
Parallel Realms: A Gamer Odyssey

John, another reincarnator, finds himself in a familiar yet different world with a game system and decides to start his new life. Let's join him on his odyssey to the top. Big Games That Will Be Created Pokémon: Currently working on Pokémon Red/Green with added changes and hacks. Skyrim: One of his favorite games, needing more experience to develop. Warcraft: Starting with Warcraft 3 and eventually moving to World of Warcraft, which will be his ultimate game. There will be some other games, but the focus of the story will be on these three.

john_mark_7956 · Video Games
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9 Chs

A Dream Unraveled

### Revised Version

John's hand shook as he wiped the sweat from his brow, the intense summer heat seeping into his very soul. He leaned heavily against the kitchen counter, exhaustion weighing down every movement. The sizzle of hot oil and the constant clatter of dishes echoed in his ears, a never-ending soundtrack to his endless shift as a waiter and kitchen assistant in a rundown Athens bistro.

He despised this job, but it was all he had to pay the bills and scrape together a tiny amount of savings. His dreams of finishing his journalism degree seemed like nothing more than a cruel taunt, a distant fantasy that would never come to fruition.

Taking a brief pause to steady his breath, John's mind drifted towards his life. It wasn't extravagant by any means, but it held a quiet charm. Nestled within a cozy apartment, surrounded by a close-knit circle of acquaintances, and most importantly, enveloped in the warm embrace of his loving family. Despite the lack of grandeur or material wealth, these connections filled his days with subtle joy and profound contentment.

A wistful chuckle escaped him as he thought back to the days when he would lose himself in video games. During those times, he could effortlessly escape the challenges of his current world and morph into any character he wished, unaware of the hardships that awaited him. "Warcraft" and "Skyrim" were his favorites - games that allowed him to immerse himself in fantastical worlds and forget about reality for a little while. But lately, even that small pleasure had been denied to him as he struggled just to keep up with the demands of this miserable job. He often found himself lost in daydreams of being at the forefront of game development, envisioning himself as the mastermind behind games in their early stages. In his fantasies, he wasn't just a player but the one shaping the experiences for others, guiding new players through uncharted virtual worlds with his creative vision and expertise. However, these reveries were always abruptly halted by the stark reminder of his mundane routine.

The bustling dinner rush had finally come to an end, and John was left to clean up the remnants of a long day in the kitchen. The clanging of pots and pans echoed through the now-quiet space as he scrubbed away at a stubborn pan. Suddenly, a blinding burst of heat and light engulfed him as a grease fire erupted in the corner of the room.

Reacting quickly, John grabbed a nearby bucket of water and threw it onto the flames. But instead of extinguishing them, the water caused a violent explosion that shook the entire kitchen. In a split second, John's world went dark.

As his consciousness faded, he couldn't help but think about how ironic it was - not some dramatic "truck-kun" moment, but a simple mistake with water and oil causing this chaos. Through waves of pain and confusion, John struggled to hold onto consciousness, wondering what would happen next.

John's eyes snapped open, his body jolting with sudden adrenaline. He was in a strange room, the air thick and suffocating. His chest heaved as he struggled to catch his breath, his heart racing with confusion and fear. This room was meant for someone else, yet here he was, trapped inside this stranger's body. The memories flooded in, memories of a life that wasn't his own. He was now John Parker, a 20-year-old American from Los Angeles, but he could feel the previous occupant's brokenness seeping into every fiber of his being. The pain in his leg was not just physical but emotional, a constant reminder of the young man who had taken his own life minutes ago. "Death by an allergic reaction," John repeated in disbelief, feeling a surge of panic at the thought of sharing this fate. But as the memories continued to invade his mind, John realized that it was not just the allergy that claimed this body's previous owner - it was the weight of betrayal and heartache that ultimately pushed him over the edge. And now, that burden rested on John's shoulders as well.

John Anderson, a once privileged and popular 20-year-old former football player from Los Angeles, had his luxurious lifestyle shattered by a reckless car accident that left him with a severe leg injury. His wealthy but emotionally distant parents, a lawyer father and a businesswoman mother, provided material comfort but lacked emotional support. With no siblings to lean on, John found himself navigating his recovery alone in the opulent confines of his home. The chronic pain from his permanent leg damage ended his football aspirations and plunged him into a pit of despair.

