

Here is the story of a fierce dictator and his story how he lived. The story of a boy from being a nobody to becoming the most powerful and feared lord of Falcon continent. Its his journey to conquer the world and become the only king who was never defeated in a battle. 'What is fear? It's Ozimaynads', said one of the native person of the land. But, power is temporary and so is the king. Witness the rise and fall of a man beyond mercy and kindness. A man with no emotions and heart. Whose story will tell what you must not do in life and beware of who you trust.

Prathit17 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Ambush

The war was over, I was staring at the dead body of Balhjer and standing in front of me was King Kirckby and he smiled. Artezist came, got off his horse and joined us. He was hurt too, blood was coming out of his forehead and lower arm. Then a strange thing happened, a girl came riding fast on her horse and stopped in front of us, it was Pennyvile.

'Looks like, I am late', she said sarcastically.

'Yes, you are late', Ozimaynads too smirked.

Ozimaynads was then invited to Kirckby's kingdom for stay over and discuss the divisions of their freshly occupied land. It was all going as planned. Ozimaynads wanted this to happen so he can easily get his army into the kingdom of Ceres and then there was rest of troops waiting outside of Ceres for order from Ozimaynads. Pennyvile was also, for now was invited with them but she had to stay with all the soldier.

Funny thing was that a soldier was hitting on her but when she showed him her dagger he backed off and for the first time Ozimaynads adored her. Pennyvile of course didn't realize it. All of them were tired and just wanted to rest but all soldiers on Ozimaynads side were looking pretty pumped up because they knew the further plans and also that if they failed their king would slice them up.

The important people who had horses reached Ceres in just 3 hours and those who were walking were pretty much behind them. King Kirckby was welcomed by his people, everyone cheered for him and Ozimaynads. All of them then rode till the entrance of the palace and then got off the horse.

Ozimaynads was welcomed by Kirckby's wife herself, the queen and Ozimaynads for some reason smiled at her imaging her as his own mother. It was weird. He was about to cry but controlled himself and joined Kirckby to the great hall.

Ceres was pretty old, older than Routourousfenicol. They had a history of about 700 years and you could see many ruins and old structure to prove it.

It was almost lunch time and all of them were hungry. Meals were being prepared for soldiers from both side, they were allowed to rest in the empty space just behind the palace where the preparation of meals was been done. Then for royal and superiors, royal meal was being prepared.

Ozimaynads joined Kirckby on the dining table. Beside him sat Artezist and opposite to Kirckby was the queen of Ceres.

'So', Ozimaynads cleared his throat. 'Do you have a son?'

Kirckby paused for 10 seconds before answering, 'We had one', and Kirckby looked at his wife. 'A young talented and skilled boy. His dreams were big. He wanted to rule the continent. He went on his first war when he was just 16 and won the southern part of Balheru-Jerokio that today is known as "Joshuaplace" named after him. He died when he was just 18 during a war ten years ago. The Great Joshua Kirckby died protecting his nation just because he could not gamble with the lives of innocent people'.

'What gamble?'

'He fought war with outsiders who came by sea and attacked west part of our country. They held civilians as captive and told my son that if he would not surrender then all the innocent people, children will die. My son proposed a deal that took his life but saved our nation'.

'What was it?'

'He proposed that the enemy king and he would fight a one to one battle and if my son wins then the outsiders leave and never comeback and if they win the entire nation would be given to the outsiders without any bloodshed. It was a do or die situation.

They fought furiously. Civilians, soldiers, kids, everyone watching. My son was losing but not giving up. He played smart at the end, he stabbed the enemy king in the throat while getting a sword stabbed in the stomach. Then the outsiders left and my son came back victorious but he could not defeat death. He fought death for 8 hours and closed his eyes forever', Kirckby cried but no one except Ozimaynads saw it.

'Who were the outsiders?' Ozimaynads asked.

'They called themselves the lord of the seas, "Lorazzians".'

