
Passionate Fangs

After the Century War between the Vampires and the Elves, The prince of vampires attempts to make peace with the princess of elves. Due to both parents being murdered because of the war, both have to find a humane solution to create peace with their respected people. This novel is an Erotica. Sexual themes and sexual scenes occur frequently within the plot. You must be 18+ to read!

Noah_J_Dean · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 1

Alexandru was a bit too young to be considered king from the vampires of his kingdom yet, it seemed that they feared him almost more than they feared his tyrannical father. They knew what his father was capable of, but a hybrid child seemed to be far more frightening, especially when his actions usually derived from thought and logic. His whole kingdom was under the impression that he would eventually snap and show his true colors, reign a violent army and consume the elven kingdom. While even Alexandru would admit that he does have a dark side, he would usually focus his anger on the politics for his kingdom's sake. Make compromises to assure his kingdom stayed healthy. Not once has he murdered a human. Animals and creatures and livestock, sure, but he made a vow after he killed his father that he would never kill sentient life ever again. Not unless war was at his doorstep. Not unless his people were in danger. 

After 6 years of studying he found out that human blood was not the only blood that vampires can consume. Pigs blood and deer blood would give vampires great amount of protein and nutrients. Of course, nobody would ever care to find this knowledge if he didn't make a vow to not harm humans. The majority of his kingdom now have livestock full of animals and often hunt the forests around the kingdom for sustenance. There are some rebels trying to contain human livestock underground. For the most part, Alexandru had not bothered them as he knew if he did it would most likely cause a civil war. That's the last thing he needs. He should not worry about these things as he rode his steed into the elven kingdom.

The guards halted him before he entered the border. The elven guards demanded for Alexandru to unveil his skin from his hood. If the sunlight were to destroy him, they would easily have defeated a vampire and prevent their kingdom from being infiltrated by the enemy.

Alexandru understood their perspective. His fingers left the leash of the horse he rode and grabbed the hood that hid his skin from the sun. Happily, Alexandru revealed himself to the bright glow of the sun and to the guards. His skin was ever so pale but did not shine under the sun, almost as if it drew shade from the trees around them. His face was kind and had a soft delicate look. His eyes were a deep glowing crimson. His clothes were made of leather. It looked to be a swift and tactical warrior design. He had a saber sheathed to his hip. 

His soft glance met the guards as he smiled kindly. A kind yet proud Transylvanian accent left his lips as he spoke, "Good afternoon, gentlemen. I am Alexandru, son of Alucard. I wish to speak to your king, or at the very least relay a message. Honestly, anyone of royalty shall suffice."

The guards looked to each other, their eyes dart between each other as they looked to the pale stranger. The kingdom of Darnussus was one of lush greenery, a busy bustling town that surrounded a massive tree which served as the castle of the kingdom.

"Our late king died at the hands of the late vampire conqueror, only our princesses rules the throne. I assume you are the half breed prince we were ordered to allow passage…though if you step out of line we will not hesitate to protect our kingdom," They stepped aside allowing the prince to ride through.

The busy town was bright and lively, the magic of the elven was a treat to witness, druids shifting and giving life to plants, mages providing free light via crystals, even necromancy being peaceful by channeling messages from the beyond, but the scars from his father remained. Part of the town was dark with ash and druids and priests were still having to clear the dark corruption so it could be rebuilt. Some of the older elves looked to the prince with distain and wariness, though the children were awestruck by his pale but dark beauty as he approached the large tree.

The simple prince gave an affirming nod to the guards at the gate and walked into the land of the elves. The vampiric prince halted for a second and realized he was of royalty and that they should either treat him as such or as a prisoner.

He approached the guards at the gate and spoke calmly, "Walking within your lands unwatched and unprotected may cause a bit of trouble. For starters, I've never entered your land before so, I do not know the way to said princess. For both of our sakes might you be kind enough to escort me to the princess?" he gave a small grin thinking they would have done this without his request but due to the prejudice his father wrecked upon their kingdom, its safe to assume they were bitter and frustrated over Alexandru's arrival. With that known, Alexandru never told anyone within the kingdom of Darnussus that he would be coming this day nor did he ever tell anyone that he was a half blooded vampire. Their awareness of him had him unsteady.

