

Here is the story of a fierce dictator and his story how he lived. The story of a boy from being a nobody to becoming the most powerful and feared lord of Falcon continent. Its his journey to conquer the world and become the only king who was never defeated in a battle. 'What is fear? It's Ozimaynads', said one of the native person of the land. But, power is temporary and so is the king. Witness the rise and fall of a man beyond mercy and kindness. A man with no emotions and heart. Whose story will tell what you must not do in life and beware of who you trust.

Prathit17 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The War

Next day, King Kirckby was very enthusiastic to meet Ozimaynads because Ozimaynads gave him a deal of lifetime. It was just like a dream come true to him. Ozimaynads is a powerful king with gigantic army, one of the best weapons in the entire continent and many more plus factors. Kirckby was simply incapable of winning over Balheru – Jerokio because his nation had lost multiple wars till now and the result was less army and loss of weapons. He was thinking that his life was going to change but he didn't realize earlier that this change will cost him everything.

Kirckby with his guardian and five other soldiers went to the breakfast where everyone important was invited. All the ministers of Routourousfenicol were already present on the huge dining table which could occupy 25 people at a time. King Ozimaynads was also already present over there.

As King Kirckby entered the dining hall everybody stood up in respect of the King, even Ozimaynads stood up and smiled at Kirckby and in return he too smiled.

He then sat down exactly in front of Ozimaynads's chair which was 12 chairs away.

'In the name of our friendship', Ozimaynads raised his glass of wine.

'Glory!!Glory!!' everybody sitting in the hall said in chorus.

'Thank you, everybody for this heart whelming expression of love you all are showing to us', Kirckby said. 'I am very happy today'. He also then raised his glass of wine and said GLORY!!

After the lunch was done Ozimaynads requested King Kirckby to come by his room so they can comfortably discuss about their further plans.

King Kirckby instantly said yes. Ozimaynads kept Artezist with him. It was perhaps because out of all people it was Artezist whom he trusted, all others according to him are not as loyal as Artezist is. They within few minutes reached Ozimaynads room and King Kirckby was observing the beauty of the room.

'Holy Lord, your room is bigger than mine', King Kirckby said sarcastically.

'This was my father's and perhaps every king of our nation has used this room', he replied.

They all sat down on chairs opposite to the bed where a circular table was kept.

'Now shall we begin', Artezist took permission from everyone.

'Of course', King Kirckby nodded in yes.

Artezist took out the map of Falcon continent and spread it over the circular table.

'Our strategy is simple. You will attack from the south and I will attack from the north', Ozimaynads begin. 'King of Balheru-Jerokio won't have any choice but to fight from both the ends and like this we will divide his army into two half and thus it will weaken his defense. He will simply not able to do anything but watch his land taken over by two of us'.

'That sounds like a great plan, Lord Ozimaynads'.

'Also, let's discuss about the distribution of the assets'.

'It's simple, it will be a 50-50 distribution. You will get the northern part of the land and I will get the southern, similarly there will be an even distribution of wealth'.

'Excellent, this is what I was going to say. We after all have lot in common Lord Kirckby'.


Both of them discussed further on the plan and execution. Some minor changes were made and both of the kings agreed to do it. Everything was going according to the plan of Ozimaynads but he was not underestimating the enemy even though he fell for his trap.

Ozimaynads was wise in many ways and knew the war tactics and somewhat created his own too. On other hand, King Kirckby blindly agreed to whatever he was saying which showed how he lacked the ability to recognize who is good or who is bad.

King Kirckby decided to leave for Ceres the next day. He was all excited to defeat Balheru – Jerokio who was a pain in his nation's ass for over two centuries now.

It was midnight and everyone was sleeping. Artezist was walking towards the door of Ozimaynads room. Two guards were standing outside protecting the entrance.

'Lord Artezist, what are you doing here at midnight?' asked the guard on the left.

'I am summoned by Lord Ozimaynads', he answered.

'Okay, Lord Artezist. You may enter', and the guard opened the door and Artezist entered the room.