After eating, Ozimaynads and others were given rooms to stay. Ozimaynads decided to rest rather than constantly think about the ambush. He laid down on the bed and closed his eyes.

He was then standing in the middle of jungle, nowhere to go. He looked around something was odd, the rivers were purple and sky was dark red. Moon too bright that it may even block the vision. Ozimaynads walked around to see what was happening and then he spots a man sitting on a rock beneath a tree watching the sky. Ozimaynads's hand proceeded towards his dagger but it was not there. He had no weapon with him so he decided to go straight to the man and ask what is going on here.

Ozimaynads walked in the man's direction and called him out, 'Who are you?'

The man sighed and answered, 'Don't you know it already'. The man stood up and turned towards Ozimaynads. It was his father, Lord Brail.

'Father', Ozimaynads was in shock, he was unable to believe what was happening. 'How come you are still alive?'

He then saw a stab wound in his stomach.

'I just wanted to talk to you and what better place than a dream', he laughed and then sat down on the rock and continued, 'Sit, my child'.

Ozimaynads sat beside his father and looked nervous due to some unknown reason.

'I am proud of you, Ozimaynads', Lord Brail broke the silence. 'But you are over underestimating the enemy. You think you are the strongest in the continent, but the truth is you are far behind right now. There are kings who are worse than monsters and will do anything to play the game of politics. I saw this world burn before my eyes so many times before'.

'What are you saying that I should stop expansion of the empire?' Ozimaynads asked irritated.

'No, I am not saying that', Lord Brail smiled. 'I am saying you are not yet ready for the big cyclone, the deadly tsunami, fierce volcano eruptions and many more. Train more Ozimaynads, you have time before all of this happens'.


'It is time now, let's go', Lord Brail cut Ozimaynads in the middle of his sentence. 'All the best, my child' and he put his hand on Ozimaynads head and everything started to fall apart.

Ozimaynads woke up with a jerk, breathing heavily and panting. It was a weird dream, Ozimaynads never had dreams before in his entire life. Ozimaynads realized its morning already and that he had to get ready for the meeting in which distribution and division of land and wealth was going to happen.

He rushed to the bathroom for bath and dressed up. Ozimaynads was never fond of the King's Royal Makeup (it's a makeup for the king and royal family, also seen as a tradition) so he decided to skip that part.

Artezist knocked on his door just after he finished dressing up and was ready to go. Artezist told Ozimaynads that it was time and Lord Kirckby was expecting him at meeting. Also, the Finance Minister and Defense Minister of both nations were present.

Ozimaynads walked to the meeting room with Artezist and after two minutes, together entered the room. Everyone was already present on the table and were waiting for Ozimaynads.

'Good Morning, Lord Ozimaynads', Kirckby greeted him. 'How come you are late?'

'I overslept, Lord Kirckby', Ozimaynads answered. 'But I am here now. Let's begin'.

He then sat down on his chair opposite to Kirckby and Artezist too sat on his chair beside Defense Minister of Routourousfenicol.

'So, as we all know that today we are all gathered here for distribution of the wealth and land won by combined efforts of both the nation', Finance Minister of Ceres said. 'Balheru-Jerokio's size was 770,210 square kilometers so if we divide that into two equal parts, Routourousfenicol gets the northern part of size 385,105 square kilometers', he then cleared his throat and continued. 'Do we agree?'

'If I may suggest my lord', Finance Minister of Routourousfenicol asked both the kings and they both nodded yes. 'I think Routourousfenicol should get more land as we clearly killed the King and also held their army off for a longer time and same goes with wealth distribution'.

'If we go on that data, then there will be clashed on who contributed more. So, the best solution is to divide it in equal parts', replied the Finance Minister of Ceres.

'I think he is right, Lord Ozimaynads', King Kirckby said.

'I agree', Ozimaynads winked at Finance Minister of Routourousfenicol.

'Fine, the decision take by Lord Ozimaynads is final', replied Finance Minister of Routourousfenicol.

