

A child in the (A) Marvel Verse accidentally discovers the truth about his life. Discovering his ability is a lot more powerful now that he knows how the world will change. Trying to ensure he is safe from the coming storm and finding the mutants might just be his best way to do this.

Celelond · Movies
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72 Chs


Sensing nothing on this level I head down the stairs to the last level where I expect to face Juggernaut.

As I descended to the final level, a sense of confusion washed over me. My Step Out of Time ability subtly altered the future once I had glimpsed it, but typically the changes were insignificant. However, upon reaching this level, I was met with an unexpected sight, there was no sign of the Juggernaut, and the facility seemed to have been hastily abandoned. 

Yet, despite the eerie stillness, I could hear faint cries and moans coming from within the cells where mutants were imprisoned. 

With a wave of my hand, I whisked the entire laboratory and its captive inmates to safety on their Island refuge. The air was thick with the tangy scent of salt and seaweed as we materialized in the Island sanctuary.

Like a mirage, the lab materialized on the Island, drawing a flurry of activity from the already liberated mutants. Their eyes sparkled with newfound hope, their voices echoing with excitement as they gathered to reconnect the salvaged laboratory equipment and tend to the needs of their long-suffering brethren. Needless to say, Eric out-performed everyone with a look of determination as he stood above the lab like a conductor performing a symphony.

The air hummed with anticipation, every breath filled with the promise of a brighter future. They had not only struck a powerful blow against their oppressors but also secured an invaluable resource in their quest to build a sanctuary for their kind. This monumental success served as proof to even the most skeptical that their faith in Joel was well-founded and justified. The energy and determination radiating from the mutants was palpable, like an electric current pulsing through the air. For this moment, at least, they were united in purpose and united in their fight for freedom.

Thoughts of the altered Timeline continue to swirl in my mind as I methodically check and open the various cages, I notices the last few seem to be sealed rooms with the only way to see inside being though a small window in the door. My encounter with Juggernaut replays in my head, and I scour for any other changes that may have occurred. As I approach the third-to-last door, a realization hits me like a ton of bricks: behind those last two doors are Emma and Azazel. In my memory, the last door was already open, but now it's tightly shut and the bolts used to secure it are all in the unlocked position. It's clear that whoever is inside has been given permission to roam freely. I slowly reach for the handle of that final door.

My eyes were fixated on the door. I had completely forgotten about Juggernaut's fighting style, his brute strength and destructive force. Suddenly, the sound of metal ripping filled my ears as the entire cell wall was ripped from its foundation and hurled towards me. The impact knocked me off my feet, slamming me into the lab wall with a painful thud. Thankfully, my body's incredible regeneration quickly healed any injuries I may have sustained. On top of that, I could feel my body adapting to physical damage once again, making me even more resilient than before. Despite the pain, I couldn't help but feel embarrassed by my own vulnerability in that moment. But now, Juggernaut had truly annoyed me.

With a heave, I use my super strength to send the concrete and metal wall flying back into the cell without so much as a single bead of sweat. Juggernaut, caught off guard and building up momentum down the passage, is headed straight for the last of the mutants that I had just freed. A vicious grin spreads across my face as I mutter to myself, "Fine, let's see if I can make you a matching set with your brother." With a flick of my wrist, I activate my Time Stop ability, freezing time from halfway down his shins and covering his entire body below that point.

A loud CRACK reverberates through the lab corridor, followed by a guttural howl of pain. Even in this frozen state, it's clear that Juggernaut is unstoppable, as long as the majority of his body keeps moving, it doesn't count as being stopped. But thanks to my Omega level Time Stop ability, I was able to catch him in this vulnerable state. It would have been much more difficult with anything less.

I approach him cautiously, knowing full well his immense power and strength. His legs are frozen in place, unable to turn and face me. The other mutants who witnessed what happened stand at the end of the corridor, their expressions a mix of fear, shock, and disbelief. As I come closer, I can sense their awe and respect for my abilities.

Kneeling down next to Juggernaut's prone form, I reach out and touch his arm. Utilizing my Biokinesis powers, I cause a bulge to form in one of the blood vessels in his brain, severely weakening its walls where it branches off. It's uncertain whether his healing abilities could repair this damage (Marvel has verified that it would not heal), as it isn't typically seen as harmful by the body. But it will certainly keep him calm and subdued for the immediate future.

I kneel down next to Juggernaut, his large hand pressed against his head as he rocks back and forth in pain. "I am going to release your legs now and place them in a position where they can begin healing," I inform him calmly. "You feel that throbbing headache? And the nausea too, right? That's because blood is rushing through your brain, and I've made some of the blood vessels super thin. You see, if you push too much blood through them, they could pop and make you very sick. So I suggest you play nice unless you want me to start seeing what other medical issues I can inflict upon you." A thought crosses my mind, and I add with a sinister smile, "In fact, I've always wondered how well you would respond to AIDS."

I deactivate my Time Stop power and carefully lay Juggernaut's legs out in front of him, allowing his body to begin the healing process. Turning towards the group of mutants, I notice that Eric, Charles, and a few X-Men have joined them. Eric turns to Charles with a smug look on his face. "See, I told you he could handle it."

Charles simply nods in agreement before addressing me directly. "We have a place where we can hold him and prevent him from building up any momentum. It's a special cell designed to block all kinetic energy." He signals for the X-Men to teleport Charles' brother away.

As I prepare to leave with the X-Men, Charles approaches me with a concerned expression. "Was that last part really necessary?" he asks.

I let out a small chuckle before replying confidently. "Yes! And don't forget about the two sealed cells we have as well." With that, I make my way back up to the surface knowing that the dangerous mutant known as Juggernaut is now under control, for the moment.

Following the directions to my new Island home, I make my way up a winding mountain path. The dense foliage of the overgrown forest surrounds me, but the path ahead is clear and well-marked for those who know the route.

As I continue upwards, I am in awe of the stunning view that greets me. My new home is camouflaged among the trees, almost indistinguishable from the outside. But as soon as I step inside, I am greeted with expansive windows that offer a panoramic view of the entire island. The glass seems ordinary at first glance, until you touch it and feel its flexibility. It's like a dream house and treehouse rolled into one.

The interior is equipped with all the usual amenities and more. But what sets this place apart is the vibrant energy of the island itself , not just the plants, but also the ground and animals. Everything here feels alive and harmonious, creating an atmosphere of utmost tranquility.

I take a deep breath and let out a contented sigh, momentarily tempted to relax and take in the peaceful surroundings. But I know I have business to attend to, a chat with Lilly about her decision back in the city. With reluctance, I turn away from my idyllic home and begin my journey back to reality.