
P2W : James Potter

Justice or Revenge, are both words made of seven characters. But vastly different meanings. The system gave him the option of having revenge with his own hands rather than waiting for someone else to do it, There will be a reckoning, Watch as James Potter seizes the opportunity given by his cheat and navigates the complex world of Magic PS: Will update this again.

A_M_D · Movies
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Death of General Part 2

=== 30 minutes ago ==

Inside a dimly lit Room, A boy stood amidst a vast expanse of space that seemed to stretch infinitely in all directions. The room had transformed into a makeshift training ground, tailored to his every need that looked like a grand Victorian hall, with high chandeliers and high ceiling

A red jet of light flashed past his face, followed by a green jet pulsating at his body causing the teen to duck and roll.

We could see the teen, sweating like he had run a marathon. Without getting a break, a green light flashed towards his chest. He hopped onto his right leg and made a sharp turn, keeping his right arm positioned towards the origin of the light, ready to strike at a moment's notice.

In the following minutes, many coloured lights flashed towards him, but he seemed to avoid them. He ducked and weaved around what seemed to be a Victorian hall, always trying his hardest to make the minimum movement, but at the same time making sure none of the lights reached him. We could see that he was getting tired, with him huffing and puffing, his movements were getting sluggish, and his mental stamina taking a hit.

He seemed to be reacting slower. A green jet of light slams towards his legs, and he leaps over it. Immediately, regret was visible in his hazel eyes, which glowed with its splendour. He knew he made a mistake as being in the air would make him vulnerable, and to prove his thought right, a red light immediately slammed on his chest. 

The firing stopped, and our teen squatted down to catch his breath. Other than a sweaty body and untamed black hair that were standing as though they had passed through a hurricane, there was nothing to show that he was in a strenuous fight. <Simulation 18 23 Ends: Time Lasted minutes seconds> a sonorous voice rang through the hall.

"Damn, I need to increase it. It's not enough. But still better than when I started. I was clocking less than 1 minute for the first few weeks," the boy sighed.

Yes, compared to before it may look like he was doing very well now, but in a prolonged magical battle that can sometimes go for an hour or even more, preserving magical or physical stamina becomes a priority.

Sure, you can restore your physical stamina by using magic and bring you back to the peak of your performance, but it has its drawbacks. For one, it isn't easy to speedily restore magical stamina. The drawback is your body will be tired for a long time. Natural is always best after all.

Some of the better Aurors could go on for hours, compared to them this was mediocre.

It may come as a surprise to everyone who knows the elitism mindset of the wizards that there is one who gives physical workout importance. After all, Wizards detest getting physical. The only ones who give much preference you can see are Aurors, HitWizards Battle Mages and many secret forces.

You see the reason for his untraditional mindset is because of his secret, his very important secret which he kept very close to heart.

He was a transmigrator. He was in his 30s in his previous life before he died. He was previously born on planet Earth very similar to this one but where Magic didn't exist and had a series called Harry Potter. However, he died suddenly and was born as James Potter, the father of the protagonist of the novel.

At first, he was very excited about being born in this fantastic world, but on further checking of memories, he was able to identify there was nothing fantastic about it. The world while similar to the Potter world shown in the novels and movies was quite different. It was vaster and more dangerous.

Thankfully he only started receiving the memories and consciousness when he started his first year at Hogwarts, for which he was very thankful.

He didn't want to go through his baby phase again with an adult mind, which would have tired him out to keep such a secret from adults in his family.

He knows for sure he would have slipped up. Maybe speaking when he was less than 1 year old ? or walking around at the same time? Showing that he could understand what was going on. Sure they would have considered him genius at first, But many inconsistencies piling up would have granted him a trip to a Mind Healer for sure with good intent of course but harmful nonetheless.

Thankfully, with Hogwarts in session, he was always away for nine months a year and could convince everyone that it was Hogwarts that caused him to mature more.

Fearing his secret was going to be exposed doesn't mean that he hid and shied from his parents of this new body. Rather, he got along with both of them. He felt blessed that he was born into the Potter household, his quirky, silly father, and charming mother who always put a smile on his face. He always had assumed James Potter achieved his mischief from his father until he met his mother. She was the personification of wit and mischief.

His father, on the other hand, was stubborn as a mule. Once he fixed his mind on something, no one could make him budge an inch. It was like hitting his head against a wall trying to change his stance, as experienced by him trying to inform his father to take the current political climate seriously and to dissuade him from treating the current dark lord with kid gloves.

With his experience and a false sense of remorse for the previous war, he hesitated to initiate the war with the Dark Lord and his band of merry followers, giving away the starter advantage. While he felt frustrated with his father's inability to read the current political climate, given that he was a personification of Gryffindor, he expected nothing more.

But he would not change them at all, for he considered himself blessed with these two people, for he felt his life would be void without them.

Coming back to his life in Hogwarts, he was currently in 4th year in Hogwarts. He had just finished his year-end exams and the Hogwarts express would leave for London in another three days.

He was a proud student, always reaching the top 10 in the last 4 years. Being a transmigrator had taught him to be more cautious in life, if he wanted he could reach the top 3 or even first rank in the last 4 years, as the first few years always needed good control over magic and marginally good memories which he had in spades as a consequence of his reincarnation. It's almost like a graduate if asked to study for school will find it very easy or a master's student will find the graduate work regardless of his field, very easy as his mind has been exposed to something far greater.

