
Partially Extra

Being reincarnated in my own novel? Yeah it's one of many, the result is the same but with a different process. My name is Damian Cassanova I reincarnated to the novel I wrote in my past life. I was heavily influenced with character designs. I reference them to game bosses and characters. And also, I'm influenced by some generic novels that I know enough how to build character. The novel I made in my past life was a piece of art for me, it was a way to vent my life after all. But of course I was sent to it my next life. It was too late when I recovered my memories about my past life. And the worst part, the family I never had was gone. Everything is. But my hope is not lost, my cousin. One of my blood is still out there and he is one of the main characters I made in the novel. And he was destined to die, according to the plot made by me. and the world I made was dangerous as it could get, i'll still do whatever I can to prevent such thing But as I went on my journey, can I still be myself?

Roses_Heinz · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Difference in Talent 2

I was walking around the forest even meeting some animals. I petted some, the sensation was fantastic, very similar to reality.

The bark of wood, the crunchy dry leaves and also a pond I saw. This is the power of human technology for 500 years.

As I was walking around mindlessly I noticed that there were people looking at me—no they're aiming at me.

"Yo, it's the weakest in our class"

"Yeah, why are you even there?"

"Didn't complete the physical test, maybe you just can't?"

Mocking voices rang around my ears. I just sighed and kept my blank face, looking aloof for them.

"Are you really ignoring us?"

If I'm not wrong, that's Holier Gon, ivory skin Auburn hair and brown eyes. Rank 122.

"Yeah, the only ones who could make me look are the one at top 20," I continued with my devilish smile. "All of you are below rank hundred, am I wrong?"

"So what? Just because you're with Qian Xin and Senna Kagui you think you're safe?!"

Ah, if I don't remember wrong, because Senna looks so innocently beautiful she garnered a lot of suitors. Qian Xin ain't no different either.

Qian Xin has Black hair and eyes but that doesn't make her facial features shine. If I have to describe her beauty my words aren't going to be enough.

So those two really have a lot of suitors, but then here I am. Completely garnering their attention. I can't understand Qian Xin's motive of bothering me but Senna? I'm yet to know why.

"Now that I look at it, all of you are boys"

I covered my smile.

"Oh is it because I'm having Qian Xin and Senna all by myself? I apologise for that!"

I remember that time when Senna dragged me to the training grounds, I made sure that I looked like a submissive bf being dragged by his dominant gf, I was the reason that rumors started.

I chuckled

"You bastard!"

I was right, it's a boy's jealousy, how cute. The reason I'm not like this with them is for one reason, Coherent mindset, the unique skill I was born with.

Though Senna and Qian Xin are beautiful my mind is always reasonable, I won't lose my shit just because of that.

"Okay, okay– let's just stop this"

I just want to stomp these boys, but I can't risk showing my Talent to everyone. This VR session is recorded after all.

"Why you—!"

[The Wheel of Misfortune has begun rolling. And the Unlucky winner is!?]

[Damian Vogue!]

[Whoever eliminated Damian Vogue after 15 minutes will automatically pass the Activity]

The moment that was announced everyone looked at me with malicious intent.


Is all I could mutter. Not that I can't fold them all, it's just the risk of exposing my whole potential.

I already have shown this academy that I'm a genius in academics, why would I show that I'm good at action too?

I pulled out the gun that's been with me all time, and aimed at the nearest person I'm with.

Activating 'On Sight' reveals my scoped eye. As said earlier Transformations are rare. So having them would already make you a prodigy.

I'm not sure when I could expose this but not today!

—Bang! Bang! Bang!

Shot the first guy in front of me a total of 3 times, all in the head. Not even knowing what hit him he just turned to particles. With the announcement of his death following

There were 6 of them around me earlier. Now it's just 5, all of these people are within the rank 100-500 so it would be a bit hard, but it's still doable.

After all, my actual rank ain't at 1234th.

"Come here!"

I ran away, a magazine automatically appeared near my holster after my gun in VR lost bullets. If I just registered with a bow I wouldn't have needed this as I could just make an arrow with magic.

I briefly looked behind me. Yep, 5 people going after me.

One is a spear, one is a bow and the rest are bladed weapons, a longsword and… daggers? No short sword probably

If I kept running, my stamina would last a long time. I know because I've been doing this for years!

"How can you navigate between those trees?!"

Pfft, it's adorable. This just shows the difference between us. I'm not going to drag this out.

Stepping on a tree I jumped off it and raised my position, sitting on a tree branch above them.

Even if they're F+ they can't jump 5 meters high. So I just sat here chilling.

"Come down here!"

An arrow brushed past me, I almost forgot about that one bow user, so I aimed my gun and started shooting.

"Watch out!"

They started hiding in the trees. Though I'm only aiming at the guy with the bow. But that wasn't the unexpected part.


I heard Qian xin's voice in the distance. I can't help but think I'm going to be fucked. Qian Xin's punch is powerful enough to knock me out.


Ran away but I felt a tinge of bloodlust, twisting my body I saw an arrow passing by behind me.

"damn it!"

I fell down the tree, luckily I landed safely, of course I formulated a plan starting there. The bow user definitely uses mana arrows.

He only shot twice, one when I'm off guard and when I'm not looking.

Hah, but too bad for him, I have 360° panoramic eyesight. Does he really think I wouldn't see anything he throws at me coming?

I then pinched myself and started running. I'm sounding arrogant lately, it's not like me who was taught discipline and humility by Serge. I have to remember his teachings.

I dodged a couple of arrows coming at me, Qian Xin is still racing towards me, but the most unexpected one was Senna running alongside her.

Oh fuck.

