
Hunter to Hunted

The bright shine from the light greeted me as i woke up, i turned to sit on the side of the bed. Standing up i went to the armory and prepared my armor as the other might be preparing theirs by this time. All suited up and armed with my supressor and any other weapons that i can carry, finished with my task here, i walked to the door and leave my room.

Outside my door Marcel had a radio pack similar to what Stephen carried, "This is Hunt team are you at the operations point? over" Marcel said to the radio. A voice came out of the radio "Affirmative awaiting your arrival, the escort is at your location over" everyone seems prepared just readjusting armor and checking weapons just in case. Everyone might have noticed me coming outside of the room as they begin walking out the door along with me, we walked heading outside without chattering or talking.

A couple of minutes went by and a police car arrived out side of the school accompanied by an armored van and other police cars. "So much security for a group of mercenaries" said Mary sarcastically, the door of the armored van opened and a man with riot armor came up. "My name is captain Marc, my forces will support you to get this bastard" he gestures his hand to follow him to the van.

After everyone got in the van, we depart. Inside the van were other police officers in riot gear armed to the teeth. Not much outside light went in with most light coming from the van, reminding me of the van that brought me to Parabellum. Like before it was all quiet with the exception of outside noise, "Tough people here eh?" whispered Mary as she sat next to me. "The guy is well known they said, they need the best mercs right" i replied.

"Alright men listen up" the captain shouted in the van, after he pressed a button a hologram of some sort of compound appeared. "Intel states that there are some cops with trained mercenaries most likely rogue ones, due to loss of multiple officers either by bribery or death, we managed to get our own mercenaries" explained the captain "Lets hope they dont kill us as well." replied an officer in the van sarcastically.

Felt like an hour passed by until the van came to a stop, same as before two police officers opened the door. I was greeted to a a group of cop cars and a large tent, "Get inside, the plans are inside" said the Captain behind me. We were next to the entrance of the grey forest, the tress were huge and the inside of the forest was almost darknened by the trees. In the tent was a map and a makeshift wooden compound deep into the forest, "The compound is deep here and cant be reache because of distance and size of the forest, there are also patrols surrounding the area bribed cops and mercenaries possibly rogues from different schools now working for themselves and against us. Due to the distance you have to go, each of you will wear a tracker to ensure that we know where you are when the mission is bust or good" The captain explained.

The captain slid a box in front us, an odd device with a green light in the middle. "If its green we can still see you if its red well, we lost contact with you. We will put our comms jn a closed channel so no other comms can read us" i attached the device in my arm that began to attach itself to my arm. Behind the captain a computer that shows a green map, with 10 pings emenating from the computer.

We got out of the tent and looked at the forest, the inside was almost black with no way of knowing where the enemy is, "Use that thermal scope of yours Damon" said Thalia looking at me with a slight grin, gathering the strength i can muster we stepped into the forest.

The forest was just a broken maze of trees with paths leading elsewhere but their destinations unknown, only patches of light pierced the large trees, accompanied by the light our green trackers emanated. Sebastian at the front came to a sudden and raised his hand, he points at the right side and Stephen runs to where he pointed and takes position. "Scramble!" said Sebastian, afterwards everyone in the group split and his in different parts of the path. Five walked on the path we took, "Aim for the front one Damon" said a voice in my comms, i readied my rifle at the front soldier. "Ready? one, two, THREE" i pulled the trigger and so did the rest, the guards simultaneously fell to the ground with shots to the head. Upon closer inspection the soldiers had logos on the helmet, two of them had normal police attire while the three had logos, "These guys are from Burnwick academy" Burnwick was a reputable school but it went awol and was ordered to be destroyed, the academic students moved while the soldiers of the school fought back. Parabellum took part in the siege, and successfully destroyed the school and arrested the staff and survivors. Unfortunately some escaped and remain at large, "Sir we found Burnwick soldiers here" said Sebastian talking to the radio, "Well thats two things sorted out carry on" replied the captain.

Further into the forest we saw the compound gleaming with light, in front the compound were two large trucks. "Shipping animal corpses" said Nora "Disgusting fucks, cant wait to kill every single one of them" she continued. "Captain we found the base send reinforcements" said Sebastian, "Roger that helicopters are inbound proceed to attack now" Stephen bagan opening fire on the soldiers guarding and loading the truck, the others joined in the attack unleashing bullets and tearing into every soldier in the area.

A loud deafening siren pierced my ears almost muffling out all my hearing, bulleta fell from the roof as two gunners opened fire at us, we took cover behind the trees as the gunners stripped the trees thin. they were focusing fire on Stephen and Nora and maybe i can use that chance, readying my rifle i aimed at the gunner. With one pull on the finger the bullet flew to the soldier piercing his skull, The gunner became more relentless this time shredding all trees with a pattern. A loud shot echoed theough the forest as Stephen fired his rifle at the second gunner hitting him, we moved in to the door cautiously.

Mary attached some sort of breach bomb on the door, "BREACH" Mary shouted as the door flew back in with immense force Nora ran in first and depleted her magazines into the inside. After seconds Nora stopped firing and changed her mags, the inside looked to be a long corridor. In the distance of the a light pierced theoug my chest, they hit me. Stephen pulled me to cover as the others provided cover support, what weirded me out is the fact that i dont feel much pain just a little pinch like a bee. Is this my new perk? invulnerability to most pain? getting up wasnt a problem as Stephen looked at me in shock "DAMON YOUR CHEST IS LEAKING" feeling my chest a river of blood soaked my hand, but i didnt feel any pain from the shot, it cant be the adrenaline thats for sure.

The team killed the gunner as the dust settled and the round casings hit the floor, Stephen with a syring in hand jabbed it into my wound. "You feel anything?" asked Stephen "None at all man" i replied. "So maybe thats Damon's perk now, no pain" said Mary, we slowly crept in the corridor trying to find any doors to breach.

We reached the end of the corridor to a decorated door, it must be where that poacher is. "Remember capture, dont kill" said Sebastian. Marcel attached a similar device to the door, a seco d later the door flew open Nora and Thalia ran in and shot at the guards, they inspected the room for the poacher but, he wasnt here. In the room was just more files now soaked in blood, corpses on both sides belonging to normal guards, cops, or mercenaries. None of these men looked like a man of importance, the poacher isnt here.

A man rammed through another door and attempts to tackle Stephen but Luna kicked him into the desk, the man bleeding from his head and looking exhausted looks up, Stephen grabs his neck and shouts "WHERE IS THE POACHER" the threw the man into the nearby shelf "Gone..." the man replied taking his last breaths until he falls limp.

The captain called to Sebastian "Where is the poacher?" said the captain, "HE IS GONE SIR" Sebastian shouted. The sound of an engine roared outside, peering out the window an armored jeep raced into the forest. We hastily went outside onto the chopper "He went there" Nora pointed at the direction where he went, and so the race was on.