
Paradox Tower(old)

This is the old version of paradox tower.

Koryuki · Fantasy
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35 Chs

A Bad Memory

It's pitch black...

I tried walking around a bit, but i don't even know if i moved at all... After ten minutes, i give up on searching for an exit and start thinking about what i could do with the items i currently have with me. I have a spear, daggers and shield, but i can't use them to try to break the walls since there aren't any... Also, i can't use [Analyze] for some reason. The only think i haven't tried yet is using the Bracelet Of Gluttony to "store" the entire trap but i don't think it will work... Well, since it's only hope i'll try it anyway...

After i tried using it a screen similar to [Analyze]'s appeared.

[The Sin Of Gluttony is trying to absorb the corruption in your mind...]

What is this? Sin Of Gluttony? Is it talking about the Bracelet Of Gluttony? And corruption... It's probably the effect of the Room Of Insanity. After a minute the text vanished away and the strange place i was in went from pitch back to a blinding white.

[The Sin Of Gluttony has succesfully absorbed the corruption created by the trap: Room Of Insanity]

This is good, but my situation didn't change much... I just went from a black space to a white one...

[Error, since the trap itself has not been disabled nor destroyed, the corruption will not stop, therefore The Sin Of Gluttony is trying to absorb the trap itself]

Wait, it's not going to absorb us too right?! I might be fine since it cannot absorb me, but what about the others... I quickly take off the Bracelet Of Gluttony and put it in my pocket to try to stop it from absorbing us, but when i did it, a crack split the floor in half and i fell in it.

After i fell into the crack, i landed on a hard floor. I look around me and it looks like i landed on the rooftop of a large building. I quickly get up while trying to figure out where i was, but i hear footsteps from behind a door that probably leads in the building, so i hide in the corner created by the wall connected to it. I hear the footsteps getting closer and some chatter, then the door opened and two girls came out of it.

Wait, isn't that Mia?! I didn't recognize her at first because she looks much younger now and she always has that emotionless expression, but now she's smiling! Now that i think about it they're both wearing a middle school uniform... Is this place a school? The girl chatting with Mia has blonde hair a bit longer than Mia's and blue eyes. They sit on a bench near the door and i notice they have lunch boxes in their hands. "It seems you're more fluent in japanese now, Elaine!" Says Mia, "it's all thanks to you, Mia." Says the girl, "if you didn't become my friend when i tranfered here, i would be probably have no friends by now..." Continues the girl, "What are talking about? Even if didn't become your friend the others in the class would still care about you!" Responds Mia, a bit confused, "They're just acquaintances, none of them truly wants to be my friend..." Says the girl, "Even if that's the case, seeing how amazing you are, you would still have many friends! Unlike me..." Says Mia, "No no no, you're much more amazing than me, even in the last test, you placed first!" Says the girl... And then the conversation continues with things like that until they finished eating their food.

As Mia opening the door, it all turns black for a second, then it switched to a street. I heard their voices and quickly hid behind the wall of one of the houses. They continue talking and cross the road, but as they're crossing, a red car going at full speed hits them, sending them flying, the car keeps going after that. I immediately run towards them, but bump my head onto some kind of invisible wall there was. I try punching it a few times but it doesn't do anything.

It went all black again, then it changed once more. Now i'm in an hospital room and see Mia sleeping and attached to some strange devices. There are two people standing beside her, they're wearing a white clothing that goes all the way down to their legs and one of them is reading some papers he had in his hands.

"Poor child... She doesn't have any parents and her only friend died..." Says the other person while looking at her, "What an insane recovery speed, she's pretty much all recovered after only two weeks. I don't know how she's still alive after only sleeping for two weeks, she didn't even eat anything." says the person holding the papers. A minute later, Mia wakes up. "Ugh... Where is this...?" Says Mia, still half asleep, "Right!! The car hit us and... Elaine!! How is she?!" Asks Mia while trying to remember what happened, "The girl who was with you is... Dead." Says the person holding the papers, "What... That can't be... How am i still alive then..." Says Mia while looking terrified, "You were able to survive thanks to the fact that the impact was partially weakened by your friend" says the doctor with the papers, "...", Mia isn't saying anything and she's looking at the blaanket of the hospital bed, with the same empity eyes she always has...

It went all black again, but this time, i was back at the rooftop, even they were back there as if nithing happened. It was all going to repeat... That tragic event... Again and again... Now i get why this trap is called like that... And i get why i saw nothing but pitch black too, since i have no memories before i entered The Tower. I quickly equipped the Bracelet Of Gluttony back on and tried to absorb the space around us like it did with the black space before.

It got absorbed and now i'm back to the white space, but now, Mia was beside me, sleeping. "Why...", I hear Mia talk in her sleep, i notice she has tears on face too, i wipe them away and then try to absorb part of the trap to make that crack again, but multiple cracks formed this time and the others came out of each of the cracks, as if they were thrown out. All of them were sleeping.

I tried to continue absorbing the trap and after 10 seconds an old looking green door appeared. I opened it, but right after i did that, all of us were sucked in the door, just like the time we entered...

Chapter 16-End.

(Since i am developing the novel as i'm writing it, you can suggest something to add into it! Just write it in the comments. Obviously the Main parts of the story are already kind of set, but i can still add maaaaany things in between.)