
parrallel threads

In the celestial realm, every soul knew about the celestial Ming dynasty, but the talk wasn't about the emperor. It was the eldest prince, Yan Ming, a brutal warhead who subdued multiple universe and celestial beings. He was a cold being, distant to compassion. From birth, he was at the pinnacle of strength. A chaos-born easily comparable to a chaos-being. Being born as one of the strongest, he was connected closely to the will of realities and eliminated any abnormal creation of life whose soul was corrupted with a shard of 'Unknown'-a existence similar to the will of reality that has one goal, devour the seven realities and the ocean of soul shards in the middle of it. It was a constant cycle of slaughter for Yan Ming. however, something unexpected happened in his life and he fell for a woman with a pure kind heart, a soul unlike any he had seen. But unlike her, destiny wasn't as kind. His heart was torn into bloody shreds as he held her in his arms -lifeless, devoid of the smile he was used to. He made a vow to resurrect her, breaking every law of the realities, but destiny has her dirty play already prepared for him.

Rogue_Deity · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


On the same day, he limited the staff in the mansion, keeping just the cook and a few chore maids, making sure that there were fewer people who would have eyes on him.

He had multiple thoughts but without any evidence; it wasn't possible to prove his theory that the accident was planned.

He was sure though, if it was planned then they missed him. 

'I can't be sure if they attempted it on Kai too,' he thought. 

then he also realized that Kai was always in places with plentiful crowds and it was impossible to try anything that might stand out.

Now Tara was also working on finding intel regarding any inconspicuous meetings or plans from the company records.

what happened earlier was not something she could forget but there was no one who would answer her questions, and she also didn't feel like the job was anything hard, plus it already solved most of her problems.

she could just sigh and resume her work and find something that could help her employer.

Even after fiddling with the records for 3 days, they were still getting nowhere. This made Jun get a brave idea, though risky. It was one of the ways he could hope for some info that too if it worked.

he was planning to bait them out by having himself appear in public with no security, and if he was on the list of their targets too, then they would try to use this opportunity.


in the darkness of outer space, he could only see the loving smile of the woman he loved.

a face that enchanted him beyond anything and a soul that was purer than the life itself.

but that happiness seemed to only last a blink on an eye, soon his love was consumed by the darkness: a darker darkness.

what happened after was unclear to him, like he was unable to recall it.

The next moment the woman in white fell, she was no longer consumed by the darkness. After catching her mid-air he noticed her beautiful face though this time lifeless.


Jun suddenly opened his eyes. The night was already restless for him and the nightmare just now was even crazier.

Reaching his cheek, he felt a tear near his eye. 'did I cry!?' he didn't cry even after his parent's death, which made the tear he shed even harder to understand.

Nevertheless, he had no time to think about it. Today, he had everything ready to set his plans in motion.

one of the places that has it easy to disguise in and have a crowd to blend in, was a shopping mall. he thought any other too inconspicuous place might just alert the target of their possible schemes.

He deliberately made a show, Tara carrying him in the wheelchair to the car. He had a nice smile on his face and his hand was placed over Tara's hand carrying the wheelchair.

'this should fool them fine, even Kai would be clueless,' Jun smirked internally.

tara had mixed feelings for Jun, while he had saved her from her misfortune, he solely did it for his own motives.

these past few days she has been living in the Yang mansion with close to no problems and was starting to enjoy it too.

jun sat in the car with the driver's help, as much as he wanted the trip to just be him and Tara, there was not much choice.


Samuel Brent picked up the buzzing phone in the middle of a running meeting, even after multiple gazes staring at him.

he wanted to just give a quick glance and keep it but after reading 'reed' he decided to take the call.

"gentlemen it seems urgent I will be back in a quick 2 minutes," he gave them a sincere smile like he was apologetic.

The moment he walked away his face had sour furrowed brows, "what is it? I was just in a goddam meeting."

"I just heard that the youngest yang will be out shopping. Weren't you saying both brothers should be dealt with too, guess this might be a good time to get one," the man with the last name Reed said.

"wait, you mean the multi-million Yangs who could easily get anything at home will go in an overcrowded hell of a mall?"