The head guard nodded as he walked away to walk with the young prince. As if seeing his question of surprise behind his eyes he answered while walking with him to the great tree, "During the war with the Vampire king, some of our people were forced to turn to dark magic. Warlocks and necromancy. Elves are not typically known for such magics… But we would not abandon those who had no choice. Since the war ended they have used their dark powers to provide psychic readings and conversations from beyond. The spirits spoke of your arrival. That's why the princess informed us to not harm you. Though all we know is that you are expected, why you are here we do not know and the only one you should tell is our Princess…Leilania."

Alexandru walked alongside the guard and remained silent as he spoke. Necromancy was not a practice even vampires would perform. To know they went to such lengths to fight his father left him somewhat disappointed.

"As a child, I was always told the elves were a proud and noble race. A being of such pride... To see them stoop so low... I had hoped you'd win this war without going to such levels," he spoke boldly but he made it clear which side he was on the whole time. Saying that he wanted the elves to win this war... Alexandru continued, "Necromancy is such a spooooky act of magic, but it's no surprise after the war you end up being so... Progressive with it. A best way to move forward is to look back and examine the choices given to you," he started to sound like his mother again.

He halted his words and remained quiet until they had enter the great tree.

The guard stopped at the entrance his brows narrowed, "The torture your father forced those people to endure.. to stoop them so low is far beyond the price of pride. She is expecting you inside. Hold your tongue… on matters you will never understand," He turned his back and left, the gates to the tree opening before him.

Alexandru had tilted his head in his words. Matters he would not understand? While he was of inhumane blood, he was a still of blood and a living creature.

Alexandru and walked slowly entering the tree and he felt a sudden rush of magical energy. He shivered in instinctual disgust to the essence that traveled through him.

The inside of the tree was smooth, life stirred in every inch. The magical aura was overwhelming. The golden veins leading him to a large throne room where a woman stood facing away as she stood in front of a large center crystal, channeling its energy.

She had long blonde hair, reaching it the floor, her curves could be seen somewhat and once could tell she had nice childbearing hips. Good for sons, but for now that's all he could see. She was chanting words he couldn't understand as the crystal light slowly would dim as she drained its energy to give back to the tree.

Her ears flinched as his feet hit a certain spot, "Ah. The young Prince had arrived. Tell me… Why you have come to Darnussus?"

Her voice then echoed before he even noticed her. She seemed a little young to adorn a throne, but then again. Elves and vampires age a little longer than humans do, after all. He halted his motion and thought to himself that she had little to no manners just like the rest of the land.

He gave a soft sigh and spoke. His accent rung elegantly within the halls of the kingdom, "Please, pardon my intrusion. I come seeking peace between Vampires and Elven kind, but first allow me to rekindle thats what's left of myself as your spiritual companions may have spoiled a few things. I am KING Alexandru former son of Alucard Dragul," Alexandru gave a bow. He made sure his words had shown all respect to the princess. However, he expects the exact amount of respect from her, since the war is now over. They are of both royalty, after all.

She slowly turned to face him showing him what may have made her speak so improperly. The disgustingly familiar claw marks of his father over her face, her eyes covered by a blindfold. The young princess could not see and had to rely on sounds and magic to see the world around her. She bowed back to him, her silken revealing gown covering the important parts of her body.

"I apologize if our knowledge seemed rude. Since the war, we try to be a step ahead of most. It is a pleasure to meet you, King Alexandru. I am Princess Leilania, daughter of King Oberon of the 7 magic circles," She straightens up as she takes a deep breath, remaining still, "You have my apologies. If anyone has treated you in an unbecoming way since your arrival. My people went through a lot... But we thank you for bringing an end to the late tyrant's reign. Your actions did, in fact, save my life. I thank you," She moved to her knees and bowed before him, on the floor, in a truly thankful way.

Elves are a very proud race, so seeing one stood in such a way, to give thanks meant she was excruciatingly sincere.