Not going to lie if Senna took this seriously alongside Qian Xin I'm dead. 100%. I could at least have a chance with 1v1 but with the two I won't be able to do so.

I looked back again and now it's 7 of them, it's a full on manhunt! The most scary thing about this is Senna looks serious.

Senna and Qian Xin are variables I didn't expect.

The lower ranking ones alongside them can be easily taken out. I have to mow them down.

Luckily they're happy being alongside the two girls.

This will be easy.

I'm not taking anything out of Arsenal, no. I am not showing them one of my cards.

I aimed my gun behind me while running then started shooting, I made sure it's all in the head, as I was taught.


As the barrage of bullets on the running group they started hiding, but for Qian Xin and Senna they are just parrying the bullets.

"He's probably trying to mow us down"

Senna saw through my plans, Qian Xin on the hand nodded. She brought her gauntlets together and raised them up shielding her face.

"Sky High Mountain!"

Mana accumulated on her hands and covered her entire body, acting like a shield, she's using her arts right now.

"Oof… I only have basic Martial arts as my guide but… damn that's monstrous"

I started running away, I have been taught the ways of several military tactics and one of them is the guerilla tactic.

Exhaust them.

"Wha- hey! Come back here!"

When she released her mana, releasing her technique I started shooting again. Some bullets were parried away but the one that should've connected were parried away by Senna.

"Be careful!"

"Thank you, Senna!"

Their teamwork is better than I thought.

With my instinct I tilted my head, then an arrow missed me by a margin, having a small gash in my face.

"The pain is so real.. "

The bow user is the only one who could reach me in this distance, is what I thought.

Senna prepared a stance unfamiliar to me, then without even having time to catch a break Senna threw her spear right at me.

"What the hell!"

I didn't have time to shoot it away, that's the technique she created because of her fear of pain.

If only, the spear was her spear with 'return to owner' ability then I'm done for!

"Hill splitting dash!"

I was too focused on Senna's spear. The moment I had my focus back on Qian Xin she was already in front of me.

Why do I always have to deal with 1v all situations?

"Rock shattering fist!"

Making a risk of activating On Sight in here will be a dangerous move, so what I did was simple.

I thanked her mana filled punch.


And my head shot backwards, my head felt dizzy and my vision was spinning. I passed out for a second.

When I was to fall backwards I snapped my head forwards. I stood once again.


Qian Xin was very surprised, shocked even. Your punch was good, but it was still weaker than Serge's punishment knuckles.

"ugh… "

I need to recover my distance. I aimed at Qian Xin's foot and started shooting.

"Show me how to dance"


–Bang! Bang! Bang!

Running once again, I then got shot with an arrow on my shoulder. That bow user is really taking his time to take me down.

I wanted to take out my sniper rifle off my Arsenal but I can't show that skill!

"hah… "

With no way to run I then started aiming at this unorthodox position.


Qian Xin being the closest she immediately rushed to the nearest tree and hid behind it, Senna was already hiding.

The other boys hid.

But I didn't shoot. I merely ran with my eyes focused and aimed where the bow user was.

His bow was already pulled back, the moment he peaked I shot.


He didn't even got the chance to fully peak his bow and head out. All he knows is that he was shot.

The edge of the tree was wrecked. Shattering some parts away as the bow user fell and turned to light particles. Followed by the announcement of his death.

"Phew… "

Six, there are six of them. One lost her weapon, the other hid. And the rest lurking.

I ran once again.

"Shit! Don't let him rest!"

"m-my weapon!"

I grabbed the spear Senna threw, I'm not going to give this back. I don't know how to handle a spear but I do know how to handle a staff.

Using my panoramic eyes I calculated which paths could take me to a cliff. In a cliff I have multiple advantages, but here I have few. There's a lot of trees after all.

"Hill splitting dash!"

Qian Xin appeared beside me. She drifted as she tried to stop me from going to my destination. I quickly turned to the left.

Same thing happened again and again.

Until I was led to a dead end.

I was panting, and so was they. I couldn't help but notice that the 4 boys still followed.

Lurking like an animal waiting for its prey to be exhausted.

"Hah.. "

Senna and Qian Xin are still after me.

"You two… what's the big deal?"

"Wheel of misfortune?"

"hah… "

Oh well, I guessed so. Who the hell added the wheel of misfortune?

And unfortunately it landed on me!

Let's stop thinking about useless stuff that can't help me right now.

I can dual wield a pistol but I only registered one and my other shoulder is useless, thanks to the bow user.

"Rock Shattering Fist!"

Mana gathered at her gauntlets and she dashed forward, I could only move in to avoid her punch, it was a jab anyways and tightly hugged her.


But to my expectations she did what she's supposed to.

She grabbed the Spear resting behind me and threw it at Senna. I pretended to be worried but. I already planned such a situation.

I planned everything here from the start, the moment I got announced as the stupid winner of the wheel of misfortune I was already formulating ways to get out of that situation.

The 5 boys were an easy target.

But Senna and Qian Xin who were watching on the trees were the variables, I tested them to see if they would really be added to my calculations.

They sadly did add.

First and foremost they will try to trap me by numbers. Next is to make me unable to use my gun in any situation.

Lastly is to overpower me. Senna's martial guide with the spear is absolute. I expected the spear user among the boys to give her a spear but this will do anyway. They were greedier than I expected, but it's fine.

I created Senna, her appearance, her background and everything. That's why I know her Martial guide techniques.

"Senna do it!"

That's why, they'll never win against me.

All of you were within the scope of my prediction.

'Quick draw'

"Sky Piercing Spear!"

I CAN'T UPDATE THE DAMN COVER, IT JUST SAYS 'cover inappropriate' HOW DO I DEAL WITH THIS?! Also it's Damian sitting down but BRUH

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