It was bright. Every lamp in the room was lit with fire. Ozimaynads was sitting on his bed and saw Artezist come in.

'You asked for me my Lord', he asked.

'Yes, Artezist', he answered and got out of the bed and stood up. 'Do you know the assassin the girl that was send by Rutaved to kill me on the day of my oath ceremony?'

'Yes, my Lord. She is in our dungeon'.

'I want to meet her'.


'Yes, Artezist now'.

Ozimaynads intention was not clear. Artezist didn't understand why Ozimaynads wanted to see her in the first place. Artezist then reminded himself that he doubted him twice and he ended up trusting him for good reasons.

'Please follow me, my Lord', Artezist requested.

Ozimaynads followed him to the dungeon. Artezist then talked to the soldier in the dungeon. He was asking about the girl. The soldier then showed him the way.

She was kept in the end of the dungeon. The dungeon was huge and pretty scary but not for Ozimaynads because he grew up in the dark which was this place.

Soldier then opened the gate of the prison, bowed and went.

Artezist and Ozimaynads entered the prison cell.

'Wake up, assassin', Artezist shouted.

The girl wake up who was sleeping. She had the same small dress showing most of her body but her face was like beaten up.

'Lord Ozimaynads wants to talk to you', Artezist said and turned to leave but Ozimaynads put his hand on his shoulder and said, 'Stay'.

Artezist stopped and stood still.

'Did the soldiers beat you?' Ozimaynads asked.

'Yes only on the day of your oath ceremony but I didn't tell them anything. It was that old bastard Rutaved. That creep died and left me to die in here', she answered.

'Hmm…What's your name', he changed the topic.

'There is no point in hiding, my name is Pennyvile and I am a freelancer assassin'.

'Pennyvile, what is your age?'

'I am twenty'.

'Which country do you belong to?'


'How long have you been in this profession?'

'I was nine when I started, so it has been 11 years, your majesty'.

'Do you wish to live?'

'Who doesn't wants to'

'Many actually. Answer me'.


'Do a work for me and I will let you live'

'What work?'

Next day, it was time for King Kirckby to leave for his nation. Again, Ozimaynads and Artezist with some of the soldiers escorted him to bay where his ship was ready.

'I will send message, Lord Ozimaynads', King Kirckby hugged him and Ozimaynads nodded.

King Kirckby then got onto the ship and departed to Ceres.

After he was gone, everyone went back to the city. There were lot of things that were to be done. Ozimaynads wanted to pull this off for sure. He assumed that he will at least get four to five days to revise his strategy and attack efficiently. On other hand, Artezist also was thinking about the war as he was the Defense Minister. He totally believed in Ozimaynads plan and now was only thinking about executing it correctly on the battlefield.

They both reached the city in half and hour because there was now no time to waste. They were going to face a war after a week and not one but two.

Both of them entered the palace and Ozimaynads said, 'I want to see the cabinet, right now. Hurry up!' and he went into the direction of the meeting room.

Artezist then told group of guards to tell every minister to appear in the meeting room and to his surprise they all came running after just fifteen minutes.

'Lord Artezist, what is this all about', asked the foreign affair minister.

'A plan to victory', he answered.

All of them ran quickly into the hall and sat on their respective places.

'Now, my dear comrades', Ozimaynads stood up from his place and started. 'We have a week or so till the war starts. So, we need to revise the plan now. There should not be even 0.1 percent chance of error while executing it'.

'We are ready to hear, My Lord', said Artezist.

'We are at war with only one enemy, that is what the fool Kirckby thinks but we all know that we at war at two opponents at the same time. So, we need to extra careful', Ozimaynads breathed heavily and continued, 'We won't send our entire army out there when we are fighting with Balheru-Jerokio. We will keep an army of 100,000 as a reserve for our ambush. Ceres army will be tired from war and will not be able to fight so we have a good chance to pull off the ambush'.

'My Lord but then we will only have 200,000 to fight the war and we don't know how many soldiers Ceres is going to send in the war', said Artezist.

