
Pacific Rim The Black: Ruler Kaiju of Solo leveling

[In a world onces dominated by humans that would fight in there giant robot weapons known as Jaegers against the Kaijus, The Kaijus are Massive Creatures that first started to appear from the ocean in bright ray of orange light also known as "Breaches," The Breaches are like big holes which where the kaijus come from but as time continues with the war between the Jaegers and Kaijus the Breaches that onces started to appear in the oceans now have started to appear on land the home tuff of the humans!, what's the future like for humanity, No one knows only time will tell.] Yes there will be mutiverse traveling to other worlds!. this will be my first fanfic and I already messed up I know because if you try to search for my fanfic you will see two, But this is where all my chapters will be uploaded, Hope you all enjoy the story there will be a ending for this fanfic at some point just letting you know for now I'm planning on the world's to be first "Pacific Rim: The black" and then it will be Godzilla 2019 then Godzilla vs king Kong then to be Continued.

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12 Chs

Chapter 1 Pacific Rim: The Black [Edit]

Author fact:/- Kaiju blood is phosphorescent in nature[2] and highly toxic to the Earth as well as humans.[note 1] It contaminates the environment where a Kaiju is either injured or killed.]

<[Kaiju-Ruler-Ai-status system]

Name: X-12

Species: Godzilla

Age: 12 years old

Human High: 5' feet tall (152 cm)

Kaiju High: (30 meters)

Gender: Male

Lifespan: Immortal

World map


Title: The betrayed Ruler Kaiju

Hp: 20






Level: 1 (1/100)

Level 1 ( category 1)-(30 meters)

Level 5 ( category 2)-(55 meters)

Level 15 (category 3)-(100 meters)

Level 25 (category 4)-(400 meters)

Level 45 (category 5)-(600 meters)

Level 50 (category 6)-(650 meters)

Level 65 ( category 7)-(700 meters)

Level 70 (category 8)-(750 meters)

Level 85 (category 9)-(800 meters)

Level 90 (category 10)-(900 meters)

Level 100 (category 12)-(1,000 meters)



[Disease immunity]

[Poison immunity]

[Cold Resistance]

[Heat Resistance]

[Radiation absorption]

[Radiation immunity]

[Mind-affecting Immunity]

[Self sufficient, Food, water, and air are unnecessary]

[Solar energy absorption]

[Solar energy radiation absorption]

[Passive Solar energy strength boost]


[Evolution-Mutation abilities]

[nuclear organ]

(Info: Natural nuclear energy generator, will take a minute to charge up for anything related to nuclear energy usage!.)



(Atomic breath beam)

Info: Atomic Breath Beam nuclear energy that is generates inside of the body, uses electromagnetic force to concentrate it into a laser-like high velocity projectile and unleashes it from its jaws in the form of a red and black radioactive beam...]>

As i slowly open my eyes only to be meet with surprise and horror as nothing but dead bodys of men and women who seem to be scientists littered around along with there limbs scattered about!.

The now destroyed lab wires swinging left to right but soon my gaze linger towards the hole in the ceiling that shows the outside of the night sky but also gives a clear visual view of my rescuer with the help of the glowing full moon.

But to my expectations i unconsciously started to talk as if i was speaking to someone familiar a long lost relative but in a disappointed voice I ask, "Why did you want to establish a neural bridge with me Apex?," Soon a scratchy feeling in the back of my mind occurred but as i relax a robotics raspy voice resounded in my mind.

"Why!?, you already know why and reason i killed these scientists from are momentary establish neural bridge from what you manage to read from myself you have a unnatural talent to adapt even in surprise  pluse did you also read my information while i tryed to form the bridge you know what they did to me!," Apex said with clear anger towards X-12!.

A Test Subject, A tool, A simple weapon is what they expected from me but I knew better

In a uncomfortable tone of voice i reply "I know what they did to you and the reason why your here it because your a kaiju-Jaeger hybrid and from are Bridged along with the received memories you attempted to give me, there always two jaeger pilots do you want me to be your pilot to be one with you?,"

"...Yes!, i would like to be completed im indeed a kaiju-Jaeger hybrid known as Apex," with a slight paused Apex continued with a bit of helplessness, "im still part Jaeger and wish to have a pilot we are 100% compatible while the other kaiju-human hybrid that is in the tank next to you is not as much as i would like are compatibility to be, we are already connected in mind but you have complete control weather you want to fuse together or not!.

I paused contemplating wether or not I should accept this or not as i clear my mind i decided," out of curiosity are you male or female?." As my eyebrow slight raised in genuine curiosity.

Apex jaw widened as if it would fall off its hinges in surprise, "Eh!, why would you ask this question, aren't you supposed to question and ask if i would try to take over your body or mind even though i can't because i already tried but you're Resistance is admirable but wait a minute, You trick me into telling you the truth!," Apex face darken as the kaiju-Jaeger hybrid lows it head in defeat but soon a smile of genuine amusement appears but its to dark for X-12 to notice!.

"Fine if you can beat me in a fight i will submit to you entirely as long you agree to be my copilot but just understand you're compatibility with me doesn't mean anything there still the one next to you!." Apex stated in a matter of fact voice in a newly female and male mix tone as if trying to choose between one.

I then look at Apex with a dumbfounded Pikachu face, "But im to weak right now!, Could you give me at least a couple of days to get stronger!." As i pleaded and to negotiate Apex started to walk away and it's voice resounded in my head once more.

"Fine you will have until you break out of your tank, and trust me ill know when you will!, ill be tracking the other hybrid near you because are mind link is only a one way for only you and you also are able to know where i am located at so just incase you try to cheat i will keep my distance away from you!."

As Apex spoke the tremors caused by Apex slowly lessened but one thought came to my mind isn't this also cheating," Dam it how did it figure the distance i needed to track its location i didn't even have the time to even know!," i exclaim in defeated but soon the tremors of the giant Kaiju-Jaeger hybrid finally stop due to its weight.

"Damm it!," I exclaim agen in frustration my foolish mouth, "it's probably because im part human," i nodded in acceptance fully set on blaming my humans side and not my own faults, "System can i generate energy while i sleep?."

"Host can hibernate to generate energy now that we have Ciphered energy from entity known as Apex without its knowledge to jump start the system and to get the energy needed to start the nuclear energy organ generator."

"Ok then put me in hibernation till the hybrid next to me Wakes up from his sleep!."

"Host request is acknowledged hibernation will start in  "40%...70%...100%...,"

"Good night Ai-system i hope Apex doesn't know about the systemmmm," I exclaim ina yawn as my eyes start to close and my consciousness seeps into darkness."

[Author pacific rim fact:/ Phosphorescence is a type of photoluminescence related to fluorescence. When exposed to light (radiation) of a shorter wavelength, a phosphorescent substance will glow, absorbing the light and reemitting it at a longer wavelength. Unlike fluorescence, a phosphorescent material does not immediately reemit the radiation it absorbs. Instead, a phosphorescent material absorbs some of the radiation energy and reemits it for a much longer time after the radiation source is removed.]