
Parallel Cosmos

Fujiwara Taki is an ex-bully high school boy who was an outcast in his school rejected by everyone. The summer came and it was time for a school trip. Hopping along the school's bus, him and his classmates are headed to another city for a touring trip. But almost as if time itself has skipped forward, he suddenly finds himself in an ambulance, blinded and unable to speak.... He didn't know what happened to him and was dumbfounded when he heard the paramedics besides him saying that all his classmates had died and he is about to as well. Finally succumbing to his injuries, he fell unconscious once again. When he wakes up again, he mysteriously finds himself in the body of a baby girl called "Kyrielle Buffet," with a new set of parents and in an entirely different country... He was japanese, but now he is european, and he is also no longer a boy. But that is not all... He was reincarnated into a world with people that has superhuman feats, monsters that are inherently part of nature just like animals, and sentient monsters called "demons" which are mysterious and unknown to even the humans of this world. Furthermore, he finds out that there is a primordial dragon hidden inside of his body.... Regaining a chance to live out his life again, he who is now a she will try her best shot at having a fulfilling life, doing the utmost she can in everything from magic to studying. How will her life proceeds onwards? How will she deal with the stress of having her gender be swapped? How will she get over the past trauma on earth and how will her knowledge on Earth affect her in this world? Only fate can answer these questions.... _______________ Author's note : This novel is a slow burn, seinen, isekai fantasy that technically fits into these genre : Gender Bender, Coming of Age, Action and Weak to Strong. I don't expect my readers to be underaged, but most of my story is safe enough for every audience. It's targeted for people aged 16 to 30, but it is fine for all age to read so don't be discouraged if you are young. Also, this novel will be FREE, I am writing this project as a hobby, not for income. Expect 2 or 3 chapters a week, I'll try to be as consistent as possible. However I'm a student with a hectic schedule, so please be understanding when I can't keep up with the uploads. YouTube channel : https://youtube.com/@ttchme9816?si=sNRSgOKZt_ZM8-VN Twitter : https://x.com/TATchMeKit?t=BvbkPZbdOS3VmuN3c5GBbQ&s=09

TATchMe · Fantasy
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130 Chs

No More Magic

(14 years and 6 months after reincarnation)

[Kyrielle's POV]

Four priests surrounds me inside the chapel.

"Are you ready?" Said a priestest as she prepares to conduct the ritual.

"Mmm... I'm ready."

I am now sitting on a chair in the middle of a large magic crest.... This empty space in is the place where rituals like these are conducted.

Archbishop Gabriel looked at me and said "Stay calm, the ritual will be over really soon."

"You don't have to tell me that.... This is not the first time I did something like this."

"Is that so? Then, let's get started everyone."

How nostalgic.... I remember that when I was a child, I had Red sealed away under the same circumstances and in a ritual extremely similar to this one.

The four priests kneeled down just outside of the large magic circle and put their hands on the crest.

"We will begin this ritual now. Please close your eyes, and repeat after us."


"Our founders in heaven," (4x)

"Our founders in heaven,"

"hallowed be your names," (4x)

"hallowed be your names, your will be done on this land as in heaven, give us this day our blessings and forgive us for our debts, as well as grant us salvation from our sufferings...."



It was then, I heard the voice of gentle yet fierce voice of a woman talking to me.

"Old lost child.... Come find me once thou had fulfilled your quest to find severance... and when the time arrives, I will guide you through your journey...."

"This voice.... Is it Amaterasu-sama?"

"You may open your eyes now." I heard the voice of Gabriel talking to me.

I opened my eyes and realized that the ritual had already be done.

"Is it over?"

"Yes. Did you hear a voice?"

"Mmm.... I heard Amaterasu, the Japanese Sun Goddess speaking to me."

"The shinto god huh...? What did she say?"

"She told me to go find her after I had found 'Severance'."

"That is a sign.... A sign that the spell we are looking for is still intact. We must thank Amaterasu for this relevation...."

"Phew.... I see. I can rest assured now that I know we are not on a fool's errand searching for something that doesn't exist. If the spell does exist then it means there's a way to cure me...."

"Indeed. But what's more important for now is to check the efficacy of the seal. Can you use magic?"

"Let me check...."

Blaze Edge.

"....Blaze Edge."

"Nothing huh...."

I can't seem to control any Mana inside my body.... I can direct the Mana to flow to my arm in order to fuel the spell that I was imagining but somehow I can't make the Mana form into a magic crest.....

It's like gasoline without an engine to burn it. Completely useless.

"....Within the very lands lies an impenetrable wall, earth wall."

Still nothing happening....

Gabriel walked up to me and placed his hand on my shoulder. "At least now we can confirm that the seal works."

"Sigh.... All my hard work is now gone...."

"Hahaha, it's not like your powers are gone completely. You just can't use it for now, once you've cured yourself you can use all the magic to your heart's content."

"If I do get cured anyway...."

"Fret not however. Even if you can't use magic, you can still use Magic Items. With the Mana that you have, it would equal to almost unlimited uses."