'We know that Balheru-Jerokio has a maximum army of 300,000 and even if Ceres send 100,000 of army or more, we can clearly win because on our side we only have to fight 150,000 or less', Ozimaynads answered.

'But my Lord, what if he send more on our side?' asked Army Commander.

'Most probably that won't happen. Balheru-Jerokio will be in shock when they will come to know that we are fighting together in an alliance with Ceres and they will have very less time to think of an effective plan. Though we have to be alert at all time', Ozimaynads replied.

'My Lord, may I tell you a thing about the king of Balheru-Jerokio?' asked the Finance Minister. 'Even though war is not my area of interest but foreign affairs are'.

'You may, Lord Zinzus [Finance Minister]'.

'Thank you, my Lord', Lord Zinzus started. 'King Loin Cerejerl Balhjer as people pronounce it, is a very cruel king of Balheru-Jerokio and perhaps that was the reason that we didn't proceed to do alliance with them on first hand. King LC Balhjer, he is commonly known with that name is "The Devil" and he has a very disturbing past too. He killed over 25 trained and armed soldier bare handed'.

'Well, what do you think I was doing in that hell beneath this Palace?'

'I was just telling you that we cannot underestimate the enemy. I know you are powerful enough to take on an entire army but we haven't had a war in past eighteen years and I fear the worst'.

'Rest assure Lord Zinzus. We will win and we will celebrate after we take down both the nations'.

The rest of the plan was discussed and now Ozimaynads had to wait for Kirckby to send him a letter that they can proceed for the attack.

Artezist knocked on the door of Ozimaynads and came in.

'My Lord, Pennyvile is here'.

Pennyvile entered the room. She had very little clothes on her body and she seemed very seductive.

'So, you got the idea, right?' Ozimaynads asked.

'Yes, my Lord. I did', she answered. 'I will now depart for Balheru-Jerokio and do as you told me'.

'Good', Ozimaynads stood up went to the adjacent table and picked up a shawl and put it around Pennyvile. 'You have to survive and stay away from cold. I believe in you and you should come back with something or you know the drill'.

'Yes, my Lord', she then turned around and left.

'My Lord, I really don't think she will turn out to be faithful, after all she was a paid assassin and what if she just escapes?' Artezist asked.

'She won't betray she knows I will find her and kill her if she betrays me', Ozimaynads gave an evil smile.

Pennyvile got on her horse and left for Balheru-Jerokio. She was all confused that why Ozimaynads choose her why not other assassins? There were many such question in her mind. Then there was one thought that was weird, was Ozimaynads falling in for her, she thought but it yet foolish to think so. He didn't know anything about her and neither did she about him. He was the king and she was just an assassin. Though they both shared same faith growing up. Same disturbing past, crying, torture, killing the innocence of a child or sometimes child himself. It was the same. They were two completely different person but somehow had so much in common.

Pennyvile never wanted to be in this business but she thought it was still better than prostitution. A very kind man, who was her master and once saved her from a bunch of jerks taught her how to defend herself. He was an assassin himself. After her father's death she had her master as father figure and started taking small work like killing animals in the farms and other stuff. When she became 16 she killed a landlord. When 18 she killed many high ranked officers. She would have even killed Ozimaynads in her 20 but she missed.

It was now no longer about her or Ozimaynads it was about saving her nation and she would not betray her brethren.

After travelling for around six hours she finally reached the border of Balheru-Jerokio at the time of sun rise. There was checking post where guards were talking and laughing loudly. There was maximum security around the checking post and it was nearly impossible to sneak out without getting caught. She had two choices, either she finds a way to enter in the country or talk it out and go in with permission. Both choices sucked.

She chose the second choice. She then tied her horse to the trunk of the tree but it was loose so if horse feels hungry and she didn't came back then he might eat something or run away as most people did that in her miserable life.

She was wearing a very sexy outfit which was covered by Ozimaynads shawl. If she went in that outfit the guard will think her as a prostitute but if she went how she was then it would be a lot easier.

