
Parasyte System

In a world full of espers with powers that break the laws of physics, mages that can summon interdimensional creatures and pugilists with enough strength to break mountains with one punch, Jay has... parasites?! (This is my first novel ever, and I'm not a native speaker of english, so please bear with me.)

KJun · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
151 Chs

The Only Thing We Can Do

"Jay? Gosh, what a coincidence." James replied, turning his head in genuine surprise, "I just ran into Sarah as well and she's on her way, although you know, I think we should save this talk for later."

After saying that, his gaze again settled on the black bear, which had already recovered from the initial shock and was focused on James.

The pressure emanating from the bear now was incomparable to before, making it obvious that he had only been toying with Jay and Kesar.

Of course, James was not far behind, his body immediately being enveloped by a layer of silver energy with some golden tones, his pupils also began to give off a golden colored glow.

Since he released a large portion of his energy all at once, his presence managed to not only match, but even surpass that of the black bear, though this was normal considering he was in his strongest state right now.