
Paladin VS Pantheon

Prophecy speaks of a human who will end the reign of god's over the world. Join Victor on his journey of revenge and turmoil to eliminate the gods.

GreyWolf_98 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

2. Birth of The Child

10 years later...

In a quiet, secluded part of the Solitary Woods, a light shines through the window of a small wooden cottage that belongs to a husband and wife who are about to welcome their first born baby into the world.

With a final push, the Bloodgraves welcome their first born son and give him the good name of Victor Bloodgrave. He let's out a big cry as his mom holds him tight towards her chest. It rises up and down with deep breaths and Victor immediately relaxes. With sweat running down both their faces they look at each other and embrace in a long deep kiss with Victor snuggled between them.

Victor Bloodgrave, now five year's old, is learning magic arts from his mother Rebekah. She is a renowned mage with incredible control over magic and is delighted that Victor is such a natural at understanding the flow of magic. His ability to understand magic so easily, still concerns his parents.

"Mom. What is ancient magic? I saw a small section on it in the magic book you gave me to study." Rebekah freezes and asks Victor, "How were you able to understand that writing? I have spent year's learning to decipher the writings of the ancients and you could read and understand it on your first try." She embraces him in a tight hug and whispers in his ear.

"I'm so proud of you my son, you truly are a special boy in thus world. I wonder what great things you will accomplish one day."

She releases Victor and they both head back to their small wooden cottage to meet up with his dad, Riventer Bloodgrave.


Riventer picks up his son and embraces him in a tight hug.

"How's the champion of champions doing?"

"Do you know what mommy just told me? She said I'm a special boy and that I might accomplish something great one day."

"Wow, is that really what she said? I wouldn't expect anything less from our first born."

Mr. and Mrs. Bloodgrave give each other affectionate glances. Later that evening, while lying in bed they start talking.

"It's almost time for Victor to attend the aptitude tests and blessings."

"I'm a bit scared though my love. What if it turns out he doesn't have a high aptitude for magic or sword arts?"

Riventer kisses her forehead, "Do not worry my love, he might actually surprise us. I still have to teach him sword arts before he takes the test."

They embrace each other in a passionate hug, not a hairs breadth of space between them.

The following morning, Riventer is teaching Victor sword art basics. With a mighty thrust from Victor, his father jumps out the way and smacks his backside with the wooden sword.

"Remember Victor, use of the sword is not only about power, it involves agility, finesse, and pin point timing for evading your opponents attacks."

Wiping the dirt off his knees, Victor gets up with a determined look in his deep green-grey eye's and attacks again. This time thrusting hard but keeping within his power lines and adjusting to his dad's movements. The sword stops a meer hairs breadth away from his dad's face after being blocked.

"Well done Victor, you already understand the fundamental basic of sword art, now continue practicing then I'll teach you the more exciting stuff ok." He says with a smile and wink.

After a hard day of practice, they are called back to the cottage for supper. After supper is finished they have a family discussion about going forward after the aptitude test.

"Victor, you are of age now where you can take the aptitude test to determine your future path. How are you feeling about it?"

"Well dad, I'm a bit scared that it won't be up to your expectations, and what if I only have a path that leads me to a modest life, working hard and earning very little money?"

"If you're worried that we'll disown you for something like that, then we haven't done a good job as parents. It doesn't matter what path you have to follow, we will always love you even in our last breaths."

Victor starts crying and embraces both his parents.

"Thank you so much mother, father. I promise I won't think like that again and I'll give everything I have to make you proud."

With that, the Bloodgrave family go to bed, to prepare for their challenging journey to the nearby city of Dregaldin.