During his two-month recovery period, John's girlfriend's betrayal added salt to his wounds, leaving him consumed by anger and hopelessness. Surrounded by reminders of his past life—his socializing days, dating escapades, and the trappings of wealth—John felt abandoned in the face of adversity. As he grappled with overwhelming emotions, the room he now inhabited seemed to shrink around him, offering little solace amidst the remnants of a life that once sparkled with promise.

Among the remnants that lingered—a designer wallet, the latest smartphone model, and a closet bursting with trendy labels—John sifted through artifacts that hinted at a forgotten past. These lavish possessions portrayed a contrasting image of the mysterious John Anderson: once exuberant but now adrift in a realm of doubt and remorse.

John seethed with anger towards the person he had become in this alternate reality. He couldn't shake off the resentment that consumed him, knowing that his other self had everything he had ever desired and yet had chosen the cowardly path. This emotion fueled his determination to unravel the mysteries of this new world, driving him to immerse himself in endless research as he delved into the depths of the internet.

The technological marvels and historical divergences of this parallel universe unfolded before him like scenes from a surreal sci-fi movie, each revelation simultaneously familiar and unsettling.

The most significant difference he noticed was the prolonged duration of World War II, which eventually ended in the early 1950s. Unlike his own world, there were no nuclear bombings on major cities, leading to a completely different post-war era. The absence of such catastrophic events allowed for rapid technological progress without the devastating consequences of nuclear warfare.

By 2005, the technology in this world rivaled that of John's own time in 2020. Gaming had transformed into a colossal industry, with sports simulations and post-apocalyptic adventures reigning supreme. The internet sprawled far and wide, interconnecting millions, while social media thrived as an integral component of daily existence.

John was fascinated by how this world's history had diverged from his own, all because of a longer war that led to different political alliances and priorities.

As he explored his new life, John stumbled upon a peculiar PC in his room. Its sleek and modern design caught his eye immediately. In front of him, not on the PC, a message window materialized when he touched the computer. Centered on the page, the message read:

 "Would you like to create a game?" 


Intrigued, John selected "Yes." The message window vanished, and a new interface appeared, similar to the system he had seen before.


**Welcome to the Game Creation Interface.**

**Current Level: 1**

**Experience Points (EXP):**

- Current Level: 1

- EXP: 0/1,000

**Available Data:**

- 100 MB

**Shop Points:**

- 0


- Lesser Memory Potion: Helps the user remember details of previous gaming sessions for 30 minutes.

John reviewed the information, noting his current progress and available resources. He decided to check out the Lesser Memory Potion in the shop.


**Shop Item:**

- Lesser Memory Potion: Helps the user remember details of previous gaming sessions for 30 minutes.

- **Cost:** 100 Shop Points

**Note:** Shop points are earned based on the revenue generated from selling your games. For every $10 made, you earn 1 shop point.

John absorbed this information, understanding that he needed to sell games to earn shop points and acquire useful items like the Lesser Memory Potion. He turned his attention back to game creation.


**Create a New Game:**

- Available Data: 100 MB

- **Game Creation Progress:** 0/100 MB

As John explored the system's features, a rush of excitement surged through him. These games were his cherished pastime, and now he had the opportunity to introduce them to a vast audience who hadn't experienced them before. Excitement bubbled within him as he realized he could finally tweak the gameplay elements that had been bothering him. The prospect of enhancing his favorite games brought a surge of joy and empowerment, replacing any lingering doubts with a sense of liberation. With this newfound ability to customize his gaming experience, he felt like he was embarking on a fresh journey filled with endless possibilities and the promise of a truly immersive and satisfying adventure ahead.

A sharp pang of hunger gnawed at John's stomach, causing him to push back his gaming chair in his cluttered room. As he slowly made his way to the kitchen, his leg twinged with pain, a constant reminder of the car accident that had left him with a slight limp after a wild party night. The kitchen was a sea of disarray, with an array of beer bottles and ready-to-microwave meals scattered across the counter. John clicked on his game creation interface, his mind racing with ideas for his next project. Which unexplored gaming territory should he venture into? Suddenly, like a bolt of lightning, it struck him - why not delve into the exciting world of Pokémon? Though he had never played "Pokemon Red/Green," he was no stranger to the popular franchise thanks to his time spent immersed in the MMO version of Pokémon, specifically the FireRed edition. Pondering what to make for dinner, John put some food in the microwave while musing aloud about whether Pokémon was just a small MB game.