She went as it is. After reaching the door of the post she called out a guard.

'What do you want?' asked the guard standing on the inside of the entrance door.

'I am a citizen of Balheru-Jerokio', she lied. 'I was lost in the great war many years ago'.

'Whose daughter you are?' he was doubtful about Pennyvile.

'I am the daughter of the dead soldier "Pinocol". Yes he is my father', she answered.

'The war hero Pinocol, you say', the guard was shocked to hear that. He then called another guard and confirmed.

'Yes, he did lost his life and daughter in the great war', the second guard confirmed.

'But should we believe her?' the first guard asked the second guard.

'What proof do you have?' the second guard asked.

'None, I was lost at a very young age. I could hardly remember my home here. You have to believe me. Please', she said it so convincingly that guards had no choice.

'Fine', the first guard opened the gate.

'You mind if I get my horse?' she asked.

'Of course'.

She then took her horse and finally entered the gate and wrote her name on the entry register as "Seirra Pinocol" which was original name of the daughter of Pinocol.

She then took off.

She studied about Pinocol in one of her missions and found every piece of information she could about him. His daughter was already dead. She died of depression when she was 14. She was glad that this information saved her life.

She found Pinocol's house and broke in the house. It was almost 6 in the morning and she had to get to work.

On other hand Ozimaynads was waiting for message from both Kirckby and Pennyvile.

'What will we do if we don't get any message from Pennyvile?' Artezist asked.

'Don't worry, even if Kirckby is ready we would not wait for her we would attack and if she is inside the country then we can use her skills to win the war', Ozimaynads answered. 'Never underestimate the power of a women, Artezist. A woman has many great powers that makes a man weak'.

'Ok, my Lord', Artezist replied.

Then they both visited the weapon room. Everything was being done quickly as possible. The blacksmith had to make weapons for tons of soldiers. Ozimaynads hired the best blacksmith in the country his name was "Blazk".

'Welcome, my Lord', Blazk bowed.

'Is my sword ready, Blazk?' Ozimaynads asked.

'It's almost ready, my Lord', he answered. 'Please come with me'.

He took Ozimaynads to the place where his special weapon was being made. He showed Ozimaynads the mold of sword.

'It is the strongest sword in the world. Even if you hit it with a cannon ball it won't break. I guarantee you that', he said it with immense pride and confidence.

'I like it', Ozimaynads replied observing the beauty of the sword. 'I want it ready till tomorrow'.

'It will be ready till tomorrow for sure'.

Ozimaynads smirked.

King Kirckby was also getting ready for war. He was all pumped up for the war. Finally, his dream was coming true. He hated his brother and so badly wanted to see him destroyed but his brother had a weapon to use against Kirckby which was also his weak point, it was Kirckby's nephew, "Niks". Kirckby loved his nephew and also hated that Niks was after all son of his brother. He feared if Ozimaynads would kill Niks because he could not see his nephew die in war.

'My Lord', defense minister of Ceres kept his hand on Kirckby's shoulder. 'You look tense'.

'Nothing, Lord Ferri [Defense Minister]', Kirckby answered.

'I wanted to talk to you', Lord Ferri sat down on the chair in front of Kirckby. 'Do you really think we should trust this Ozimaynads guy?'

'Of course, we need to build strong relationship with strong nations. We both would win together but only one would get everything', Kirckby answered.

'How my Lord?' Ferri asked.

'I would betray him and kill him then will take over his portion of land and thus Ceres would become the largest empire in the world'.

'May Glory come to you, my Lord'.

Pennyvile was in Pinocol's house and surprisingly found female clothes that normal housewives wear. She wore the gown and set to go to find evidences and conspiracy and perhaps some inside information.

She got on her horse and went in the direction of the palace. She went slowly so that no one would suspect her. She tried to behave as normal as possible, all that years of training finally came to use. Her only concern was if she got caught she would have to go through horrific torture but she wouldn't tell anything. She would accept anything but not being called a traitor.

