
Padalian of asgard

Alex Garrison, who had a power of paladin from World of Warcraft, embarks on a journey through the Marvel Universe where he becomes an apprentice herbalist in Asgard. Armed with powerful spells and artifacts from his game, he fights against various threats in the Marvel Universe while declaring his loyalty to Asgard over the Alliance.

Sonu_Siraj_1962 · Movies
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Holy deeds of kings

Alex was surprised when his finger touched the Guardian's Gift and the pattern on it flashed slightly. A paragraph of text appeared next to it, which read:

"This is a gift from the kings to the new Paladins. It includes: [Self-cultivation of Paladins (Volume 1)], [Paladin Fighting Art Unarmed (Beginner)], [Paladin's Fighting Technique - Hammer (Beginner)], [Appraisal Collection], [Book of Spells Divine Shield] x1, [Forging Blueprint·Villigan's Fist], and [Alchemy Formula · Talent Flask].

Bearer of the book, march forward bravely under the guidance of the Holy Light!"

After a moment of stunned silence, Alex tapped the gift twice and it disappeared in a flash. At the same time, the holy deed glimmered with golden light.

Immediately, Alex turned to the third page of the Holy Deed and saw the title "Self-cultivation of Paladins (Volume 1)." This section was quite long and described the origin, function, and operation guide of the Holy Order, as well as some preaching content encouraging people to be good.

According to this article, the Holy Order of Kings is a supreme artifact created by a group of great Paladins called "Kings" with the goal of spreading the Holy Light throughout the universe. Those selected by the holy deed embark on the path of a paladin, promoting fairness and justice in the world with the hope of becoming a member of the "kings."

However, the part about the operation guide was more important. The basic model of the Holy Deed of Kings is to obtain "karma" through various channels and then use "karma" to buy items in the karma store. It's worth noting that the karma store does not sell physical objects; all goods are in the form of book pages and are kept within the holy deed.

There are two main ways to obtain karma: the Book of Experience, which Alex did not yet know about, and krypton gold. The holy deed refers to this as "donation," but in reality, it means selling valuable items to the karma store - the more you charge, the more karma you will get.

The contents of the deeds of Kings are ordered by default, but can also be reordered at the holder's will. For example, if Alex wanted to read the first page, he would open the first page, and if he wanted to read the tenth page, he would open the tenth page. This was a convenient design.

Following the instructions in the operation guide, Alex turned to the next page and was surprised to see the [Book of Spells: Holy Shield] that he had been thinking about. As the most famous skill of the Paladins, the power of Divine Shield is known to everyone in the World of Warcraft. It is simple and domineering: invincible.

A Paladin who activates the Holy Shield technique will enter an invincible state for a set period of time, immune to all attacks, no matter how strong they are. Thor's Hammer? It will bounce off the Paladin's forehead. Storm axe? It won't even make a mark on their neck. Thanos snap his fingers? The Paladin can play a freestyle and listen to it harmlessly. Being invincible means you can do whatever you want.

If the effect of Divine Shield could be perfectly displayed in reality, it would be exciting to think about. [Book of Spells: Divine Shield: Makes the target absolutely invincible, immune to all negative effects, lasts for 3 seconds, and removes existing negative states such as curses and poison. After the spell is activated, the book of spells disappears...]

However, after reading the instructions carefully, Alex quickly calmed down and frowned slightly. In terms of defensive power alone, this Holy Shield technique is indeed just as described in the holy deed - absolutely invincible and immune to all damage.

But the duration of 3 seconds... that's too short! And this thing is a one-time use - it will be gone unless there are more spell books. In other words, this Divine Shield technique can only be used at a critical moment and may not be able to save one's life. After all, three seconds pass in the blink of an eye and when facing a truly powerful enemy, nothing can change in this time.

Maybe it could be used to resist a snap of fingers? Three seconds to resist a snap of fingers is still enough, but Thor hasn't been born yet and Thanos's earth-shattering snap of his fingers may have to wait for thousands of years. After thousands of years, who knows what will have changed.

In any case, in an era when Asgard was not peaceful, this Divine Shield technique still gave Alex a huge sense of security - even if he encountered a terrifying enemy, he could maintain his dignity for three seconds and could even pretend to be invincible for three seconds to try and scare them off.

Next up is the [Forging Blueprint: Verrigan's Fist]. Alex is very familiar with Verrigan's Fist, a beginner fighting hammer. In his old world, he almost lost his account trying to obtain this hammer, but it was worth the effort. For early Paladins, there was no weapon handier than the Fist of Verrigan.

Fist of Verrigan Type: Warhammer Standard Item Level: Level 4 Main materials: Cole's gem, Jordan's refined ore Forging Technology:...

Fist of Verrigan Type: Warhammer Standard Item Level: Level 4 Main materials: Cole's gem, Jordan's refined ore Forging Technology:...


Unlike what he remembered, there are only two main materials recorded in this drawing. It seems much simpler. But the problem is, this is not a game. Where can he find Cole's gems and Jordan's refined ore? Alex frowned and continued to look down.

The drawings are full of technical details about forging that are obscure and difficult to understand, but there are also some words that he can understand. One paragraph reads: [The degree of forging completion is divided into seven categories from low to high: failure, poor, mediocre, excellent, excellent, perfect (standard), and beyond. The degree of completion can be evaluated by the forging drawings. The degree of forging completion is determined by the material and forging level, and the substitutability of alternative materials can be evaluated by the forging drawings.]

Can the material be substituted? It does not seem like the materials recorded in the drawings are mandatory. Thinking about this, Alex couldn't help but feel relieved. It's estimated that forging the Fist of Verrigan in Asgard shouldn't be too much trouble.

He then looked at the [Appraisal Collection]. As the name suggests, the appraisal collection can appraise items. Only items that have been appraised can be sold to the karma store for karma. Seeing this, Alex couldn't help but feel eager to try, and at the same time a little worried. What should he sell?

As the supreme artifact created by the Paladins of Kings, the Holy Order of Kings should not collect garbage. As a low-level civilian, Alex felt that he had nothing to sell. But fortunately, low-level civilians in Asgard are not strictly speaking the real low-level civilians. Compared to the vast majority of creatures in the universe, Asgardians are undoubtedly high above their existence.

Alex opened the desk drawer and collected dozens of large and small gold coins. In Asgard, gold is a very common metal, somewhat similar to the status of copper in ancient times on Earth. It is used as cheap currency. It is normal for even a minor like Alex to have some gold coins on hand.

Of course, Asgard gold coins are not pure gold. All the Asgard gods are strong, and pure gold is as soft as mud in their hands and can be broken accidentally. Therefore, the material of Asgard gold coins is an alloy with gold as the main raw material. The proportion of gold is about 70%, and the overall strength is quite high. If it's not deliberately made, Asgardians generally don't misuse it.

Although it's not pure gold, these gold coins are large and round, and the small ones are similar to common coins on Earth, but the weight is impressive. Frankly, Alex had never seen so much gold in his last life, and now he couldn't help feeling like the local tyrants of the people of Asgard.

Gold should not be considered garbage.

Alex placed the large and small gold coins on the appraisal collection, and after a while, the text appeared: [First-level items, all donations can get 17.83 piety.]

Alex immediately turned the page to the devotion shop and sold the gold coins. The gold coins did not sink into the page like they were sinking into water, and then the piety changed from "