
Chapter 40

"Hey Platt. Is Jay upstairs?" I asked walking into district 21

"Who's asking?" She asked behind the desk

I rolled my eyes "I'm really not in the mood today. Just please page me up if he's up there"

She nodded and signaled me to go upstairs. I patted the desk "Thanks" I turned and walked up the steps. I opened the door and walked the rest of the way up

After walking up I saw Jay at his desk "Hey" I spoke up as I walked to him

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He asked standing up

"The worst of the worst just happened to me" I said with a sigh

He pulled out a chair next to his. I sat down and he sat back in his chair "What happened?"

"Well the bitch Camille is threatening to press charges"

"For what?"

"For me punching her yesterday. And that's not all. We got a call today and..."

I walked out of my office and caught Boden walking down the hallway "Hey, Chief. What happened to Alison? Why did she take rest of shift off?"

"Well, until she gets her act under control she's not going to be here"

"What? Why?"

"Camille is threatening to press charges about what happened yesterday. And not to mention the little fighting stunt she pulled today"

"Charges? Can she really do that?" I asked with a concerned face

He nodded "She can, and she sounds serious"

I sighed "Look Chief, maybe everything Alison is saying is true"

Boden crossed his arms "You better be sure about what your saying. Your accusing Camille of everything that's happened between them here"

"I know Chief, but I know Alison. She's a lot of things, but she isn't a liar. She wouldn't have punched Camille unless she had a reason to and that call earlier. She wouldn't have fought unless Camille engaged it"

Boden didn't say anything but exhaled

I leaned back on the chair and chewed on my nails I still couldn't believe what was going on. The entire team was out working on a case but Voight stayed behind to work in his office. I turned my attention to the stairs when I heard footsteps getting louder

"Hey, Kelly. What are you doing here?" I asked standing up

He was dressed in his gear, the entire truck must've come "We've got a bit of a problem"


"Camille is threatening to press charges"

I rolled my eyes "Yes of course she is. Boden told me"

"No, I mean like now"

"We've gotta do something" I said

"Let's go talk to Voight" Kelly said as he began to walk to Voight's office

We walked towards Voight's office and I knocked. He signaled us to enter as said something on the phone and hung up "Hey Voight we need your help" I said

He leaned back on his chair and nodded "I know, Camille is pressing charges"

"Well we gotta do something"

"I have connections out there, right now all you gotta do is stay low"

We heard a knock on the door behind us and turned around. Two cops were standing outside. They both walked in "Hank Voight" One spoke

"Detective Jason Parker" Voight spoke up

He turned to look at me "Are you Alison Severide?"

I nodded "Yes"

He brought out handcuffs "Please put your hands behind your back" Instead of me doing it he put my hands behind me back for me and began to place the cuffs around my wrist "Your under arrest for assault and battery. You have the right to remain silent.."

He continued to read me my rights as he finished tightening the cuffs. He turned my body towards the door "Don't worry about this Ali, we'll fix this" Kelly spoke as the detective was directing me to the stairs. As we walked out the rest of the team walked up. I kept my head down as I walked. I could feel them staring at me. I was embarrassed, especially in front of Jay

I watched as Alison walked downstairs then lost sight of her. I turned my head back to Voight "Can they really do this?"

He nodded "I'm afraid they can. We'll get this sorted out. But for now stay low"

I nodded "Right" I walked out and headed to the stairs. The only place to go was back to the firehouse, once I arrived everyone was swarming me with questions "Look guys, everything is going to work out"

Everyone pretty much nodded. I watched as Camille went from one room to another. I walked up to her "Hey, can I talk to you?"

She nodded and we both walked into an empty room. I closed the door behind me "So why don't you tell me the reason why you got Alison arrested" I turned to her

She scoffed "Is this why you wanted to talk? I already told you she punched me for no reason. I can press charges. And I did"

"Come on Camille. You didn't have to do that, because she had a reason to punch you. Why the hell press charges?"

She was about to open her mouth when I spoke again "You know I can't believe this. Alison warned us about you so many times but we never believed her" I ran my hands over my head "God, I can't believe I didn't believe my own sister"

"She punched me! How do you expect me to not file charges" She exclaimed

"Come on Camille. She has a reason for it. Drop the charges"

She let out a smirk "No"

"What's it gonna take for you to drop the charges?"

"Nothing. I wanted her out of the firehouse and I got her out. Now she stays in jail. Right where I want her"

I looked at the ground for a second before looking back at her "Camille your going to drop those charges against Alison"

"And why am I going to do that?" She asked crossing her arms

I took out my phone from my pocket "Because if you don't. Boden and those on the board will hear the confession you just gave me" I played back the recording to where the confessed

She stomped her foot "You can't do that"

I shrugged "No actually I can. Drop the charges Camille. Or I'm going to have you job"