'Moving on', Finance Minister continued. 'The estimated wealth is around 500 thousand gold coins, 1000 diamonds and 50 thousand silver bars. So, after dividing, Routourousfenicol will get 250 thousand gold coins, 500 diamonds and 25 thousand silver bars. Do we agree?'

'Yes', Ozimaynads nodded.

The meeting went on for next 45 minutes and to summarize the things everything that they won was distributed equally among two nations.

Three more days passed and now it was time for Ozimaynads to return back home but they still had to do a big work, the Ambush. Everything was going according to the plan. The extra 10,000 soldiers already reached the boundary of Ceres and were waiting for the order when to attack.

'Artezist, what say, shall we?' Ozimaynads asked Artezist.

'We shall', Artezist replied. 'Our soldiers have recovered and are ready and fully prepared. They already observed the entire kingdom and know Ceres weak spots'.

'Call Pennyvile', Ozimaynads ordered.

Pennyvile then entered the room of Ozimaynads. She was looking pretty good and was happy. She bowed to Ozimaynads.

'How are you?' Ozimaynads asked.

'I am fine, my lord', she answered.

'Where were you when the war was going on?'

'I got the message late. Therefore, I was not able to make it on time'.

'Well, I want to give another chance', Ozimaynads smiled.

'But war is over', Pennyvile looked confused.

'You will fight alongside me. We are going to win Ceres'.

Pennyvile for a moment went cold and looked terrified. She could not believe what she was listening to. After all the help they took from Ceres, Ozimaynads wanted to destroy them.

'But they helped us win the war, My Lord', she said breathing heavily.

'Well, Balheru-Jerokio was just a pawn I used to win the king, Ceres. I used their hate for each other for personal gains', Ozimaynads smirked.

'You are a monster', Pennyvile cried.

'Watch your mouth, you filthy Assassin', Artezist took out his sword.

'No worries, Artezist', Ozimaynads stood up. 'She is in shock' and then turned to Pennyvile and started walking in her direction. 'You only have two choices right now, first is support me, be by my side and help me win Ceres and you will be in my good grace otherwise second option is you die here and no one will ever know what happened in this room'.

Pennyvile looked like her heart was just going to pop out of her mouth. She looked at her feet thinking and scared to death.

'Okay', she replied and gulped. 'I will support you and be by your side, my lord'.

'And if you betray me, then you know what will happen', he kept his hand on her shoulder.

'Yes, my lord'.

Then she left.

'I don't think we should trust her, My Lord', Artezist put away his sword.

'Don't worry', Ozimaynads sat on his chair. 'She won't turn. She is scared of me and when you are scared of someone it's hard to ditch that person'.

Next day everything was ready, soldiers were armed and spread out on marked positions. Ozimaynads had a good lunch with Kirckby and then went to his room. He also ordered Artezist to be present with other soldiers till he comes there. Ozimaynads then dressed up and sharpened his dagger and sword. He then jumped out of his room window and walked to the decided place to meet. He reached the western part of the palace where there was very little patrolling. His soldiers already took out 25 of these guards who were patrolling around.

'What's next my lord?' Artezist asked.

'We go silent', Ozimaynads answered. 'Take out as my soldiers as you can before anyone notices that they have been attacked'.

'Okay, My Lord'.

Then the word was spread out to every soldier and then all dispatched around the palace. Artezist lead the soldiers and Ozimaynads was on his own.

Ozimaynads then walked around and found a group of 10 soldiers talking and drinking wine. Ozimaynads then saw that there was no one around except these 10 soldiers. He then walked towards them. They all saw him and stood up and bowed.

'Lord Ozimaynads, what are you doing here?' one of the soldier asked.

'Well, I wanted to give you something', Ozimaynads answered.

'Really! What?' soldier exclaimed.

