
Passionate Fangs

After the Century War between the Vampires and the Elves, The prince of vampires attempts to make peace with the princess of elves. Due to both parents being murdered because of the war, both have to find a humane solution to create peace with their respected people. This novel is an Erotica. Sexual themes and sexual scenes occur frequently within the plot. You must be 18+ to read!

Noah_J_Dean · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 2

The look of sudden surprise of Alexandru's face was subtle but it was an obvious look of shame to know his once loving father would act so heinously towards someone so young. He then took a step back in confusion to her when she had approached him on her knees and bowed.

He gave her a gesture to stop, waving his hands gently, "Please, princess. Your kind gesture is not necessary. I simply had be rid of a mad man from this calming world. While I may sympathize his actions, I do not and never did agree on them. You may know this due to your spiritual friends, but I am not a full blooded vampire. I was never sired by my father. My mother gave birth to me. My Elven mother," he said as he held her hand and helped her back on her feet.

Her soft hand met with his as he helped her up, politely her hands went gently up his arm, to see him, study his appearance, "Yes, a half breed. Though we were only told that the Vampire half breed prince would come to speak with me. The spirits do not elaborate…"

Her already soft voice seemed to get softer as one of her fingers traced one of his arm veins. Alexandru had his eyes trail the gliding fingers of Leilania before he simply averted his gaze as she spoke, "Some of my people... They were forced… To do horrible things… Making pacts with demons," she said softly as she shook her head in the thought of what her people went through, "Feasting on the flesh of the dead… Watching oneself be gutted while still alive… Those on the verge of death wanted to avenge the pain… And made a turn to dark magic to try to take on the tyrant themselves… Hence why dark magic is even present, here now… I cannot kill or send out those who have nothing but the tree left to them… However..." She pulled away and used her feet to guide her to the large wooden throne of her father and sat down, "You aren't here to talk about my people, I'm sure. How can Darnussus help you in making and maintaining peace, My lord?"

There were royal guards at the gate of the kingdom but whether they were listening to the conversation or not, they would not dare speak of what they heard tonight.

Alexandru followed to her and helped her take her seat and he took several steps back and spoke, "To keep things blunt. Vampires from my kingdom shall never harm a sentient being ever again. Humans, Elves, Orcs, Dragons, all of them shall never be feasted upon by my people ever again. For us, it is now forbidden. Those who act in such manners will act on their own volition and do not represent the will of my people. You may treat them however you wish, if they were to harm you. My first act of peace, is to give trade, from one kingdom to another," he gave her a kind smile before he continued, "But, of course... I assume you may have questions. I'll happily be as transparent as possible," Alexandru said as he chuckled at his own vampire pun.

Her head tilted as she pondered his words, "Very well, I'm sure no one rejects the idea, and I'm sure there are those that will go against your will. We will deal with them as we see fit. As for trade I have no problem with such an agreement, though I'm not sure what we have, that you could desire. My people are still curing the corruption from the war, I'm not sure what resources we could give, but you have my full support. I want peace among us," One of her long soft pale legs crossed over the other, showing off her lovely figure as she sits.

Alexandru did not know how much she could "see", so he dared not to sneak a glance at her divine figure. Even though, in this angle, he could tell she was a stunning woman. Alexandru gave a soft smile, "You still have yet to ask any questions. I had figured for someone who suffered from war between our people, you had yearned for reasons and explanations. I have all the answers to give. I know your people only had theories on why my father started the war." He admitted since the only people who knew the true selfish reasons- besides him, are now dead.

She smiled and chuckled softly. "You do not know why he became mad. You don't know why he tortured and killed my people and land…you do not know why he took my sight. All you know is you want peace," She spoke softly with a solemn gentle grin on her beautiful and partially covered face, "why would I question something so beautiful? It's all I want and what my people deserve," She admitted, straight to the point as a bell chimed softly.

She stood firmly and clasped her hands, "Ah. Dinner. I do hope you didn't make camping plans. I'd like you to stay in the palace to dine with me and rest properly so we can have the proper discussions on signing a peace treaty. Of course, I will not force you to stay, but I would enjoy your company."

Alexandru gave a somewhat disappointing look on his face. He had all this planned out and she threw it all out of the metaphorical window for him.

He huffed silently before he heard the bell which hurt his ears. Alexandru blinked as he watched the dining table be rushed to the main hall in small wheels, with the table full of a feast for them both.

He gave a smile and nod, "I had other reasons to be here so, I'm more than happy to appreciate your accommodations. Please, princess Leilania. I wish to enjoy a meal with someone as wonderful as you tonight," his mannerisms seemed almost flirtatious by nature.

Her ears perked at his tone. A blush crossed her cheeks as she slowly found her way to the table. Stubborn enough to do it on her own, she sat down. Maids allowed the young lord to sit as well, as they made their plates for them. He followed to the table and happily took a seat.

