
Part-time Creator

A highly leveled Creator won an attack on the Monster Creator and received a ticket to invite a new Creator. Since he had no one to offer it to, he decided to use his luck and give a ticket to one person from his worlds. So the ticket got to an old man who was already dead and gave him the opportunity to join the multiverse game of Creators. What amazing worlds he will create and how he will survive in such an environment.

mamun_220 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

An ordinary vampire's day

In an extremely dark room, Alucard could be seen sitting on his throne of bones and drinking fresh blood from a rough mug. A couple of months have passed since new knowledge appeared and he and his wife began to train more to advance to level 1.

Also during this time, some of his relatives were able to reach level 1 and tried to usurp his power. Well, he found out that vampire blood has a rather unpleasant taste.

Although to be honest, the fight was not easy, he and his queen had to make all their efforts for the sake of victory. After that, they had to recover for a couple of months.

However, after this battle, he found out that he was given more knowledge than all other relatives, except Lilith. She also, like him, gained a lot of knowledge and became much stronger than she was, like him. Now they can effortlessly kill level 1 beasts, as the system called them.

From her, he learned a lot of new techniques and ways to manipulate blood. Although he still preferred close combat and left the long-range to his wife. She could not only masterfully manipulate blood but also a dark attribute. What is it called, oh yes magic?

Thinking about her daily affairs, his Queen came into the throne room. She was the fairest of all female vampires and also the deadliest of all. She sat down on his lap without ceremony, took his blood, and began to drink it carefully.

"You're still drinking that stuff."

"I can't drink the blood of these cats, you know, they're too tasteless for me."

"They have a special delicate taste, although why am I explaining this to you, you can't understand this exquisite taste when drinking this bitter stuff."

Well, not everything was smooth in our relationship, although for three hundred years we somehow got along. She's too picky about blood quality, as soon as we were able to hunt Level 1 entities, she stopped drinking any other blood below that level. It also requires only the blood of special animals that are incredibly agile and secretive. Catching such a creature is not easy even for elite scouts.

Therefore, she often complains about the lack of food and often takes me hunting. Hmm, picky women. The blood I drink is also from level 1 creatures, but I prefer less rare species, although there is one of my favorites. A flying creature with a beak that can pierce several vampires at the same time. Deadly stuff, but her blood. Mmm, I remember drinking a couple of glasses and the memory of the last day disappeared.

I woke up chained to the wall by the bloody chains of my beloved, although she forbade me to drink this blood more than once a month. Hmm, a stupid woman believes that she can forbid drinking my favorite drink. However, I try not to get too much like the first time. Otherwise, she will find out about my secret deeds.

While we were talking about how we spent our days, we entered the throne room again. This time it was a man with a goatee, he wore a pair of daggers on his back and was dressed in a light black hide. I also know that he has a cloak made of this material, in which it is almost impossible to notice him at night. My best hunter is Baldasassare. He hasn't reached level 1 yet either, but his strength is only slightly less than mine. True, he still knows blood magic, like my wife, but he is much worse than her, which compensates for his strength.

"My king, Queen, I have good news."

My mouth stretched into a devilish smile, just like the queen. After all, if he is talking about good news, then we are waiting for excellent food from which we need to take blood.

"What are you waiting for, my friend, tell me soon."

"To the north, about 3 days away, there is a beast. He has 2 tails, but not small ones, but as it should be more than ten meters."

This news delighted me, it means that soon we will be able to advance to level 1. But then my joy was quickly replaced by a frown because we will not be able to defeat such a beast as a whole tribe.

Baldasassar noticed my changes and his smile widened.

"Don't worry, my friend, the scouts have reported that the beast is injured, while it may die in a couple of months."

"So he's severely weakened, an ideal victim for our advancement." Lilith said.

"That's right, my worst people are already ready and waiting only for your orders to go hunting."

I sat for a while and weighed all the pros and cons.

"Excellent, there will be no rewards without risks. Tell them that after the last ray of sunlight disappears, we're moving out. This will be our greatest hunt."

"As my king commands."

The hunter turned around and wanted to retire, but my wife stopped him. She said.

"Tell Akeldam to gather my blood spellcasters, I want this hunt to be a success for sure."

My friend and the worst hunter stumbled and almost fell. His face became even paler than it is possible for vampires and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"H-as you wish, my queen."

The hunter turned around and almost ran away from the throne room. It was a secret, but he was afraid of Akeldam, and for good reason. She was not weaker than him, but only in the direction of magic, and the most terrible reason why she got her name lies in the last tide. Where she called for a sea of blood, drowning half the tide, while she rages in this sea like a mad beast, showing no mercy to the beasts and our relatives.

By the end of the tide, all that was left on her territory was a clear field soaked in blood. For which she got her name. Seeing such a talent, Lilith immediately took her under her wing. after that, no one dared to anger her. Otherwise, their corpses were not even found.

Because of such cruelty, I even ordered my wife to keep her in check more, otherwise, we will die out not because of the animals, but because of her. So the day passed and at night you could see me dressed in armor from the scales of a beast with a stone attribute. They were so heavy that no other vampire could wear them. However, it wasn't a big problem for me.

Lilith was standing next to me, holding her staff in her hand, which was scarlet. Soaked in the blood of more than one beast, inscribed with runes. Which improved her control over the blood so much that none of the animals could come close to her, otherwise she would drain their blood from all the cracks.