She was approaching near to the palace. She would soon need to come up with a route to break inside of the palace. She saw around there were guard patrolling around. It was already eight in the morning and everybody was getting ready for work. She was ignored by all guards perhaps they already knew that she was daughter of Pinocol. She hated to lie but this was no time to show human values or right or wrong bullshit.

She entered the premises of the palace. She parked her horse in a corner of the bush and saw a low surface ceiling which could be used to break into the palace.

She climbed the wall and got on the top of ceiling. She then looked for patrolling guards. She observed she would get roughly 20 seconds before they come back at the same place. A pole supporting the roof of second floor lead to a room up there. She had to climb all the way up to sneak into the room. This could go horribly wrong if the room had people in it.

She waited for the guard to come again and then disappear. She ran to the poll then started climb up, it was huge and heighted pole. She reached the top and still had five seconds left. She sneak peeked inside the room and saw nobody in there and curtain to hide. She hopped inside and hide behind the curtain, she did it in 20 seconds and was smiling with happiness but she still had to keep moving.

She then kept walking slowly and hiding places to places until she found that a meeting was going on in the grand hall. She found the path to the hall and sneaked in through a window. Her footsteps were so low that even strong hearing sense animals could not figure out and these were after all humans.

'This is it my Lord', one man said who looked like a native of Routourousfenicol and the person who he was telling all this looked like the king of Balheru-Jerokio, LC Balhjer. 'Routourousfenicol and Ceres have teamed up to defeat you and take over the country'.

'Relax, spy', LC Balhjer laughed. 'That new kid and my foolish brother think they could defeat me but they can't. They will fail miserably'.

LC Balhjer was even taller than Kirckby and had this big scar stretching from forehead to chin which made him took scary and horrific.

'What are we going to do my Lord?' said another man who looked like the Defence Minister.

'Let them come', he answered. 'We will fight from both ends and win'.

'But how, my Lord?' asked the man again.

'In case you have forgotten we have extra army by our side', he replied. 'Special trained commandos that can finish the war by themselves. We have 50 thousand of them currently and we will send 25 to one side and 25 to the other'.

'My Lord you will be remembered as the greatest king of Balheru-Jerokio', the man bowed.

Pennyvile got what she wanted. She then went back the exact same path she came and was also lucky to find out that her horse was safe and now she can ride back.

She got on the horse and keeping a low profile she left. She now knew what was going on here, Balheru-Jerokio also had a plan and are prepared for war. She immediately needed to send a messenger pigeon with this bad news to Ozimaynads.

She parked her horse outside the house and went inside. Luckily she always carry a pigeon with herself and took it out of her left pocket from her last attire. She also found paper and quill on the house. The ink was a bit dry but it still worked.

She wrote everything and send the pigeon on his journey for saving the two nations collapsing.

Ozimaynads got a pigeon while he was talking to Artezist about the war plan. The message was not from Pennyvile but King Kirckby.

Ozimaynads opened the letter. It was thick paper and fairly understandable handwriting.

It said,

"Lord Ozimaynads,

We are ready. We will start the process day after tomorrow."

'He is ready', Ozimaynads said. 'Artezist prepare everyone we have got a war to handle in about 48 hours'.

'But my Lord', Artezist replied. 'Pennyvile didn't reply yet'.

'I know that', he smiled. 'Write a message for her. She finally gets the chance to show her assassination skill. She would fight in the battlefield with us'.

'But we don't know if she is even there in Balheru-Jerokio'.

'But if she is then it would workout. Now do it fast we only have 48 hours left to us'.

A pigeon came flying from the upward direction and sat on Ozimaynads's shoulder. It has a little parchment tied to its leg. Ozimaynads reached to his leg and took out the message.

'Lord Ozimaynads,

The King of Balheru-Jerokio already knows your plan and he has a counter plan for it. Please do something to save our nation.'

'They know our plan', Ozimaynads said to Artezist. 'And they even have a counter plan'.

'Now what, my Lord?' Artezist freaked out.

'Well, we go according to our plan', Ozimaynads smiled.

'But they have a counter plan'.

