
Parallel World(Wednesday/Twilight/Teen Wolf/ MC-Self Insert)

Wishes can come true? Joe Schatten a young man from planet Earth, was living an ordinary life in 2022 until one day everything changed. When he just turned 16 on August 27, 2022... everything changed for him. Joe Schatten always wished to live in a magical world like Harry Potter's, or in one of the many that he had seen in series and read in books..., but he knew that all that was impossible, in a planet ruled by science and technology supernatural things could only remain a nice fantasy... Or so he thought... The day of his birthday everything changed for Joe, because the day after he went to sleep he woke up like every day but something had changed... Now Joe finds himself in a world similar to his own... well..., except that now the supernatural exists. Yes, now Joe Schatten was in an alternative version of his world(a parallel world) where everything was still the same..., but the supernatural existed and he even knew one of the famous characters from Twilight ... Now the question was if Twilight and all the supernatural involved was the only new thing in this world. MC-SI(Self Insert), Wednesday, Twilight, Teen Wolf and The Addams Family.

Shadow7Blue · Movies
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9 Chs

Chapter 8: Werewolf

-Quad, Nevermore Academy, Jericho, Vermont

-September 1, 2022

For the Start of Term feast, Principal Weems said a few words about Nevermore, the history it had, what was expected of the new students and, introduced some of the teachers.

Then all the students and professors began to eat.

Joe being new didn't interact much with anyone.


"Hi there!," suddenly shouted a bubbly girl with bright blonde hair and multicolored highlights.

"Hi...?" Joe looked at her doubtfully wondering if she was talking to him, but with her standing in front of him staring at him with a big smile there wasn't much to think about.

"I saw you there eating alone so I wanted to talk to you, you're new aren't you?" she said with a smile as if she didn't realize what she said might be a little out of place.

"Wow, your eyes are completely black, Amazing!, I almost feel chills just looking at you" she added very excited as she stared into his eyes.

'Okey..., direct and insensitive people, now... I'm supposed to thank her?' Joe asked himself a little amused by the strange behavior of the overly energetic girl in front of him, but it was also a good thing to find out that she was not affected by his presence, meaning that her shadow is stronger than most humans, it must be like Bella's who was not affected by him either.

Joe was now beginning to understand that all supernatural creatures and people have stronger shadows than normal humans, since he had entered Nevermore no one was intimidated by his presence like in Phoenix.

As for the girl in front of him, well, Joe admired sincerity above all else so for now he liked this sunny girl.

"Yeah, I'm new, although I'm pretty sure you knew that already a new face around here must be quite remarkable... and thanks for the compliment about my eyes I guess... few would say they're anything... Amazing!"

joked Joe.

"Heh, well, yes, there are a few new faces this year and I want to meet them all for my blog, you know, my blog is, like, the number one source for Nevermore gossip. Oh and I assure you that your eyes are really impressive, in fact, I'm going to write about them in my blog!" she answered with a smile.

"A blog?, well I hope you write good things about me then and not just that my eyes are black..., I'm Joe by the way, and you...?"

"I'm Enid, nice to meet you, Joe, you know I'm at Ophelia Hall, and you?"

"Mcbeth Hall..." replied Joe.

"Wow wow... you?!..., really ?" she asked with wide eyes as if what Joe said was unthinkable.

"This..., yes it is, but I see that you are quite surprised, is it that unusual?"

"Naaaaturallyyyy, you should know that over there most of them tend to be a bit clumsy and violent. And you, well, you don't seem like that type"

"Huh? And why do you think that?"

"My wolf intuition tells to me" Enid joked putting on a very serious face.

"Oh, indeed..., you must be absolutely right then" Joe smiled slightly and continued her joke causing Enid to nod happily with a soft chuckle.

"So you're a Werewolf then?" Joe asked.

"Well..., Yes..., but it is embarrassing that I can't even tranform. All I can do is to make my nails longer" she said a little embarrassed showing Joe how her colored nails were getting longer.

"I see, well if it makes you feel any better it's my first time meeting a werewolf, so anything you can do is impressive to me, the little I know is that there are two types, there are the so-called true children of the moon and a similar subspecies... What kind are you?"

"Wow, you really know little. Well, I'll explain something very basic you should know about werewolves, if I wasn't a true children of the moon when I make my nails longer my eyes will change color" Enid informed him showing him how her eyes stay the same.

"Besides all of us true children of the moon transform completely on a full moon or an eclipse and we don't get weaker on a lunar eclipse, it makes us stronger..." she added proudly.

" Meanwhile our subspecies despite being called werewolf are actually werewolf hybrids and they don't usually transform fully, it's only the alphas that can get to transform fully but since they hate us they see their transformation as a bad thing, I even heard that there are a few that literally transform into wolves"

"Oh and they can transform even when there is no full moon, but lunar eclipses make them as weak as a common human" Enid finished staring at Joe as if she was analyzing if he was paying attention to everything she said.