Akeldam was standing next to her with a nameless glint in her eyes. Her claws were red and at least 30 centimeters long. Although this is the bare minimum for vampires, most often no one uses their claws unless there are no more weapons. But she prefers to use only them, so they are red.

Baldasassar was standing next to me, he was already in his full clothes and even the moonlight was not reflected from his flat. Because of this, it was practically not visible even for vampire vision. I could understand that he was only around because of his strong feelings, which were strong even for vampires.

A little further away from us were ten vampires who were also wearing cloaks. However, 5 of them had daggers as weapons, while others had either staffs or wands. All of our weapons had runes that glowed slightly with a bloody color.

After checking that everything was ready for hunting, we set off. 3 days was for ordinary vampires, we got to the right place in a day and a half. On the way we saw various animals, some of them had the heads of snakes and the bodies of horses, although it may seem ridiculous, they were extremely fast, and because of their long necks, they could reach their prey more easily.

There were flying eagles that reached tens of meters in size and were stranded by 3 heads. Each of which had its attribute. We hunted them for food during the journey.

So before the next sunrise of the dream, we arrived at the destination. I saw our victim and I couldn't help but shudder at the power that was in the blood of the beast. I felt the blood and its power from the wound of the creature, which was on her belly and was 7 meters long.

The creature itself was 30 meters long and 7 or 8 meters high. On her back, she had long bone appendages, at the ends of which were sharpened bones. Her head was in the shape of a lizard, but there were rows of 5 teeth in her mouth. Giant meter-long teeth. the creature had 3 pairs of paws. With black claws that easily cut through the stones.

And most importantly, she had two ten-meter tails. The tails were like scorpions and venom dripped from the ends of the tails. Which, having landed on the ground did not stop, but continued to fall through the ground, leaving holes in the ground.

I looked at my hunter and asked. "Are you sure that our weapons will be able to pierce the skin of this creature at all?"

The hunter answered my question. "Therefore, this is our worst chance. The belly of the beast is earlier and even blood is visible. If we attack when he doesn't have this weakness, then we will fail."

I looked thoughtfully in the direction of the creature and thought about the battle strategy. So far, my wife has clarified more information about the creature.

"What about his speed and agility. If this creature is as mobile as it is strong, then we don't have a single chance."

"Don't worry, Queen, the creature is pretty still. Although at our maximum speeds, we can barely dodge her attacks."

Lilith curled her lips but didn't say anything about the creature's speed. One mistake and instead of a living vampire, there will be a paste of blood and meat.

All day we discussed the hunting strategy and came to the conclusion that let the hunters lure the beast into a magical trap that we had set in advance. Also, 5 vampires will support magic that will not only increase our speed but also our strength.

The attack will be me with Lilith, my hunter friend Baldasassar and my wife Akeldam. So we began to wait for the night, the time when the beast will sleep, and we will be at our peak.

After a while, the moon was already shining brightly in the sky and we were ready. 5 shadows moved towards the beast. The creature immediately woke up and the hunters immediately began to dodge. Because in the next moment, two tails appeared at the place where they were and punched a blue tunnel. The hunters didn't stop and used their blood to create bloody spikes, which she launched into the creature's eyes.

She didn't even close her eyes to this attack, so the attack was able to safely hit the target. Truth... she didn't do any damage. The beast opened its mouth and a fiery attribute was gathering in its mouth. The hunters began to run in different directions, but it was useless, a huge fireball exploded and a wave carried away 5 hunters who were seriously injured.

The beast started to get to its feet and we immediately realized that they would not be able to escape. So my friend came out of hiding and used his blood to create a blood bomb. She got under the feet of the beast, which caused the creature to stumble a little on the spot. Because of this mistake, the hunters were able to recover and began to run in the indicated direction.

The beast followed their footsteps with a measured step. The fact that he was not even in a hurry did not prevent him from gradually catching up with the fleeing ones. But they were able to get to the indicated place. 5 sorceresses simultaneously activated the trap and began to feed it not only with their magical reserves but also with blood.

The beast became noticeably slower and weaker. We attacked him at 4. My wife created a diagram from runes and using her blood created dark bloody chains. Which not only kept the beast in place but also sucked its blood, strengthening the spell. The three of us ran around and made a triangle with a beast in the center. Akeldam used blood and magic and created a river of blood that rushed at the beast. I was preventing the beast from using its fire bomb again. While my friend was hiding in the dark and quietly sneaked to the weak spot of the beast and struck.

From the pain, the beast roared and tore the chains binding it and its tails tore down a river of blood. I took advantage of this moment and delivered my strongest blow to the eye of the beast. After destroying the eye, the beast was still alive and was about to swallow me whole. Lilith used blood chains and saved me, she also used another spell and created a huge bloody spear, which she launched into the open wound of the beast on its stomach.

The beast fell due to the impact, but Akeldam used her magic and destroyed his brain so that he died for sure. After his death, 5 sorceresses fell into a faint due to fatigue and lack of blood, the hunters were also barely alive. We quickly started drinking the blood of the beast and celebrating our successful hunt.

[I didn't even count exactly how many words, but I've been writing this for almost 3 hours, I'm tired of editing, so if there are any mistakes, you'll excuse me, but I need to rest.]

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