up my screen.

Level up to level 100

Blacklight Virus has been consumed 20 second of instant regeneration and super strength have been Given.

Infected status has been changes to Infection Strain.

Infection Strain: You are now an intelligent carrier of a strain of the Blacklight virous it will evolve with whatever you consume.

Consumption: Gain the memories and some skills of the person or thing you consume. May evolve physical ability’s when consuming something.

Skeletal Dragon claws (1/100): Due to consuming one of the dragon arms you have developed talons increased strength and the ability to grow bone like knives from your forearms.

Skeletal Dragon wings (1/100): allows you to glide for a short time when reaching level 50 will allow you to fly short distances level 100 will allow you to fly for as long as you want.

Skeletal Dragon armor (1/100): Armor that forms on your body and can block up to 50% of damage from guns and blades.

New flame magic learned Undead Flame bound to undead dragon. Flames that are hot enough to frees a person then turn them to ashes.

New skill learned Raise dead. Raise the freshly dead and have them fight by your side. Current available bodies to raise: 1 cost 600 Mp

New skill soul steal level (1/100). Steal the soul of a recently killed enemy can be placed in soul gems or a soul lantern. Cost 900 Mp

New skill learned Bone spikes (1/100): There are bones everywhere you just need to find them and move them to impale your enemy’s.

Alert dragon transformation has stopped you will no longer turn into a dragon permanently but now you are able to take on a temporary dragon form thanks to the Blacklight virous.

Temporary dragon forms (2/100): Turn into a dragon for a short time.

Skeletal dragon from

True dragon from

I raised one eyebrow at that message. “Since when was I going to turn into a dragon?” I asked myself.

‘About the time you read that skill book little lady.’ Doc replied.

“Anything else I need to know about those skill books?” I asked them.

‘Other than you can get demon forms and Devine forms I don’t think so.’ He replied.

I smacked my forehead and groaned. “You know what I don’t care as long as its not permanent then I don’t care.” I said rubbing the bridge of my nose.

I then searched my inventory for any new items. After ten minutes of searching through junk I found something interesting. “Hmm Deaths lantern?” I pulled it out of my inventory then looked at it.

It had a green glow it also had a small skull on top of it with skeletal hands flanking it the bottom of the lantern only had skeletal hands. It was on a silver chain and was meant to hang around my hip. I placed it on and watched as it shrunk to fit my body size. Then I looked at its info.

Deaths Lantern: A lantern that gives off a green glow and absorbs the souls of the wicked increasing the strength of its wielder 2x for each sole absorbed. When souls are released they release a wail paralyzing anyone in a 20-foot radius.

Set 2/10: Damage gets reduced by half.

So, I had another set piece. I smiled at the new buff as I equipped it then I heard several walls pull back that led to different corridors. I checked each one and found several treasure rooms. But none seemed to have any equipment only gold and skill books. I activated auto collect and watched as everything disappeared into light and was deposited into my inventory. I looked at how much gold I got.

“20 million just from defeating that one boss!” I shouted surprised. I then served through my inventory for my new things I found several spell books and even found one item. “Sword in a stone?” I said then pulled it out of my inventory it appeared on the ground in front of me with a sign hanging off it.

‘Are you worthy?’ It asked the world.

I surged then griped the handle of the sword and have it a little tug the sword slid form the rock instantly. Then an alert message popped up.

Medieval Swordplay had been learned.

Devine Medieval Swordplay has been achieved through muscle memory.

Muscle memory level up to 69

You have obtained the Holy sword Excalibur and with it a quest to hunt down the corrupt that plague this land and its people. You have also received the title Holy knight.

“What the Excalibur!” I said surprised and scanning the seemingly weightless sword twisting it a few times to see the giant Dimond in its hilt giving the blade the correct balance but other than the fact that it looked like a traditional Medieval Claymore.

Boldly I swung the blade and became surprised when a wave came out of it and sliced cleanly through one of the many pillars in the room. I blinked then looked down at the blade. “Now I believe I’m holding Excalibur.” I said surprised.

A sheath appeared on my back and I slid Excalibur into it and watched as it shrank with its sheath to fit my height. I smiled as my new blade settled in the center of my back. I also pulled out Yubishiri and sheathed it on my right hip. I walked out of the room and headed back to the second floor where I was staying. When I herd the sounds of battle curious I snuck around the corner and saw one of the coupled form the village. Samantha and Jerold. Samantha use to not be in this village but was later captured form her own village and force to marry Jerold. She was a nice lady especially to us kids which is why Jerold kept his hands off her while I was still living there. I unequipped both my swords cloak and lantern and stored them in my inventory. I then used dungeon manipulation to from a tunnel leading back to the surface near the next town over. I then peered back around to see Jerold slowly getting overwhelmed. I gave a sinister smile then closed off all other entrances and exits without them knowing. Then I skipped behind Samantha and taped her on her shoulder. She gave a squeak then quickly turned around to see me. I giggled then turned around and skipped back to the tunnel I had made to the surface I quickly crawled into it and turned around motioning for her to follow and follow she did. After a while of crawling and as the tunnel started to become pitch black I made another smaller tunnel off to the side and slipped in letting her pass she didn’t see the new tunnel, nor did she see me. I then slipped back out and crawled back to the entrance of the tunnel leading to the dungeon I got there just Intime to see Jeremy get overrun and slaughtered by the countless skeletons. They then saw me and started walking towards me. I decided not to take out my sword and instead to fight them with my new strength speed and agility. I would sometimes practice several types of hand to hand combat techniques when I was still in my world I even created my own mixture of the styles.

I first strike was a strait right that knocked a skeletons head into his buddie’s chest. They were killed instantly. Then I did a round house kicking several skeletons into the walls casing them to die and their bones scattered. I then swept several of their legs then bought my leg down in an ax like stomp that crushed their heads. I started to give a very big psychotic smile using my hands I deflected one of their swords to strike another. Then randomly several of them dropped for no reason. I was confused but the smile never left my face I then went to my hands lifting my legs and spun them around knocking several of the skeletons back into the walls causing them to burst apart. Pushing off the ground I landed feet first on top of two skeletons heads crushing them. I took two of their heads and smiled them together crushing them together I turned just in time to redirect another blade away from my face making it impale the wall behind me. I then kicked it away from me and watched as a few of its buddies caught him then I wound back and punched through its chest then spine I grabbed the skeleton behind it and pulled with my arm while kicking with my leg braking the ribs of the other one causing them both to die. I looked around and noticed them start running. My smile started to fade and as the last of them left the room I sealed the room up. Then set up my new sleeping aria first I set out my sleeping bag and a warning system in case something else can manipulate the dungeon. I laid down and just before I went to sleep notifications appeared.

You have learned unknow martial arts: A style of martial arts created by yourself with a mixture of several styles from your world. You have yet to name the style, but it is very effective with combo moves. Learning more styles and practicing the ones you know will increase the level and unlike most styles it has no limit.

Level up you are now level 101.

I sighed and fell asleep.