
Game Time

"Yeah sure" i replied, Stephen throws a controller at me with engravings of the school logo on the front of the controller. Luna goes to her room proceeding to lock it behind her, i wonder Sebastian said she's quiet, and doesn't seem even my teammates know much about her, like what Sebastian said when i got here.

Mary goes to the table carrying cups of noodles "Tadaa, my specialty" shouted Mary with her hands extended out. A popular game called 'Guns of Honor' was shown on the screen, this game is very popular here, i guess the things i went through paid off to be a mercenary of a school and to play games with my teammates. The game screen was split into nine different boxes with our names under each box, the game asked us to choose a character and a loadout of guns.

As soon as it asked the door opened, with Sebastian entering the room "Money is split and wired to everyone here" said Sebastian happily, everyone cheered in excitement then threw him a controller and Mary slipped him a cup of noodles, with that the game begins.

The guys here had higher levels than me ranging from 50 to 100, and me still on level 1. The characters they have, use customized weapons with different colors and ornaments. Team deathmatch begins and on my team is Nora, Sebastian, Thalia, and Marcel. I played this game before for a long time, the map we started with was a map i was all too familiar with.

The game was short and every kill i get everyone gets more shocked, my team won the game with me on the top. After the game ended everyone stared at me in shock and fear as if i turned into a beast of unimaginable horrors, "What the bloody hell just happened?" screamed Mary still looking shocked as ever "I played this alot before i joined." everyone cheered at me and shouts of mvp was what i heard "Lets do more matches, lets see if you can get beaten" said Mary with what i can describe as her game face on.

Several games later and im still at the top with many kills, "Well Thalia ain't the game leader now, its Damon" Said Lennox. "I guess thats enough matches for now, fill your stomachs up" everyone got a cup of ramen and started eating, eveybody slurping their noodles and chatting during our feast.

Everyone but Luna is on the table eating the noodles that Mary prepared, i must say it may be cheap but it fills the stomach. I slurp up the last of my noodles and put it down, a tablet slides onto the side of my arm. On closer inspection it showed a gallery of attachments for the weapons that i had, apparently the balance is 20,000 dollars!? oh right from the mission, well the attachments range alot from muzzle attachments under barrel attachments and even special bullets to help like fmj and hp rounds for combat. A whole lot of attachments to put on my weapons, more than i can even use on my weapons right now.

Looking up Mary flashes a smile and thumbs up at me, her gleeful smile looking right at me. "Sebastian, any new missions?" i looked at Sebastian with a curious look, "First of all its phantom or captain but that's okay. Second its a kidnapping some sort of high level poacher so maybe get a suppressor because we might go quiet" Sebastian explains. The suppressors here are quite cheap just 1500 to 3000, there is one though that i prefer in this entire category. A medium slim suppressor, it says in its description "A medium sized suppressor, easy to carry, light enough to hold, and strong enough to muffle out shots" after checking in case there are any more suppressors that i can buy, i decided to pick the suppressor. A simple click and confirm the screen lights up and says PURCHASE CONFIRMED THANK YOU, PLEASE AWAIT ORDER IN A MINUTE OR MORE.

A bell rang out in the wall behind me, walking closer to the wall a handle can be seen. I pulled on the handle and a square hole opened, inside was the suppressor that i bought from that store. "Nice taste Damon" said Thalia behind me "Moderate price but all attachments are unique in many ways, but that one is a good choice in my opinion"

Since i got a suppressor from this maybe i can get more attachments maybe a new optic instead for better spotting, i looked at the tablet again it showed the suppressors again. At the top were small emblems representing what category it is like laser and grip, i found the optics category and every single optic here is very unique with their own looks. Same as the suppressor what caught my eye is a thermal optic with a small square sight on the side of the optic. This seems to be fitting in case i have a mission that takes place at night so thermal vision and normal sights are needed. I tapped on the optic and confirmed my purchase, in the end i only have 11,200 dollars left to my name.

In a minute or so a thud from the box signaled its arrival, the optic i bought arrived. I grabbed and waved at my teammates, wishing them a goodnight still holding what i bought.

Walking inside the room i forgot that im still wearing my armor, taking off the armor it stuck to my skin but can be quickly separated, painless, must be because its new. I pressed the button that opens my armory and put back my armor, in my hand is the optic and suppressor that i got, where is my gun? oh right i left it outside. I head back to the door and open it, i remember leaving it on the desk when i played with the team. Staring at the desk my rifle rested on it, holding it, my rifle looked cleaner than before somehow.

I attach the suppressor and the sight on my gun, it fits perfectly on the rifle almost satisfying to as they perfectly attach to the rifle. Walking back to the armory with my improved rifle, a sense of accomplishment fills my mind with relaxation. But enough with what i feel at the moment and to think of the next mission, on the workshop table a file laid in the middle as if someone placed it there.

Opening the file a picture of a man is shown who must be the target, the man looked middle aged with a long scar on his left eye. The description of the man reads "Hadera is a well known poacher responsible for the death of about 100 poachers in the country, most likely to remove competition, beneficial but he still remains a threat. Possible hideout is at the grey forest, proceed with caution as hired rogue guns and bribed police officers were reported scouring the area. Needed alive for capture and interrogation, for more possible poachers in the country."

Behind the page there seems to be another piece of paper, flipping over to see it. Its all just files collected on him, mostly just reports of money wiring, amount of animals killed, pricing of each trophy, and a list of animals to kill by month!?

I put back the folder onto the table closing it and took another look at my rifle, its cleaner and looks blacker than before as if it was cleaned. Everything seems to be working in the rifle and the attachments still fit perfectly, next to the closet is a medical box, in it is a pack of painkillers and medicine. Due to its size it must be portable on missions, maybe i can buy better medicine like the weapons.

I placed the rifle back into the closet and closed the medical cabinet then walked out, i sat down on my bed and felt a comfortable feeling like yesterday. Wonder what happened to my parents, even if i left just got here and did my first mission, i don't really have any way to contact them anyway. My life led up to all this is that it then? service to a school with perks and more? well its my choice after all my parents just agreed since it might help them too hope they're doing well.

The room looks cleaner than usual as well, a strong feeling of curiosity forced me to look at the table, which had another folder on it, inside its a file report of a mission i did earlier, it just reads "Objective found, 22 killed in the building part of 'Red Rum mercenary company' an illegal mercenary company. Vehicle damaged by explosives, multiple bullet holes but no punctures, possibly 5 to 20 aggressors or more, unknown as to why they were there. multiple reported killed, most likely the remaining mercenaries retreated." maybe Sebastian wrote this and gave it to the others. I close the folder and placed to where it was before then went back to bed.

I lie down on the bed again and close my eyes like yesterday, and just like yesterday. Today ends and tomorrow begins.