But he made sure to always show he was above average but not excellent in all aspects. He was known to be above average in Transfiguration and average in the rest of the subjects. 

He was known in school as a student with a good head on his shoulders, regardless of his peers no one could trump him in Transfiguration. After all, you should not be completely ignoble in the current political trend, he was not very comfortable exposing his skill in Transfiguration after all, for it represented the highest skill set of a very particular person who was one of the Lynchpings of the current war.

He would have tried distinguishing himself in other fields but sadly for whatever reason, James Potter was not born with good magic reserves. He tried his best to increase his core by emptying his magic every day before bed and tried working his magic like a muscle but with no tangible improvement.

The improvement was there, he had reached the peak of Wizard level in 4 years, but he had seen many reach another realm altogether just by living.

He tried looking to increase his magic capacity with either rituals or natural treasures but nothing could be done at least till he reached his first maturity and that could happen only after he turned 17. Which was quite a few years away. 

Anything done to increase magical strength deriving from Rituals that are not Light would have corruption on his core, and while it would increase the core size drastically it would influence him in unimaginable ways.

To understand why, you need to know the hows of rituals.

Dark Rituals are those which need sacrifice, Light rituals on the other hand need willingly given objects. The emphasis on willingly giving is because anything willingly given will cause a fall in a minor realm for the donor and it cannot be done every time. The possibility of a magical animal donating a part of it more than once is very rare.

Anything done via Dark rituals needs sacrifice, sacrificing any unwilling magical animal will harbour resentment causing the person undergoing ritual thoughts to turn darker, or even causing difficulty in further promotions. It makes you entirely dependent on rituals and cuts your way into improving by training.

Even the LIGHT rituals are not entirely safe either, for example, there is a set of rituals that can be done with Willingly given Unicorn Horn, it would increase your magical capacity and if a person is stuck in peak wizard level a push to reach Warlock too, but it would reduce your skillset in other magics which are not entirely light by Unicorns. Only healing arts are considered entirely light by the Unicorns.

Even willingly given items of Basilisk can be considered as light, but it would cause you to lose any skillset in healing arts etc.

The best and safest way is to make use of natural treasures.

Natural treasures are those that are formed over time, its nurtured by various magical veins, and natural phenomena and take quite a bit of time to form. However, these are either very costly or almost unimaginable and difficult to obtain.

Some of the basic treasures when auctioned would be sold for around 100k galleons, as it's something both the factions covet. Moon grass one of the basic magic treasures known to form in places where the moon is exposed the most like Bristol in the UK or Halifax in Canada is known to help heal dark corruption and increase the magic capacity was recently sold out at 189K galleons. The Buyer remained anonymous.

However, even though he was a spendthrift and saved 15k galleons in the last 4 years, it was nowhere near enough to purchase even the most basic natural treasures.

Left with no choice, he concentrated on improving his skillset in Transfiguration as it needs only magical control and will. While he was far away from Mastery, he had reached Adept just recently.

Some may not think much of adept, however being adept in any magic meant your skillset has reached an average Aurors standard. Reaching this level without the maturity of mind or magic of an adult is quite tricky and difficult.

An adept has good control over his magic in that field, and for example can transfigure inanimate to animate in less than 2 seconds which is still way more than an instant that a master can do. But an adept in Transfiguration with good tactics and placing can fight experts in other fields defensively for few moves.

He was one of the few Adepts in his class and only one Adept in transfiguration below OWLS.

The rest of his fields like Charms, Battle Magic and Alchemy had reached Journeyman. However, he made sure no one knew of his skill set in those fields as he wanted to keep a low profile.

However, when it comes to magic power he lost entirely to many people in his class.

Powers ranged from Wizard, Warlock, Mage, GrandMage, ArchMage etc and each level has low, mid, high and peak.

After 4 years of constant training in Room of Requirement, he had reached peak Wizard level but was still unable to cross over to Warlock. Making him unable to make use of quite a few battle transfiguration spells due to issues in power. 

On the other hand, one of his roommates Frank Longbottom had reached Upper Warlock, and Sirius his best friend had reached Peak Warlock level. Both came from old families.

Longbottom is one of the oldest allies of Potters, they came in as Vikings and fought a lot of potters, both families had enmity for quite a long time competing with each other and enmity slowly turned to friendship after a few centuries.

Now the only fields they ever compete in are either studies, magic strength or business.

Sadly he lost in studies with intent for he didn't want to stand out and lost in magic strength without intending to.

And the situation is not just limited to the two of them, the number of students with less strength than him can be counted on one's hands.

He was not jealous of them, he just wished he could do something to make his parents proud.

=== Present time ==




[The host has been detected to have inherited more than 10 Million Galleons in wealth]

[Starting Pay to Win Magical System]

"Wait what do you mean I have inherited 10 million galleons ?" He wondered out loud.

Fear of making things perfect delays our dreams from flying.

I have been wanting to become an author for a long time, but either fear of writing it well or wanting to be so good only on the first try has made me delay it and slow this a lot.

I will commit myself to writing it once a week and make sure to follow it up regardless.

The next chapter on the 18th FEB

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