

A child in the (A) Marvel Verse accidentally discovers the truth about his life. Discovering his ability is a lot more powerful now that he knows how the world will change. Trying to ensure he is safe from the coming storm and finding the mutants might just be his best way to do this.

Celelond · Movies
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72 Chs


I head to New York, honestly, this one should be easy with what I offer, and even if it is impossible for any god to betray me, this is a person who, once he gave his word, never would.

I really need a messenger, but the one I have in mind is not even born yet, urgh. Maybe I should divide it in two… OH, wait, I just got an idea. Although I will not lie, this might be my teen hormones at work here, wait, does my age even matter not that I am immortal?

"Lilly, do we have Angel's DNA on file?" I seemingly ask no one. "Yes Joel, did you want to clone him?" Lilly's voice appears right next to me. "Nope, I am looking for something," I say as I carefully look through his DNA. You see once Nightcrawler had Angel's blood slashed on him and he got burned, this showed the possibility they were related to the Cheyarafim who were a group of angel-like mutants who were the traditional enemies of the Neyaphem a demon-like group of mutants.

I am currently looking for the Cheyarafim gene. Having my own, loyal army of Angels would be awesome. Yes, the God of the hunt has temporarily been forgotten, we must have priorities in life.

It takes me some time to find it, and that is saying something if you consider how powerful I currently am.

Hm, on its own it will not do what I want, so I grant it the ability to draw from the Solar dimension but only through me, naturally, they get the physical properties of my gods, "Lilly, can you pass your blessing of knowledge on to what I am creating." I ask Lilly as I do not want them to have my blessing, it is too powerful. Without a word, her blessing descends on the mass of genes I now have in my mind. I start to form them into elegant, mythical versions of two female angels. I then look about, in this place souls are easily found, I take two female ones and wipe them totally clean, this is a blessing for them compared to what would have happened.

I imbed loyalty in their souls and their worldviews. I give the one robe and add Bio-kinesis to her, the other gets the silver and gold Wonder Woman armor with the power of death added.

Their names are now Alpha and Omega.

I vanish to my temple with them standing behind me, as I sit the other Gods start to appear in their respective seats.

I hold my hand forward, and it shows a complete matrix to create the angels, "Each take it, and create your own personal angels based on this. Two each accepts Athena, you can create a division. As they prove themselves within the division we can see them joining their brothers and sisters as our personal messengers."

"Ciar speaks up, "I cannot help but notice they are defaulted to female, is this a hint?" She says with a smirk. 

"With you ladies around I really do not need to look for a more pleasing sight, the gender is up to you to choose." 

Athena grins, "Oh, so smooth." the ladies then pretend to hide the giggling.

I have added a God of Judgement as you are all aware, he has chosen to stay within his temple unless he is needed. I plan on adding a God of the Hunt beyond the normal duties and will be responsible for bringing the accused to trial as well as enforcing a punishment if someone is able to avoid it.

The girls nod, "I am considering other roles, so any ideas are welcome, I am sure you all understand why I am unable to add Jean at the moment regardless of how well you get along with her."

I can see some disappointment on their faces, but overall they do understand.

"Felicia has shown no interest in anything but sunbathing and battle so we would need to have a word with her for that to work out. Also, it might be time for Gia to move the realm into orbit, we are expecting visitors soon, and then more after. Anyone disagree?"

I nod and look at Gia who bows slightly to indicate agreement, leaving it in her hands."

"Does anyone have anything else?" I ask as I look around at each of them in turn.

"Well, you are always welcome to speak to me privately if something comes up."

We all vanish to our homes and I look to Omega, her personality will suit her role, and the end of all, my warrior messenger. 

"Omega, deliver my offer to him, avoid getting into a fight with him," I swear Alpha just smirked at Omega.

With a bow she vanishes, I decide I need to watch her first mission to make sure I never make any mistakes.

Within a rather run-down apartment, Frank lay, his body once again wrapped up in bandages and a duffel bag with money and weapons in it. It was a good outing, he killed more of those basterds and got funds to ensure he could go after more. Sitting in the room he closes his eyes a moment, then they spring open as he pulls a weapon from out of the sofa at the woman who has just appeared in front of him.

At this point, he notes the wings on her back and kinda skimpy armor.

Tilting her head sideways she smiles, "I am not allowed to harm you, so you do not need them." The woman smiles, for any other man his heart would melt, but for Frank the woman who could do that is dead, and no one else will hold that spot. 