Ozimaynads then quickly within a second took out his sword and cut off the soldier's throat. Others were in shock, their faces were covered in blood of their fellow soldier but before they could understand anything, Ozimaynads attacked. He then stabbed and sliced all the remaining soldiers and then hid their bodies in the nearby bushes.

It hardly took Ozimaynads 10 minutes to clean the crime scene.

A loud horn was blown then, indicating that Ceres has been attacked.

'Well- well, now the fun begins', Ozimaynads smiled.

When Ozimaynads reached the front entrance of the palace the fighting had already begun. It looked like his soldiers already did the job. Ceres army was already looking less and were not able to fight properly and then for additional fun Ozimaynads ordered the remaining 10,000 soldiers to enter in the palace.

'What's happening', King Kirckby came rushing down the stairs of the palace. 'Ozimaynads what's this nonsense. Stop it'.

'Don't you get it already', Ozimaynads smirked. 'You have been used and tricked. It is an ambush. I am going to take over all of your kingdom. Ceres will become part of Routourousfenicol'.

'What do you want?' King Kirckby asked. 'Is it about the division? I am ready to give you more but stop this already'.

'It was always about the land', Ozimaynads answered. 'We already decided that we are going to capture both the brother nations in one blow because both kings are a bunch of morons'.

'You, you are going to die', Kirckby gave Ozimaynads the killer look. 'Give me my sword, Lord Ferri [Defense Minister of Ceres]'

Lord Ferri threw Kirckby his sword. Kirckby took position.

So did Ozimaynads. Kirckby then jumped and slashed vertically directly onto Ozimaynads sword. Ozimaynads's sword was cracked a bit. It was a pretty hard blow. Ozimaynads then slashed but missed; Kirckby didn't, he hit Ozimaynads with the hilt of his sword. Ozimaynads went back, blood coming out of his mouth.

'Not bad', Ozimaynads smiled. 'Not bad at all'.

Kirckby charged and then gave heavy continuous blows on Ozimaynads's sword. He was not able to take the blows even his sword was now breaking. Ozimaynads then turned right had slashed Kirckby on the side of his stomach. He groaned in pain. Blood coming out of his stomach.

'Well let's take a break, shall we', Ozimaynads then climbed a tree and disappeared into the thin air.

A soldier came charging at Kirckby but Kirckby even without looking backwards stabbed him and walked off.

Pennyvile approached the entrance and saw Artezist and climbed down the tree.

'Lord Artezist', she said. 'What should I do?'

'Kill', Artezist cut another soldier's throat. 'What do you think we are doing here? Kill as many as you can'.

Then both Artezist and Pennyvile side by side fought the enemy soldiers.

Ozimaynads cleared his way down to the dungeon. He then approached Niks, nephew of Kirckby.

'Hey', Ozimaynads sat down. 'Look who is here'.

'What do you want, you jerk', Niks cursed.

'Help me win the ambush. Let's kill your uncle together', Ozimaynads swung his sword.

'Why should I help you, you killed my father', Niks was now getting angry.

'No, I didn't kill your father. Your uncle did. It was his plan that I kill the king so you hate me and then he can use you against me as his personal killing machine'.

'Why should I believe you?'

'What choice do you have?'

Niks then nodded in yes and then they both went to the arsenal to pick up weapons. Niks picked up a spear and a sword then Ozimaynads picked up three swords.

Artezist was killing furiously and was tired too. Even though Ceres was weak but Routourousfenicol was not winning. It was still a 50-50 game. Anyone could win at this stage.

'Why don't you pick someone of your own size', Ferri said taking out his sword. He was standing right in front of Artezist. He was 5 feet 10 inch tall, twice the size of Artezist but still short in height than Artezist.

'Do you want me to stay?' Pennyvile asked.

'No', Artezist answered without even looking at her. 'Protect my back. Don't let any soldier attack me from behind'.

'Got it', Pennyvile ran towards enemy soldiers behind Artezist.