'LC Balhjer, would think that we know his plan by now and he would change his strategy most probably but we show we know nothing. We will proceed as discussed and win'.

'Glory to you, my Lord'.

Ozimaynads read the rest of the letter and burned it. Artezist brought another letter that had instruction for Pennyvile for what she has to do next.

The pigeon started his journey back to Pennyvile.

Next day, Ozimaynads had to give a speech to all his soldiers before the war begins. He was ready with words. This was his first war and he would make no mistake.

Ozimaynads went to his balcony to address the soldiers.

'My dear friends, I know this must be hard on you all because of our inconsistency on the battlefield but we need to prove the continent that we are still stronger than they think. I want to see our empire stretched as far as the land goes and meets the infinite ocean. Many may ask why because I want my people to have all the happiness and love in life. The war perks will not rust in our locker but we will use it to develop our nation and improve lifestyle.

Hail Routourousfenicol!!!'

Every soldier standing on the ground said in chorus, 'Hail Routourousfenicol!!!'

It was now time for war. Ceres was ready and left to the battlefield at 8 in the morning and so did Routourousfenicol. Ozimaynads, Artezist and Defense Minister lead the army. Ozimaynads confidence was high and he was ready for LC Balhjer's counter plan.

Another pigeon came. It was from Kirckby, he was already at position.

It took Ozimaynads army an hour almost to reach the battle field with 200,000 soldiers.

The army of Balheru-Jerokio was already there with his vast army. Ozimaynads was right Balheru-Jerokio's army was less then Routourousfenicol but some soldiers wore different outfits as Ozimaynads was able to see.

'Ozimaynads, you picked the wrong side', LC Balhjer said. 'You choose my foolish brother over me and you will lose'.

'We will see about that', Ozimaynads replied.

On other hand the King's son, Niks. Kirckby's only weakness was Niks.

'Dear Nephew, don't do this', Kirckby said.

'You betrayed us uncle', Niks replied. 'I had respect for you back then but not now'.

Niks looked around 24 and was muscular and heighted.

The war siren was off and war began. LC Balhjer went back behind his soldiers under protection. What a coward.

Ozimaynads's army also proceeded. Ozimaynads took out his sword and ride his horse.

He slashed soldiers and cut them. Artezist had a spear and sword, he was using his spear to kill the enemy efficiently. Balheru-Jerokio's soldiers were also killing Routourousfenicol's soldiers.

It was 10 minutes already and over 200 bodies could be seen lying dead on the battle field. Something was odd. Routourousfenicol soldiers were dying more. It was the soldiers of Balheru-Jerokio who were dressed differently. They were killing soldiers like cutting vegetables.

Ozimaynads decided to fight these soldiers.

'Want a fight to remember', Ozimaynads said to 5 special commandos.

'Of course, Lord Ozimaynads', the first commando said.

Ozimaynads got off his horse and had his sword tightly gripped with his hands.

'Come on', Ozimaynads mocked them.

The first commando came and slashed vertically, Ozimaynads blocked and slashed his chest. It was not a deep wound but commando looked stunned. Ozimaynads then approached him and commando tried to block but Ozimaynads pierced the sword in and out of his heart. The commando died and the remaining four were looking scared but all of them approached Ozimaynads at once.

'Wrong move, fellas', Ozimaynads smiled.

He cut of second commando's throat, he stabbed third in the back, he broke fourth's leg and cut his arm and he hit the fifth with the sword on his nose and when he fell Ozimaynads stabbed him in the chest.

'Piece of cake', Ozimaynads laughed.

He then sat on his horse and went on to find more of these commandos.

On other hand King Kirckby was also killing these commandos but Niks was proceeding towards him to fight. Out of all things Kirckby didn't wanted to fight his own nephew. He avoided Niks as much as possible he took down almost 13 commandos from when the war started and didn't had even one cut on his entire body but he could not avoid Niks for long and Niks was facing his uncle.

'I said I don't want to kill you', Kirckby said. 'Go away kid'.