"Wait, I can still use magic items?"

"Yes, of course you can. It's just your magic control that has been stripped...."

"I see.... I see!"

I can still use magic items!

Right now if my Reserve Mana is like the gasoline inside of an oil tank, then using magic items would be like burning an oil lamp with the gasoline of that tank.

Sure, it is not as effective or efficient as a petrol engine, but it's still something right? At least my Mana wouldn't be entirely useless.

"And your eyes.... they stopped being heterochromic as well."

"Really? Let me check!"

I went over to the altar at the chapel where a mirror is on and checked my eyes there.  It's true, both of my eyes are now back to it's normal.

"This is a great thing...."

I think my original blue eyes looked better with my hair color.... This is why I hid my non-dominant golden eye behind my bangs. But eh, I still like to have my bangs this way even if I don't need to hide my right eye anymore.

"Well, now that the ritual is completed you can go home already. I will find you once I have located a source on the Severance magic...."

"And I will tell you when Lynn replies back about that spell as well.... Thank you very much, Archbishop. See you."

"See you as well.... May the gods watch over you."

"Thank you."

Like that, I exited the cathedral....


After that incident, I invited both Diana and Garnet out to tell them about the entire story....

Outside of my friend group, the only one who knew that I lost my magic is the student council president. I work as a Security Ensurer there, it'd be troublesome if someone challenged me to a duel.


(2 days later....)

(7:22 a.m.)

"I lost my ability to cast magic." I said to the student council president.


"Well, an accident sort of happened and... this is the result."

"Wait wait, why so sudden? You know how absurd this is right?"

"I know, but it's not like I'm in control of it as well.... Anyway, what I'm saying is that I will no longer be participating in magic duels since I can't use any magic now."

"This is impossible.... How did you-"

"It's for a private reason." Said a girl from behind me.


"There's a reason that she's hiding it.... not everyone can know."

"I see.... If that is so, then I wouldn't pry any further. But I think we need a cover up story for this, what happens if someone challenged her to a duel?"

"Hmm.... It's already the last semester, just 2 more months until the Finals, so it'd make sense for us students to focus on studying right? We could just say that Kyrie has to do that in order to catch up. She was gone for two years after all."

"Diana.... She got the 7th place in the last exam...."

And she probably didn't know that in the past, I had consistently 2nd place scores, beaten only by Richard....

"Well, my argument still stands."

"That sounds like a good excuse at least. Got that, Kyrielle? You will be a hardworking student from now on."

"Mmm! I will do my best to study for the exams this year!.... Does that sound convincing?"

"Somewhat." "Not at all."


"But... It's good to see that even if you are dealing with such a terrible situation you are still just like you normally are. You are really in control of your emotions."

"Diana... Don't praise me that much..." I'm not as incredible as you make me sound like....

"So, do we know when will you be able to use magic again then?"

"....Too long."

"I see.... I'm sorry for your loss."

"Thank you."

'Pim pom pam pom...'

"Oh, it is time for the morning assembly again. Let us go to the training field, president, Diana."

"Yeah." (2x)


Life without magic is extremely inconvenient. I hadn't realize how much I rely upon small, versatile use of magic in my life until I lost it....

I can't use Ember to start a fire, and has to go out to buy a flint and steel. I can't just cast a waterball to drink water whenever. Hell, I can't even get a fire to warm myself up in the cold windy night when I go out because fire that weren't magic can be put off very easily.

Besides, inconvenience isn't the only thing I faced.... I had to run and even hide myself from the people who wants to challenge me to a duel.

And finally, I wish I could've flew with my thrusters once more.... Flying is a privilege that not many people can achieve, and it is extremely fun. Once you successfully flew for the first time, you wouldn't be able to stop. How I miss doing just that....

But even if all things seems worser than before, I still made it through my days without much difference.


(One month later....)

(4:01 p.m., after school)

Everyday, I'd go to my club to do my Dance activities. But before I know it, Diana and Garnet started to walk me home every day because our clubs finish at aorundnthe same time.

Although it's a pain to have to wait for each other sometimes, at least this gives us more chances to bond beyond school time, and it also meant that these two can spend more time with each other.

It seems that they do get along better than ever after what happened to me.... Is it because Garnet immediately tried to protect Diana when she was in danger?

"-did you seriously think that using illusion magic to trick the teacher will work? I could easily detect who casted the thing just by looking at their reaction! It takes a lot of effort just to maintain one." Said Garnet to Diana.

"I mean, what's stopping me from doing that? I can create an illusion to distract the teachers, and then take a sneak peak at a note hidden in my bossoms...."

"Oh, are you flexing on me with your boobs?" I said as I bumped her on the shoulder with my elbow.

"No way.... Oh, it seems that we are here."

We had arrived at the front door of my home as we chatted.

"Mmm. Thank you for walking me home today as well."

"Yeah." (2x)

"Bye bye Garnet, Diana."

"Bye bye, Kyrie." (2x)

The two walked off towards the end of the street, and as they did so I noticed that they are continuing with their chat.

