
Magic exploration

After reaching the family library he stood in front of a large wooden door. He took a long breath and pushed the door to open. Upon opening, a small gust of air blew and an unknown scent hit his nose. After entering the library the first thing he saw, was a round table in the middle and few chairs were set with the table. There were 4 large selves, filled with many old and rusty books. Actually, this library was set up by his grandfather, he loved to read books but after his death, no one entered the library for studying.

Arthur went straight to the table, there he saw a lamp which runs by magic crystals. He looked at the tables and chairs, there weren't any speck of dust.

'Though nobody uses the library it has been kept clean, huh.'

Then Arthur looked around the library and picked some books. After putting all the books on the table, he picked an elementary magic book. It was written by some magician named Colin Owen. Without delay, he started to read the book.

[ Mana, also known as magic particles is spread all over the world. Be it surface, underground, or sky, everywhere exist mana. From the early period of Naiad, when history was first recorded in books, the mana existed in this world. So, it is correct to say that this world provides us the mana. From the early period of this world, there emerged some individuals that able to show magical abilities. They weren't taught by anyone, they were simply genius who didn't even learn about the magic circles but could perform magic and built thousand years of magical history. ]

"Performing magic without magic circles, huh!"

Arthur closed that book and took another one to read. It was written by James Hayden. He was an S class magician and former king of the Noah Kingdom.

[ The magic circles are the way to transform the mana which is stored in a human body to another type of energy or power. A magician draws out mana from his/her body to his palm and constructs a magic circle around his hand to convert mana into another type of energy. These energies are basically elemental energy such as fire, water, wind, & earth. There are also life and death energy which is also known as light and darkness. Again, there are also some unconventional types of magic such as telepathy, teleportation, space, taming, etc. which can be possible through mana. ]

He skimmed through some other books about the elemental magics and magical capabilities of a person.

[ Among all types of magic, the wind magic is said to be the easiest one and the fire or water magic is said the most difficult, and both fire and water deal more damages than others. There is also an affinity for a specific type of elemental magic for a person. It is like if a person has a fire affinity he can manipulate fire well considering other types of magic or if he possess wind affinity he can manipulate wind better than other types of magic. ]

[ Like the monsters, humans and humanoid species don't possess a magic core. Their mana runs through human veins. That means mana is mixed with their blood. If a human or other species contain superior blood, they receive superior magical capabilities that mean they can store more mana in their body. Based on the amount of a person's mana in his body, his magic rank is determined. It can be calculated with 'Inspect' magic.

Rank D = 20-50

Rank C = 50-150

Rank B = 150-300

Rank B+ = 300-400

Rank A = 400-500

Rank A+ = 500-600

Rank S = 600-800

Rank S+ = 800-1000

Rank S++ = 1000+

A person can increase their rank by practicing magic and taking mana increasing potions. If a person diligently practices and take potions accordingly, they can reach A+ rank in their lifetime if their base rank is at least B+ rank. If a person's base rank is A or A+, only they can dream of reaching the stage of S rank. ]

As Arthur finished almost all the books on the table, he began to think,

'So, blood is the main key for a persons' magic capabilities and my blood is inferior to others. Practicing magic rigorously and taking potions can help me increase my rank. But it may only by 2 or 3 stages. I have to find another way.'

After finishing the books, he got out of the library and went to take a stroll outside. Near the gate, he saw two young men practicing with their swords while guarding the gate. They were the ones who went to the Dyfed city with Arthur. Robert and Jacob. They both had a strong body covering with leather armor brimming with energy. Their eyes were fierce as a hawk, concentrating on the sword practice, and swinging their heavy swords at a lightning-fast speed.

As he went near them, they halted their practice and approached Arthur.

"Young master, how is your body?" Jacob asked first.

"I'm doing fine. The healer healed me the other day so I'm good as kicking, How about you guys? "

"We are glad to hear that and we are also fine." They both said in unison this time.

"Well, it was all thanks to you guys that I am still alive. Without you guys, I won't be here standing in front of you two. So, as for your good job, I will talk to my father for increasing your salary, and other than that I will personally reward you from my daily allowance as my appreciation. You can't say no." Arthur said that in a serious mood. On the surface, it looked like Arthur was very grateful towards them and wanted them to give some rewards for that but he was just roping them in with some money to do his bidding in the future. The old Arthur wouldn't even think of something like this but he is now not the naive Arthur who would just playing around.

The two guards' eyes twinkled a golden light. They were pretty happy with the increasing salary but with an additional reward, they nearly jumped with amusement. They couldn't say 'No' to him.

"Thank you so much, young master. " They both said happily.

"Well, there is no need to worry that but I need your help with something, can you do me a favor?" Arthur said hesitantly.

"What is it, young master?"

"Can I see your status card, please?"


They looked at each other if they had heard it wrong. But he quickly added without giving them a chance to speak,

"After yesterdays' incident, I feel like, I have to become stronger for my own survival. So, from today onward, I will start studying magic. As you know, my magic rank is pretty low and I have to increase my magic capabilities. So, I wanted to set a target first but I don't know the standards about a persons' stat points. So, I was hoping if you guys could show me your status card.

If you do not want to, then it's fine, no problem." Arthur said meekly, sounding like weak and helpless.

"No, no, no...What are you saying, young master? There is no problem with showing our status card. We're both glad to be in young masters' help."

Then, both Jacob and Robert pull out their status card from their pockets.

Robert said to Arthur while giving him his card, "When I was only 17 years old, I joined the 'Estonia Adventure Guild' as an adventurer and received this adventurer card. Though this card may be somewhat different from the magicians' Status card, I think it will be a help to you." Arthur took the card and

examined it.

[ ~Estonia Adventure Guild~ ]

[ Status ]

Name : Robert Mageru

Adventurer Rank : A class

Age : 25

HP : 140/140

MP : 280/280

Strength : 65

Stamina : 60

Agility : 55

Intelligence : 40

Defense: 55

'Hmm...as I thought, his intelligence is pretty low compared to me and I guess this number is normal. He has a muscular and robust body so his strength is pretty high and other stats are also around 55 to 60. Let's see the other one's card.'

Arthur gave the adventurer card back to Robert and took Jacob's card to inspect next. Jacob was younger than Robert. He has a slim but tight body and his muscles are properly toned. His slim and tall figure made him more charming and added to his handsomeness.

[ ~Estonia Adventure Guild~ ]

[ Status ]

Name : Jacob Rain

Adventurer Rank : A class

Age : 22

HP : 125/125

MP : 340/340

Strength : 60

Stamina : 55

Agility : 60

Intelligence : 45

Defense : 50

'Hmm, his MP is pretty high. The strength and stamina are lacking compared to Robert but his agility is higher as he is slim and flexible. I have to work on my body and build it like Jacob. Well, let's go to the house first and think about it later. It is noon already!' Arthur thought.

"Thank you guys for letting me see your adventurer card."

"No need to mention it, young master."

"Hmm, well then, I'm gonna head to the house first. Take your time."

"Take care, young master." They both waved their hand towards him while went towards his house.