'Not today, not now uncle', Niks took his position with the sword. 'Let's do it'.

Niks approached Kirckby and slashed hard but Kirckby blocked him. Niks constantly was hitting on his uncle's sword and Kirckby was doing nothing. He was talking all the blows. But then he cut through Niks arm.

Niks shouted in pain. Kirckby felt horrible.

'Stop this madness already', Kirckby had tears in his eyes. 'You cannot win. You would die. Surrender my child'.

'No', Niks charged with maximum force.

Kirckby had no choice, he cut Niks torso diagonally. The cut was deep from shoulder to his pelvic line. He was bleeding badly and then fainted and fell down. Kirckby ordered his two soldiers to take Niks to their country and do his treatment at the doctor's.

Even after Niks fall the army still fighted because their King was still alive.

'Kill Balhjer, Lord Ozimaynads. Please', Kirckby prayed.

Ozimaynads killed around 250 commandos till now. Three hours were passed and it was time for afternoon. The sun was brighter than usual.

Finally the moment came where Ozimaynads would win the war. He was facing LC Balhjer sitting on his gigantic wild elephant. He then jumped down and stood beside his horse. He was even taller than Kirckby, Balhjer was almost 6.7 feet tall by appearance and Ozimaynads was only 5.11.

'What do you say King of Routourousfenicol, shall we begin', Balhjer gave a wicked smile.

'Of course', Ozimaynads again got off his horse and had his sword stained in blood.

Balhjer took out his two swords kept in the holder attached to the horse. Balhjer flexed his muscles of shoulder and twisted his neck.

Ozimaynads on other hand just simply saw him do it and grasped his sword even more tightly.

Balhjer charged and slashed, Ozimaynads blocked but Balhjer slashed with the other sword and Ozimaynads got a small cut cutting through his armour. Ozimaynads jumped back.

He looked really pissed. Ozimaynads charged this time and blew a successful hit on Balhjer's face. Blood was coming from his nose and mouth. He smiled and charged again.

Artezist was also able to kill the commandos but was injured a bit. Multiple cuts on hand and legs. His face was okay but his armour was completely destroyed. He then saw Ozimaynads and LC Balhjer fighting.

'Kill him, my Lord', Artezist prayed.

Ozimaynads got another cut this time on his chest. His armour was hardly in working condition. Balhjer also received many bad blows. His hands had long cuts his leg was bleeding.

'You know that only one of us goes out alive today', Balhjer said.

'Yes, and that would be me', Ozimaynads replied.

Ozimaynads slashed, Balhjer blocked and went for Ozimaynads head with other sword but Ozimaynads ducked and stabbed Balhjer in stomach but it was just 2 inch deep hole inside his stomach. Balhjer was not going to die so easily. Ozimaynads had to do something more powerful.

He decided to make him weak. Balhjer has two swords if Ozimaynads broke one then it will be an equal fight. Ozimaynads started hitting on his sword repeatedly. He was giving huge powered blows on his sword in right hand while avoiding contact with Balhjer's left sword. He then gave a massive blow on his sword and it broke but Balhjer did hit Ozimaynads this time on his chest completely destroying his armour. Ozimaynads went flying backwards and dashed badly to the ground.

Artezist saw it and freaked out but Ozimaynads did stand again.

Ozimaynads removed his armour and took a different sword position this time.

'I am going to finish you in one blow now', Ozimaynads said.

Both charged towards each other. Balhjer aimed at Ozimaynads stomach and Ozimaynads aimed at Balhjer's throat.

Ozimaynads rolled sideways as Balhjer tried to stab him and then Ozimaynads cut off Balhjer's throat.

The wind stopped for a second. Entire battlefield went silent. Balhjer fell down. Routourousfenicol won.

Routourousfenicol cheered Ozimaynads name and Balheru-Jerokio surrendered.

Artezist smiled, 'You proved yourself my lord'.

'You were a worthy opponent King LC Balhjer', Ozimaynads said to the fallen dead body of the king. 'You have earned my respect. Rest in peace'.

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