
Chapter 6


After freshening up me and Emily decided to go to the college canteen for our lunch.

I am wearing blue jeans and Slightly cropped top. the tops cover right above my jeans belt not showing much of skin I thought of keeping it simple so I just left my hair open . I have natural curls to my hair and light foundation and pink tinted lip balm.

and also carried a gray back pack with my course books and laptop in it.

As we reached the canteen I saw it was very crowded with all kinds of students busy with their own friend circles/ groups. It had a group of nerd students( I prefer) group of rich cheerleaders with branded clothes and too much perfume and makeup, football team with girls swooning over them and at the end thier was a group of students looked very spooky and dangerous most of them wearing black and having very neutral expressions.

Emily waived at the spooky looking group and I stiffend my self. She draged me to them and introduced me as her roomie. The boy waived at me with a light smile where as the girls in them hugged and welcomed me.

They seemed nice. Never judge a book by its cover.

we all ordered our food. I m actually a vegetarian but also eat eggs sometimes. They all started giving wired stairs at each other when they saw me eating veg food and we all started laughing.

I also ordered Walnut brownies for me because I wanted to start my course with something sweet.

After we finished eating we all headed to our classes.

most of them were seniors so only me Emily and other boy called zen from the group had same class.

As we entered for our first class I noticed their were only 5 seats empty in first row. I was quite happy to sit in 1stvrow but Emily and zen didn't preferred it. I forced them to sit as their was no other option...

Soon we had our seat our principal the great Mr walls founder of Walls group entered our class to welcome us all.

I was very happy and motivated to see him in person. He is a great man done so many good things for the society. When my father was alive he had worked for one of their financial company. After he passed in car crash Walls group have lot of emotional and financial assistance to my grandparents.

I have also heard that now he has handovered all his businesses to his grand kid who is total opposite to his grand father he is ruthless and emotionaless. and only takes care of this academy now.

He began his welcome speech and expressed his gratitude towards us for selecting this academy etc etc.

And then he thanked us and left the premises and the professor entered the classroom for our first lesson.

along with prof entered a late student. He came and sat beside me and gave me warm smile with his hand to greet. I greeted him with hand shake and he told me his name as Elijah. He was very handsome will built around 5.10 height. and told him my name and he was amused with it and then smiled saying it is a beautiful name...

As prof started writing something on the white board and started explaining it we stopped talking and paid our attention towards what prof was teaching.

Me Emily zen and Elijah had 3 more classes together and we all became quite good friends. But Elijah showed more interest in me which was little wired but I told my heart no judging.

I am feeling like lotus should stay away from Elijah. something fishy is going on with him. don't guys feel the same. ..

let's see what happens next....

Sss2916creators' thoughts