
The Fourth Trial

After baldie said that, we went to the Fourth Floor room's entrance.

"Wait, since we all have different weapons now, wouldn't it be better if we changed our formation?" I ask, thinking that it would be much safer and easier to conquer floors with an already set attack formation. "Now that you mention it... Alright, let's decide for a new attack formation." Says baldie, "Me in front and the rest supports"... It looks like it was a bad idea to let baldie decide. "No, me in front, Haru in the back, and the rest goes half in the front and the other half supports and keeps and eye out for surprise attacks.", says Mia, "We have to move towards the door for the next Floor after we enter, so that formation isn't that good, expecially if there's an hidden speed type monster like in the Second Trial." I tell Mia.

After a while of people suggesting a formation, all of them somehow ended up being discarded away and it was now my turn to suggest. "I'm in the front using the Light Pearl to light our path forward, at my side is baldie with the warhammer, behind us is Mia with her kunais and katana. The others all have swords or spears so let's create a circle formation with the small formation i just said in front and Haru in the middle, since she's the only magic user." i explain.

"Is everyone ok with this formation?? If yes then let's go now!" Said baldie after i finished explaining the layout of the formation, "You're a good strategist" said Mia. Now that i think about it, how was she unable to come up with such a simple but effective formation? She's quite smart after all... Maybe it's the lack of experience? But if that's the case how was i able to come up with it...

After we decided on this formation we opened the door and threw a piece of equipment that noone used wich had been crushed by baldie with his warhammer, we decided to do this before going into the Trial Room because there could be traps similar to the one in the Second Trial... After we threw that piece of equipment into the room, three big monsters came to check what it was. They were green and had a pig-like nose with little upwards curved horns that came out from their mouth, they also looked kinda fat and only wore a piece of leather that covered down until their knees. I notice each of them has a huge wooden club as weapon.

I decide to look at their status.


Name: Bob Race: Orc

STR: 14 AGI: 5 INT: 3 STA: 6

Total Mana: 5

Description: a monster that possesses great strenght and is usually found in Dungeons and in deeper parts of a large forest.


- [Hostile (Passive)] Lv.4:

The skill owner will instinctively try to attack any living being that isn't from their race. (Lv.4 Upgrade: The skill also gives the skill owner +2 STR bonus when facing opponents of a race different than theirs)

- [Night Vision (Passive)] Lv.Max:

Lets the skill owner be able to see in the dark (Skill granted by The Tower).


- Wooden Club (Moderately Damaged) ATK +8



Bob...? Anyway, a hit from him will probably be fatal, it's better to dodge their attacks. I looked at the other orcs' status but they're the same except for the fact that their stats vary a little, for example, the second orc has 1 more AGI point, but 1 less STA point. Another thing i noticed is that for some reason all of them are called Bob...

Since The Tower gave them the [Night Vision] skill, we won't have any advantages against them except for our equipment and stats other than STR. "We don't know if there's more of them, let's go for the door and hope they won't notice us." Says baldie trying to prioritize safety, "I think it would be better to surprise attack them while they're turned around" says Mia, "What?! Attack those things?! Don't you see how huge they are???" Says Domo, "I agree with Mia" i say.

Right now it would be better to take care of them while we can, since they are able to see in the dark. "Why attack them now if we can light up the torches in the room and see if there are more monsters or not? Even if there are we can always stay by the Fifth Trial stairs and think of a plan based on they're numbers!!" Esclamates baldie, confused as to why i agreed with Mia, "That plan can only work if they don't notice us, but what if there really are more and they can see in the dark? Up until now the enemies were either blind or already dead, who says they can't see us?" I tell baldie, "... I didn't think about that...!!" Says baldie while thinking about what i said and looking surprised, "As expected, Ray already noticed it..." Mumbles Mia to herself.

"... Then let's go with Mia's plan" says baldie, "Haru will attack them with magic while Mia and those who use spears finish them off while maintaining distance. If the damage isn't enough i will crush their foots while you retreat from the attack, then repeat." Continues baldie while explaining the attack plan, "G-Got it!" Says Haru while looking a bit nervous.

"Go!", after that, Haru attacked them with the Earth spikes she used before and surprisingly killed two of them in one shot, the other one was quickly dealt with by Mia's kunais. Those two are an attack squad on their own... "That's all? I tought they would have been stronger... Well, it's better this way." Says baldie, trying to raise a death flag.

They probably died so easly because their STA stats was kind of low for monsters of their size. We continued exploring the Floor the formation i suggested, but nothing special happened and we found the door pretty easily. Baldie tries to open the door, but as he touches it i get a really bad feeling, my heart began beating strongly and painfully, so much that i could feel it beating in my chest, and it even feels like time slowed down a bit. I try to stop him but it's too late and he already opened the door. Inside the door was... Nothing, literally. It was all pitch black and we couldn't see anything because we got pulled inside it by some strange force, and then the door closed. It felt like i was floating for a second, i tried using [Analyze] but it all went completely black after i used it, i couldn't even see the others now, the only thing i could read before [Analyze]'s window closed was...

Type: Trap Name:..

Room Of Insanity.

Chapter 15-End.

(The updates a going to be a bit slow because i'm busy creating the book cover).

Next chapter