
Pages of medusa’s diary

The story no one told you of “medusa the misunderstood”. The villain of every story, text ,history and documentaries you ever did read. What if I told you there’s more to this female antagonist. Not everything is as it seems, you shouldn’t judged a book by its cover . Take a second and read my book ....... Pages of medusa’s Diary

Baby_Kenzie · Fantasy
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Poseidon proposal

<span><b><span><i>Poseidon's love letter</i></span></b></span>

<b><i> To my sweet beauty Maria, I have watched you for many moons and adored you from the seas. Your beautiful is a the roses and you hair as shiny as the ebony. I Poseidon propose my love and admiration to you and oblige you to be my mistress. </i></b>

I read this letter in shock because I knew the fatality of having any courtship with any man. But I also know that Poseidon was quick to anger and will have my head if I refuse him. I do not want to disappoint my goddess or die by the raft of an angry god. But no one will believe my words over a god.

Athena's jealousy

"Maria you must cut your hair and cover your face from henceforth forth" said Athena

"Even thy be my goddess , I plea thee to forgive me but I will do no such thing" begged Maria

"I am the goddess of beauty and no one dare challenge my authority " ordered Athena

"I am your loyal servant, but please Athena do not cut my hair " protest Maria

<b>Just as Athena was about to cut her hair, Poseidon stormed furiously into the temple</b>

"You do no such thing Athena, let the girl go, for you are jealous that her beauty is greater than yours" said Poseidon

"Watch your tongue, no one is more beautiful than the goddess of beauty Athena " said proudly Athena

"As long as I exist you shall not bother Maria" ordered Poseidon

"You take the side of a priestess over me" Yelled Athena

"Do not cross the line Athena, i will not repeat my words" Poseidon

<b>Next morning I retire to my river garden to sing and pick flowers for the temple as every other day</b>

"You voice is as sweet as the morning songs of Zeus's hosts" complimented Poseidon

"I am not to be seen, close or every a mile next to you Poseidon " pleased Maria

"You did not reply to any of my letter and I have grown out of patients Maria " said Poseidon

"I cannot love any man as it is forbidden of a priestess, I will be banished and disgraced if Athena found out " Maria

"Then she must not find out, I have waited 18 years for you Maria and I am loosing patience, I long to feel the fullest of your womanhood and lay with you " Poseidon

" you must not speak such words, my lord. It simply cannot be heard of, I am a virgin and I must remain so" Maria

" Poseidon does not take no for an answer, I will have you Maria " Poseidon

"Please let me go, this cannot be heard of . I beg of you " cried out Maria

" your beauty is so appealing to me and I must taste of that fruit between your legs, even if it be desiccation I cannot help my lust for your body and I will have it now, my love " Poseidon

" let me go, a priestess cannot be defiled "Screaming and trying to break free

" I am a god and I will have whatever I desire and I desire you, the fullness of your chest, the slenderness of your waist and the roundness of your body will I devour and fill my hunger " Poseidon

"For the blood that flows between my legs and the aching in my stomach are a result of the flower I have lost and I have become a shame to my name" Maria


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