"Why do you think they won't? That man is in a wheelchair, he might just want some open air, what do you know?" Reed replied trying to reason with Samuel.

"no no no, something doesn't fit right here. He is in a very vulnerable condition even if they don't know about it being an accident, they still have multiple enemies that could try their hand on them," Samuel had a bad feeling about it. Through and through in a high-class business environment, he was keen on sensing a scheme and this looked like one to him.

"why are you being so negative? Just tell me when will we get another chance if we miss this one? Guess you don't know. Let me handle this," his voice went low, "don't know why did I even call him," and immediately the call ended.

Samuel sighed, "I wish it to be just my imagination,"


On a busy day in an overcrowded mall, now that he was just with Tara he could make use of his legs. He went to a store and when he came out, he was in disguise hiding his hair under a cap and face under a mask.

On a busy day in an overcrowded mall, now that he was just with Tara he could make use of his legs. He went to a store and when he came out he was in disguise hiding his hair under a cap and face under a mask.

On a busy day in an overcrowded mall, now that he was just with Tara he could make use of his legs. he went to a store and when he came out he was in disguise hiding his hair under a cap and face under a mask.

Though Tara was supposed to wait at the counter was nowhere to be seen.

'fu*king variable' Jun thought. This was one of the reasons he didn't want Yin Mei's soul vessel which was supposedly the jade ring, now in the hand of Tara Salamar.

'I just don't know who could be behind this, could be Tara... but it could be Yin Mei too... worst case it could be the murderers,' Jun thought as he wandered into the mall looking for Tara.

meanwhile, Yin Mei was in complete possession of Tara's body, she was neutral these few days trying to lie low and finding a chance to run away.

"If I continue to stay with that devil's boy, my growth or recovery will halt to nil. Once I get out of here, I will inform my master about all the happening so far and start to cultivate my spirit with this body," she mumbled to herself walking in haste.

However, the odds were against her. She sensed a few people following her.

'these mother fu*kers I left Jun alone so they could easily target him while I leave in peace,' she was furious, even after death peace wasn't with her.

Her best way to stay in the crowd so the pursuers couldn't do anything to her or so she thought.

She soon saw jun ahead which made her take a sharp turn to the narrower path towards the women's toilet. While she knew this wouldn't stop the pursuers, it still meant what happens in the toilet stays there.

As she entered, a confident smile took her face. She clenched a tight fist waiting for them to enter right after her.

TheThe moment one of the people following her entered, she jabbed the man with as much force she could exert. the man was fought off-guard but was nowhere near hurt.

she immediately retracted her hand from the man in front glaring at her, though bruised slightly, his eyes clearly said- 'Now it's done!' 

"wait! wait! wait! I surrender." Yin Mei said awkwardly smiling, 'This body has no strength to back my martial arts,' she sobbed internally.

A hand approached the man, "Gentlemen, you seem to have entered the wrong restroom, on the right hand it's written men not on the left." the masked man said.

The bruised man turned to look behind the masked men, seeing his allies knocked unconscious made his spine shiver as goosebumps came along but it only lasted a few seconds before it went dark.

after dealing with all of them jun went to take a look inside, the moment his eyes met Yin Mei her face became awkward and soon she fell to the ground too.

"ohh come on!" This made him realize Yin Mei and Tara would turn out to be a big mistake on his side.

he dragged all the bodies into the ladies' washroom to go through the stuff they had on them.

just thinking that someone will come knocking any moment made him hurry the process.

forcefully splashing water on the tied grunts made them wake up, he only got a single mobile phone on them, and other than that they didn't even had wallets or money.

one of them was about to screen but before he could jun covered his face with his hand, while other might have tried the same if they hadn't seen what happened there to the guy who just tried.

the hand placed on the grunt tightened on the jaw while jun ran his innate ability; he tried to screem but even the air was sucked into his palm while he slowly had wrinkles on his face as if he was aging super fast at the moment.

Soon everything was gone just the clothes were left. Jun looked at the terrified faces of the rest, "what did you expect I would do to the people trying to harm me?"