

A child in the (A) Marvel Verse accidentally discovers the truth about his life. Discovering his ability is a lot more powerful now that he knows how the world will change. Trying to ensure he is safe from the coming storm and finding the mutants might just be his best way to do this.

Celelond · Movies
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72 Chs


(Okay, impressed with the level of maturity of my readers, I thought when you read the Goddess Gefjun responsibilities I would need to burn the comments section, lol)

As agreed, Fury would avoid the newcomers until Tony became Iron Man, in the meantime, Nat went on her mission while Steve and the two Peggy's planned out getting the other Steve out of the ice is all went well.

Me? I went to visit an inmate, and with a smile, I entered Hel again.

I sigh as I see the place, honestly, did he have to imprison her in here? This Hel looks worse than the Hel in my universe, there is nothing here at all.

I can sense her trying to circle me, "You lost your virginity riding a mount, you have never actually laid with anyone." Her footsteps stop, I turn to look at her, she is a twin to my Hela, except for a very red face, even her ears are red. "How!"

"Oh, another you told me, she said it would be a good way to break her out of her self-inflicted madness."

"Did my father send you? No, another me, Multiverse, and for another me to share that you must be close." she starts mumbling to herself.

"She is my Goddess of Life and Death." I help her out.

"I would never leave Asgard, unless there was no Asgard? or maybe to save Asgard? Did you hold Asgard hostage? You would need to be more powerful than the old man then." for some reason I think the extra years she spent here have impacted her a lot.

I had enough of listening to her mumbling, "I told her the future, she realized by the time she got out of here Asgard would be half dead and so would her family, so she joined my Patheon to have a chance to save Asgard."

Hela says nothing but nods, I then feel someone move their gaze here, and with a huff, I slap it away. I should have reacted calmer, but this woman's mood affected me a bit, well frustrated me.

Within a few minutes, I feel a stronger vision try to see what we are doing, I decided to slap that away, in for a penny in for a pound I guess.

"Your dad might arrive, I just stopped both Heimdall and him seeing our chat," giving her a heads up I hope will help her focus, why is she so out of it?

Her head shoots up, "That old man is coming here, great, I can finally …" I sigh in disappointment and put her to sleep. 

"Stranger, why are you here?" A voice booming with authority and divinity speaks behind me.

In response, I shake my head, "I see, you are the problem, with you getting too powerful your body sent more power into the seal, and it sealed off everything, she had no stimulus as well, nothing new could randomly enter. You basically put her in a sensory deprivation tank."

I turn and look at the old man with contempt. "I guess it is a good thing I met my Hela earlier, or not only would she be driven mad, but I would have killed you myself."

As he is about to speak I gather divinity, "Hela, my Goddess of Life and Death, I summon you!", my voice booming with divine authority.

Odin's eyes widen for a moment as he sees the woman kneeling before me, yes, I could have helped her myself, but I was making a point.

"All-Father, Hela obeys." I notice a flicker of confusion in her eyes as I update her telepathically.

"Rise, this woman needs healing," I command.

Hela turns and walks to her dimensional twin, gently stroking her hair she shakes her head, "She is on the brink of obsessive madness, she needs more than healing, she needs time and care." she reports, her voice harsh and intended for Odin.

"Take her, connect her to Afterlife while she recovers." Odin moves forward to intercept but I block him and both women vanish.

"You disgust me, she is your daughter. If it was not for me you would have left her and avoided seeing her till the day you died. Leaving your problems for others to solve."

He annoys me, if he was like the Odin in my realm, he would have asked his wife to check, she is the negotiator, meaning he came here to ensure she stayed alone.

"Where have you taken her," Odin demands.

"To another universe where an Odin who actually cared about his daughter lives. There, within my dimension, she will heal, no more of a bother to you."

"And what if I want to see her?" he asks, "You will not, you never did and if I did not arrive here, you would not have checked even till the day you died." I turn and vanish, 'Hela, do you think she could heal and become a strong leader?'

'He did not feel like my father, seemed more arrogant. I can do my best.'

She has done nothing wrong but do what she was taught, she is without a doubt well suited to her goal, fine then.

I vanish and make sure I am undetectable, I am on an ice mountain before me is a vast expanse of frozen land.

I smirk as I weave a spell of space and dreams, slowly these Ice Giants will dream of the future, a future where Odin passes, and Thor and Loki choose to use Bi Frost on Jotunheim. The dreams will never be intense, just passing dreams, for now.

The dwarves of Nidavellir start to dream of being attacked and forsaken by their protectors. With all but one is alive, he learns the New King of Asgard was too weak to honour the pact, too weak to even save his own people, while his long-forgotten sister, the true heir fought to her last breath to try to save Asgard that the New king ran from.

The light elves of Alfheim dreamt of how after the New ruler of the nine realms lost a battle, half their people turned into dust while the true heir was plotted against and killed by Thor and Loki.

For now those should do, the dreams will be at random times, nothing intense, just enough to be remembered by the subconscious.

Since I am letting Widow, Steve and Peggy handle the earth I have other idea's.

I stopped and thought about it, what to do? Things did work out in the end, maybe hunt the other pantheons? I mean most of them were jerks as the very least. Hm, something was wrong, it was like since by Alpha and Omega filled up, unless it was personal I was only seeing things as balanced, or not.

"Eve, am I missing something?"

"No, you need to choose your path now. You can choose to ensure only balance if you like, or you can choose the kind of Pantheon you want to lead. Those who can gain more strength through belief are known as gods, those who gain more strength through souls are known as devils."

"How does this help me? Do I get more strength than I do now?"

"Bingo, if you choose a god, you will gain a lot more strength from belief than you do now, or course the reverse is also possible."


"Regardless, now that both Alpha and Omega are full, it is time to combine them. Then your natural personality will override the balance they are bringing."

"Wait, so I have been a nice guy more and more because my Alpha was more full than my Omega? I kinda liked guiding them."

"Although it does affect you, it is not that strong." I hear Eve giggling.