"I am Omega, my God has sent me to you with an offer, before that, you are going to pass out if I leave you as you are." the dark death energy that hangs around some of Frank's wounds disappears and he feels his mind clear a bit.

"You know you can drop the weapon in your hand, and the grenade you are hiding in your other one, they cannot harm me."

"Then you should be fine with them staying where they are, they make me feel more secure," Frank smirks as he responds.

 Omega shrugs and puts it down to mortal quirks, "My God would like to offer you the Godhead of the Hunt, naturally there would be duties but also benefits."

"I have a job, tell him thanks, but no thanks."

"Oh, did you not want to hear the benefits? He said you would love them. An immoral powerful body, far stronger than the legendary Captain, the ability to nullify your opponent's abilities, summon your weapons to your hand ..," Look Lady, that's all cool, but …" "The return of your wife and child." 


Frank looks down at the weapon in his hand, then looks to Omega, who is watching the bullet drop to the ground after hitting her forehead.

"Sorry, accident, what did you just say?"

Omega slowly looks up, "You heard me correctly, and do not do that again, it might not hurt but it is rude."

"How? They are dead, they died months ago."

"Did you not hear the part when I said my GOD sent me?" Omega says with a huff.

"And he can do this? Seriously bring someone back from the dead?" Frank asks again.

"He created me from one gene an hour ago, you work it out," she says as she gives him an eye-roll.

"If he can do what you say then yes, I agree to it."

"You might want to leave your weapons behind, he might not take your accidental load as well as I did," Omega says with a grin.

The humor is lost on Frank as he starts getting rid of any weapon that could go off, the rest stay though.

Sitting in the temple (teleported) again Joel is shaking his head at the events he just saw.

Moments later Frank Castle is standing before him wondering if he should bow off something while Omega returns her stop behind Joel. "Alpha," Joel says and the other more gentle-looking angel nods, immediately Franks feels all his injuries, old and new healing.

"Hi Frank, I am Paragon, All-Father of the Solar Pantheon. Please just stay as you are, it's a private meeting. And feel free to speak openly."

The first words out his mouth were as I expected, "Is it true you can bring my Wife and son back to life as they were, no tricks?"

I nod, "Yes, I am a God, not a demon Frank, although actually forget that, some of the gods you have on Earth are just like demons."

"On Earth? We not on Earth?" Franks asks.

"The hint is in the name, Solar, unlike many gods you know that only overseas a group on earth, we oversee the entire solar system. Oh, some gods moved up, like the Asgardians, as the name should indicate."

"I am going to be honest, I really don't care what I join as long as you can bring them back like they were," Frank admits.

"Very well then, the moment they are fully returned to you, you will become the God of the Hunt for my Pantheon, with all the duties attached, is that fair?"

"I agree, yeah, when can we do this?" I can see his eagerness.

"Now, now understand, I will be bringing their bodies here, then healing their dead bodies first, after that I will restore their souls. So if you cannot face that, look away for now."

To his credit the man just nodded and waited, I nodded and brought the bodies to us, as expected after being dead for months, they did not look good. I restored them as fast as possible, making sure to take them to the peak of human limits, it would be up to Frank and them if they wanted to be immortal. Luckily it was still too early for certain demons to know the value of the souls he held, so the usual divinity for soul exchange was fine.

I made sure to give them togas, as Maria raised her head, Frank wanted to run forward, but at this moment he was becoming the God of the Hunt. "Frank?" Maria wanted to run forward but found herself unable to move. "He is becoming a God, it is the price I had to pay to get his service," I explain as I let her move again. 

She looks confused, "You had to pay him to make him a god?"

"Yes, since your death he has been hunting down and killing all those linked to your murders, he became the perfect God of the Hunt, but he refused my offer, saying he still had a job to do. Until I offered to bring you both back, he would not budge, and then he gave in right away. You have a good man."

At this point Maria was crying as she watched him evolve, "I know." she mumbled.

As soon as he evolved he appeared before Maria and their son, cradling them close. 

"You are free to live in the godly realm, as you will have a home here regardless, I would suggest though, even though I have improved your family's bodies, you bless them both. It will help keep them safe."

I nod to them then look to Alpha, "Show them around, I have attached his duties to his Godhead, so he will need to see the God of Judgements Temple as they will most likely be working close together. Welcome Frank, you might not realize this but I have probably made many people happy and disappointed at the same time in another Universe." I vanish to my home to try to get some rest.