
Passive Creation

A young man in America gains a system to help him in his journey to conquer and gain immortality. To reach the edge of Death and master it. To create skills or buildings or win them. Death is his to master and his to wield. Will have a evil protag (This is going to be my first real novel to write as such please don't expect any awesome writing but I always look for criticism. If you choose a stick by me I will try to give a decent story. ) PS there will be some cuss words this is just for those that need to know

Morgrim_DarkHeart · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Castle Forms and Malorn awakens

The hazy image of the castle slowly solidifies after an entire month. It's a black castle that seen from above would looked like a square surrounded in a circle. It appears to be like a medieval castle with 5 towers. There's 1 spire in each corner and another on top of the main building. The whole thing seemly sculpted from a singular piece of black stone that flickers with energy running on it's surface.

The main building of the castle looks to be made of black and red stone giving it a look like dried blood. Making it more imposing is the doors on the front appear to be silver with red skulls set into the doors. The skull's eye sockets have green flames in them as well.

The sky above the castle isn't any better as the castle itself is being struck by lightning constantly. The lightning being a crimson color that has a hint of green in it. The courtyard itself though, right in front of the doors is where there starts to be some measure of danger. From the gate of the wall to the door is a single path of floating rocks, on either side of the path is a sheer drop straight into a greenish-blue lava. Occasionally there would be a geyser that would shoot up showering the path in drops of the weird lava. The path however, is completely unaffected by it.

On the other side of the doors into the castle one would find a film that covers the way in that leads to a cavernous room that looks way bigger than the outside. It seems to be lit up brightly like normal sunlight. At the opposite side of the room from the entrance is a staircase that leads down. Above this staircase is a warning, "Those who tread here will know insanity, death, and doom."

The first scene at the end of the stairs is a tunnel with a sign stating, "Test of Fear." The surrounding material of the dungeon appears to be made of the same material as the walls outside. The surrounding tunnel is also covered with red energy running over it giving the place a faint light.

In the depths of the dungeon is a huge room that looks like a field of death. Headstones cover most of the place along with a few dead trees that appear to be moving around the field. In the center of the field is throne. Its a throne that seems to be made of blood that's still flowing. The throne itself is set up 10 feet in the air on a pillar that's set in a giant pit of black liquid with the blood from the throne dripping into it. The liquid seems to squirming and occasionally there is a face that surfaces before it sinks back below. The faces are contorted in agony, as if they're being actively tortured.

The room in particular seems to be at least 5 miles in diameter with a ceiling that goes up without end. And the entire thing is just nothing but black dirt, headstones, and weird dead trees that move. On the throne is a partially see-through person that appears to be asleep. The person seems to be a normal man that's in a cloak of darkness. And as time passes the man appears to be slowly waking up. After awhile the man slowly opens his eyes and as he does the room darkens and green fireballs float in the air throughout the entire room, lighting it up.


Malorn awakens slowly to find himself seated upon a throne of blood in the air in a huge room with floating fireballs around him. "I'm guessing this is the dungeon, how interesting." Looking down he sees a pit full of liquid souls of the damned.

[Congratulations host for awakening as a lesser lich(Grave warden)]

[Name: Malorn Shadowheart]

[Race: lesser lich(Grave warden)]

[int. 75]

[xp: 8560]

[Grave Warden ability: Aura Domain]

[skills: Aura of Misfortune, Undead Dominance, Aura of Resurrection ]

[Curses: Domain Anchor]

[Pet: Spirit Hound(Bill)]

[Aura Domain-All aura skills of the user affect the entire domain]

[Aura of Misfortune-All except for user and slaves of user will experience misfortune upon leaving domain for 1 month(stackable)]

[Undead Dominance-All Undead in domain are under the absolute control of user]

[Aura of Resurrection- All that die in domain are resurrected into undead(includes other undead)]