"Must be nice huh...." It looks like those two have more in common with each other than they do to me.

Wait, am I getting envious? What am I some sort of Tsundere? I dropped my twin tails already but my tsundere'ness is still around....

I turned back to my house and was just about to open my door when I noticed that there are two letters put in the mail box.

"Hmm?..." I checked the letters, one was from mom and the other was from Lynn.

"Lynn! I should read this inside...."

'Cha chank.' Opening the door to my house, I walked inside the shut the door tightly.

I threw my school bag to the sides, and then flopped down on the couch to read the letter.

Opening the envelop, I took out Lynn's letter....

'Hello Kyrie!

It was nice hearing from you again after almost a year and a half!

And listen here! While you were gone, I went to the other world and fought with the Time God! He was a bastard that can use time magic in a fight and-'

"What the fuck?..."

What the hell happened while I was gone? Why is she fighting a literal God? And one that can manipulate Time itself?! Can't he just completely destroy her in a fight by stopping time or skipping time like in those animes that I watched?

(AN : Lynn's Side Story coming up in the future, so stay tuned!)

I read the letter about Lynn's misadventure in the other world.... It was mostly filled with nonsensical things, like fighting the Space Goddess who can teleport both Lynn and also herself, and the Time God who is damn near impossible to fight because she can't hope to defeat someone who can manipulate time itself....

She also talked about her meeting with the Supreme Demon King Baal and reaching an understanding between the two without trying to kill each other. She also talked about meeting a group of new people and becoming mentors to them, etc etc....

But while all of it is crazy to imagine, it seems to me that she's having great fun while I was gone. And this warms my heart to know.... Lynn is afterall a granny that's extremely bored with life already. Seeing her enjoying life again like this kind of makes me happy....

'Oh crap.... I had written all of these words without realizing it! I guess I just missed you a whole lot huh?

Anyway, I'm terribly sorry for not being there for you when all of that soul merging business happened to you.... After all, I could've been a big help to you.'

"You are too kind, Lynn...."

'But I digress. You are looking for Severance, right? A magic that can split and kill the very soul itself, it's a God ranked spell that even I doesn't know of. No records of its chants or magic crest have ever existed, and no one knows who created the spell as well.'

That's too bad then.... Lynn was probably my only reliable source about unconventional magic like these so if even she doesn't know about it, no one will.

'But don't despair yet, for you are in luck. I said there are no records of it, but that is talking about the very spell itself.... There is however one magic item with that spell ingrained into it.'

"What?! This is great news then!"

'As a Magic Pioneer, I know of every single unique magic item in this world because I work as a magic researcher who analyze these items to make new spells.

The magic item that has 'Severance' inscribed on it is a sword.... 10 years ago, I heard of such an item located in the Moonfall Continent.

A black lotus katana by the same name of the spell inscribed in it, it is called Severance.... It's two most distinct characteristics is that it has a lotus flower on the handle to act as a guard, and that a black colored blade that never dulls because of the tough metal, Lapis Lazuli.

The exact location of the blade is within the treasury of Niigata city, a feudal state govern by the Uesugi clan in Moonfall Continent. It is held by the Sword Pioneer Uesugi Kenshin, my old friend.... If you tell him my name, and then ask him 'What happened at the Pacific Ocean during the Great War?' he'll instantly trust you.'

(AN : Any person here that resembles a japanese historical figure is not exactly an accurate depiction of them.)


'Take care if you do travel there, because the Moonfall Continent is cursed with many wars and monsters, it is the most dangerous Continent in the world. Be wary of bandits and Onis.... they like cute girls like you.

Hope the information helps! Also, this long-ass letter is going to cost a lot of money I bet....

-Yours Truly,

Lynn Howard.'

"Tsk, what's that part about bandits and Onis anyway?..."

But regardless, her information IS useful. If what she says is accurate, that means I can travel to the Moonfall Continent in order to retrieve the sword, and then use the black lotus katana to split Red off from my body.

I need to head over to the Niigata city to find this Uesugi Kenshin guy and ask him for the blade....

But first I have to finish my school and also ask permission from mom.... But I guess now I know what I should do upon finishing school huh?

"Now then, mom's letter...."


My search ended me up in the Tsar Kingdom (Russia) to the north east... I still can't find your sister.

As for your situation with your dragon soul, I am terribly sorry that I wasn't able to be there for you when it all happened. But it is almost the winter now, and it'd be impossible for me to come back to you now so please, take care of yourself, and don't forget to stay positive.

But should you need it, just one letter will get me to come rushing back to you to help. Even if you are extremely powerful with your magic, you can't deal with what happens to your soul itself.

Remember to keep yourself warm, and always remember to lock the door, don't take drinks from stranger. And also, DO NOT drink alcohol. I'll spank your butt if I know of it.

-Your Loving Mother,

Katherine Barret'

"Sigh... She nags just as much with a pen."

(Chapter end)

From now on, Kyrie will rely on her skills alone to fight... no more magic duels.

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