"Hmm, quite interesting, I didn't know there were so many differences..., to think that there are werewolves that don't need an eclipse or full moon to transform completely, weird..., I always thought that since werewolves were all called the same they were both similar" commented Joe, he knew very little really about the two types of werewolf so everything Enid said was very informative.

Of course, Joe also knew that the Quileute wolves from Twilight existed, but these were not considered werewolves, although many probably confuse them since there are some werewolves that as Enid says their transformation is also that of a wolf-like the Quileute instead of transforming into fearsome feral wolf-like creatures like the true children of the moon.

"No, not at all, we are very different, it is known that they are the result of a true child of the moon and a human who had children, a human-werewolf hybrid, yet they do not accept this... that is why everyone calls them werewolf but the true children of the moon are only us" Enid clarified with conviction.

"So that's how it is..., good to know, I wouldn't want to have any misunderstanding with them if I run into them around here"

"Uh-oh don't worry at all about it, Nevermore is only attended by true children of the moon"

"I guess it's understandable considering that they hate your type," said Joe.

"Yeah well, we werewolf got a pretty bad reputation since in Europe most of our kind were lone wolf and used to cause a lot of trouble in human and supernatural society, but here in the US there were always wolf packs that peacefully coexist with everyone" comment Enid.

"Wait a minute..., now that I think about it..., you said you never actually met a werewolf of any kind..., never ever?" she asked.

"That..., yes, why?"

"Hmm, super weird, unless you have lived alone among the Normies it is weird that you have never met one of my kind, or our subspecies, we are in contact with almost every society and even supernatural tribes in US..., I know!, maybe you are from Europe?"

"Huh, why do you ask me that?"

"That's because only European and Asian supernatural societies reject or avoid us... and you're obviously not Asian"

"Well, I'm not from Europe... although my family was German but long ago they moved to Argentina and now it's just me and my mother, and being honest I had no idea about these things you're telling me either, I lived all my life among the Normies."

"Uh-oh... so that was it, then you probably don't know almost anything about the supernatural. In that case, I can explain to you!" Enid said excitedly as she gave a little jump of happiness.

"Exactly... and sure, it would be good for me... How about starting by explaining why the Europeans reject and avoid werewolf?"

"Great, well, look, werewolf..."

That was how Enid briskly and cheerfully explained many things about the supernatural world and its history to Joe.

Things he would never have thought of and now he was really grateful to her, it was very valuable information that surely in the future he might have known anyway, but the sooner the better...


"Oh and Joe, about Mcbeth Hall, you have to be very careful with Orcs they tend to get angry easily, and also with Trolls who despite being a subspecies of the Ogres who are usually lax, calm, easy going, and gentle, they are the complete opposite."

"Hmm..., I'll keep that in mind, thanks Enid, see you tomorrow"

"Sure! Lovely to meet you, see you tomorrow"


Once the ceremony and dinner were over, Joe said goodbye to Enid, then he went back to his bedroom and waited some more time to see if someone would come to call him about what happened with his roommate, but after a good, while no one came, neither his roommate showed up, and since it was already late he decided to go to sleep and wait until tomorrow to find out what would happen.



-Nevermore, Jericho, Vermont

-September 2, 2022

The next morning Joe woke up quietly and finally the Principal came to talk to him, but to his surprise, she only told him that his roommate had asked for a dorm change.

Joe guessed it was because of what happened yesterday, but apparently, the Principal didn't know about it as she didn't say anything to Joe.

'Hmmm, either my roommate was too scared to tell the Principal or he's too proud to tell her' thought Joe.

"Well... whatever the reason it works to my advantage" muttered Joe relieved to know that he wouldn't be expelled for now, but with his sudden unconscious behaviors it wouldn't be long before it happened, that was concerning so he already knew he would have to do something to control himself and not get expelled.

Today's classes went normally without Joe getting into any trouble, which was already a victory for him, but there was already a rumor going around about what had happened between his roommate Mayze and him.

Apparently, the blonde woman who was with Mayze yesterday had told her friends a thing or two about what happened and now gradually everyone was starting to talk about it.

But Joe didn't care too much about it, as long as Principal Weems didn't kick him out of school he was okay with it and he knew that the Principal was a smart person who wouldn't kick someone out without a very good reason.

Also, this is not the only rumor that started to spread today, two well-known students at Nevermore who were dating had broken up yesterday, and since no one knew the reason why their engagement had ended, everyone started to make things up and from this many rumors were formed as to why they broke up, even though no one knew the real reason, everyone was talking about them since the siren named Bianca was like royalty at Nevermore along with the psychic boy named Xavier who was known to have very successful and famous parents.



Well, this is the last chapter I upload this week.

And next week's updates will depend on the amount of people interested in this story.

Good luck to all my dear readers.