Ferri laughed and charged towards Artezist. They both were slashing furiously not even stopping for a split second. Ferri was indeed powerful but still could not yet hurt Artezist. Artezist cut though his armor on his chest. Ferri then took off his armor and showed his gigantic muscular body. Artezist was not impressed and didn't care either.

Ferri surprised him with a cut on his right shoulder. Cut was not deep but blood was pouring out of it. Artezist then slashed furiously but Ferri blocked and kicked him in the stomach, Artezist fell back. Ferri then tried to take advantage of the moment and moved forward to stab him in the back but Artezist quickly kicked him in the face. Ferri cried in pain. His nose was broken and two teeth fell out of his mouth.

He too then gave Artezist the killer look like Kirckby gave to Ozimaynads.

Artezist strike forward. Both were again doing the same process. Artezist now had a deep cut on his other shoulder and Ferri had blood coming out of nose, mouth and ear.

Artezist had to finish Ferri in this move or it was going to get more difficult.

Ferri shouted and attacked, Artezist just stabbed him in the stomach but was forced to let go of his sword. Ferri too slashed him in the stomach. It was a long and deep cut. While Ferri dropped his sword and now grabbed the sword that went in and out of his body and then pulled it out.

'You', Ferri cried and then fell down and died instantly

Artezist then sat on the floor taking deep breaths. Pennyvile on other hand did good job keeping soldiers away from him.

Ozimaynads and Niks then rushed to the entrance and saw Kirckby waiting for them.

'Niks, come here', Kirckby ordered. 'He is a traitor'.

'No', Niks shouted. 'You are a traitor. Ozimaynads told me about your evil plans'.

'He lied', Kirckby answered.

'No you are lying', Niks then turned to Ozimaynads and said, 'Let me kill him'.

'No, Niks you help others and let me kill him for you', Ozimaynads put his hand on his shoulder. 'Trust in me'.

Niks nodded and went in the other direction.

'Niks!! Wait...' Kirckby shouted. 'You turned my people against me'.

'I did'.

Both then took positions. Kirckby had an expression saying "Let's finish this once and for all".

Kirckby ran towards Ozimaynads with rage. He then moved his sword horizontally but before Ozimaynads could block it he changed the direction and then slashed vertically from top. Ozimaynads didn't quite make it in time but still moved back.

The cut stretched from top of his shoulder to the bottom of his stomach. His armor was broken by that cut so he removed it. Ozimaynads already had taken serious blows while there was only a single scratch on Kirckby's body. He then remembered what his father told him in his dream, that he was still weak as compared to other strong people out there but he still had time.

Ozimaynads was not going to die here. He came so far now he was not going to lose.

He then swung his sword and adjusted his grip. Kirckby laughed. Ozimaynads attacked and was now delivering heavy blows on Kirckby's sword. Kirckby struggled to block. He was amazed that out of nowhere Ozimaynads just grew more powerful. Kirckby then moved left but Ozimaynads found an entrance and stabbed him half way through his stomach then took the sword out and rolled forward. Kirckby gritted his teeth in pain and then felt weak. Ozimaynads stood up and had a chance. He then again sliced him from the side giving a deep cut on Kirckby's right arm. Kirckby now was paralyzed, his right hand was of now use but still he could fight.

Ozimaynads then smirked and shouted, 'Niks, now!!'

Niks then from behind threw the spear that went directly through his chest. Kirckby cried in pain and fell on his knees.

'It's over', Ozimaynads approached Kirckby.

'You cheated', Kirckby struggled. 'You-you will nev-er succeed in li-fe'.

Kirckby's wife came out of the palace but before she could say anything Ozimaynads cut off Kirckby's head off his body.

His wife screamed. Everyone stopped and Ceres army dropped their weapons. Artezist and Pennyvile came and saw their Lord victorious.

Kirckby's wife was crying loudly, Niks was happy and so were all Routourousfenicol's people.

Ambush was successful and now Ozimaynads had control over both the nations of Balheru-Jerokio and Ceres.

Follow me on instagram @authorprathitd