"Everything is grown or raised here in the grove, if you don't wish for cooked meat I made sure the chef had some rare and raw meats for you. I felt it rude to assume, but I just wanted to be polite. I apologize if it seems rude," Her voice and expression was gentle. Sure she seemed blunt, but she was compassionate.

She may have thrown his entire plan out the window, but she just wanted peace and happiness… Even for him. Taking the time to prepare an array of meats at different temperatures just to please him! Had anyone ever put that much thought in him before?

He looked at the cooked meats on his plate as well as the steamed veggies on the corner of his plate. He gave an awkward smile. He did not know how to tell her that he cannot eat raw or cooked foods properly. She was too cute to reject in any way it seemed. Either the ignorance of war or the fact that he was a hybrid that may have lead her to assume.

"Aheh. hm... Well, unfortunately, all foods, except for blood, I cannot digest properly. Though, while I can consume and enjoy the tasty juices of cooked meats, my body cannot break it down and absorb the nutrients properly. It's a topic that should not be at the dinner table. My point is that technically, yes. I would be ecstatic to eat a fine meal with you," Alexandru sat there and chuckled softly at her kindness but certainly had not expected her to be so generous. He felt like her kindness was her own downfall in these circumstances.

Alexandru felt bad.

Leilania smiled brightly as she then snapped her fingers and a cask of blood on a rolling tray had entered the room. Alexandru could tell by the smell, it was deer. It was then poured into his goblet for him.

Leilania spoke, "I had a feeling, so I made sure that none of the blood taken from the beast were wasted. We saved every drop for you in case of any unexpected thirst, but besides that, please eat or drink to your hearts content."

It took her a moment to move her hands to a her fork but she was able to do it. One could tell by the nervous look of the maids she's been quite stubborn to still to things by herself. Even missing the food at first before bringing the braised meat to her mouth.

The soft wind blurred and whistled through the air as the soft hum of magic fluttered through.

Alexandru gave a huff and a soft smile as the goblet was filled with crimson. He gave a sniff and a sigh of relief as he could easily tell it was not of any Elven blood or human blood.

He spoke honestly, "I have not had animal blood in well over a year. In my kingdom, The Land of Dragul, whilst my father was still alive, blindingly waging this war, I was going out of my way to find us vampire's the never ceasing problem- how to acquire nutrition humanely. My father had the concept that if we had defeated you and claimed this land as our own, we would have kept you alive... But we would split the-... The young by fifty fifty..." Alexandru stared at the cooked meat in front of him as he felt disgusted with that memory. "One half, to be loved and nurtured like any living person... The other half sent camps. Bred and farmed for the best blood. He meant true to his words. He thought that death was a drastic step, but I knew of his real intentions..." Alexandru held a look of hate in his eyes as they glowed a faint orange before he waved the thought away, "But enough of the past. We found plenty of solutions for our future," he said as he sipped his goblet of crimson. He cut the steak in front of him and ate slowly, "My solution to our never ending drive for thirst, were to create a new source of blood. Something devised from animals. Engineered to taste as delightful as human blood. Maybe we synthesize a flavor that could surpass the taste and nutrition of Elven blood! -Uh! But I assume that's not a topic you wish to talk about while we feast..." Alexandru blushed softly and shyly, realizing this conversation had quickly become very one sided.

The elf princess rested her hand against her face. One could assume her eyes were closed, "Ah is it animals you need? I'm sure we could humbly provide, after all we will have the blood stored for you. And as for this synthetic blood you're wanting to create that resembles the blood make up of humans… I'm sure our magic could help. Science can only help you so much. And don't apologize. I find this conversation absolutely fascinating. Please continue, I'd like to help you in every way possible, my lord."

"My lord?" he said with cadence and a chuckle before he smiled brightly to her, "Hilariously, you may be the first to refer to me as such. Most of the people in my kingdom either refer to me as The Prince, or just Scum. It's nice to have a such a lovely woman see me as what I am," He said confidently before he sipped his goblet again, "However we would not be creating a new creature or anything of that matter. The process so far is fairly simple. We extract the blood of boar and synthetically engineer more proteins into the blood. Alternate and reform it until it tastes no different to human blood. I've had the project going in for over a year now," Alexandru happily grabbed his leather water pouch. He shook it lightly, implying the project he's been working on is in that pouch, "The base form that I've been using now is a joke, if I'm honest. One would compare it to a healthy salad with no oils or dressings. It's everything I need however the taste is.. oof.. it's ungodly. A little more time with science, and maybe a bit of magic, and I'm certain my people eventually appreciate it as well as I do," He said basically admitting that his royalty is the only power he has over his people and that they have no respect or love for him.